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North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division

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North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division wetland area by system 2019
System Area (ha) % wetlands area % total area
Total 1,591,891 100.0% 3.8%
Total excluding riverine and artificial/highly modified riverine 907,878 57.0% 2.1%
Artificial and highly modified 164,405 10.3% 0.4%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (natural) 386,298 24.3% 0.9%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (slightly modified) 3,568 0.2% 0.0%
Lacustrine (natural) 18,011 1.1% 0.0%
Lacustrine (slightly modified) 19,207 1.2% 0.0%
Palustrine (natural) 252,673 15.9% 0.6%
Palustrine (slightly modified) 63,819 4.0% 0.2%
Riverine 683,909 43.0% 1.6%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (highly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (natural) 386,298 24.3% 0.9%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (slightly modified) 3,568 0.2% 0.0%
Lacustrine (artificial) 58,922 3.7% 0.1%
Lacustrine (highly modified) 98,473 6.2% 0.2%
Lacustrine (natural) 18,011 1.1% 0.0%
Lacustrine (slightly modified) 19,207 1.2% 0.0%
Palustrine (artificial) 1,634 0.1% 0.0%
Palustrine (highly modified) 5,273 0.3% 0.0%
Palustrine (natural) 252,673 15.9% 0.6%
Palustrine (slightly modified) 63,819 4.0% 0.2%
Riverine (artificial) 92 0.0% 0.0%
Riverine (highly modified) 11 0.0% 0.0%
Riverine (natural) 680,983 42.8% 1.6%
Riverine (slightly modified) 2,926 0.2% 0.0%
North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division wetland area by habitat 2019
Habitat Area (ha) % wetlands area % total area
Total 649,464 100.0% 1.5%
Mangroves - Casuarina 927 0.1% 0.0%
Mangroves - other 219,488 33.8% 0.5%
Salt marsh and salt flats 100,698 15.5% 0.2%
Arid and semi-arid saline lake 207 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain lake 1,057 0.2% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain lake 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain clay plan lake 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid permanently inundated lake 5 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lake 7,608 1.2% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lake 156 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lake 5,011 0.8% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (perched) lake 0 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lake 164 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid saline swamp 2,415 0.4% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamp 7,937 1.2% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamp 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp 2,978 0.5% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamp 16,851 2.6% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamp 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp 20,054 3.1% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamp 258 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamp 28 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp 53,121 8.2% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamp 3,252 0.5% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp 43,092 6.6% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamp 5,160 0.8% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp 63,205 9.7% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp 78,194 12.0% 0.2%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamp 7,446 1.1% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamp 33 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamp 3,305 0.5% 0.0%
Unknown - Swamp - Arid and semi-arid 2,690 0.4% 0.0%
Unknown - Swamp - Coastal and sub-coastal 4,124 0.6% 0.0%
Mangroves - Casuarina (natural) 927 0.1% 0.0%
Mangroves - Casuarina (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Mangroves - other (natural) 219,206 33.8% 0.5%
Mangroves - other (slightly modified) 282 0.0% 0.0%
Salt marsh and salt flats (natural) 98,985 15.2% 0.2%
Salt marsh and salt flats (slightly modified) 1,713 0.3% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid saline lake (natural) 207 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid saline lake (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain lake (natural) 1,057 0.2% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain lake (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain lake (natural) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain clay plan lake (natural) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid permanently inundated lake (slightly modified) 5 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lake (natural) 6,883 1.1% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lake (slightly modified) 726 0.1% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lake (natural) 153 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lake (slightly modified) 4 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lake (natural) 5,011 0.8% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lake (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (perched) lake (natural) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lake (natural) 55 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lake (slightly modified) 109 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid saline swamp (natural) 2,415 0.4% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid saline swamp (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamp (natural) 7,137 1.1% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamp (slightly modified) 800 0.1% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamp (natural) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamp (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (natural) 2,536 0.4% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (slightly modified) 442 0.1% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamp (natural) 16,538 2.5% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamp (slightly modified) 314 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamp (natural) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamp (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (natural) 19,827 3.1% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (slightly modified) 226 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamp (natural) 235 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamp (slightly modified) 23 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamp (natural) 20 0.0% 0.0%
Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamp (slightly modified) 7 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (natural) 52,568 8.1% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (slightly modified) 553 0.1% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamp (natural) 3,252 0.5% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamp (slightly modified) 0 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (natural) 39,705 6.1% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (slightly modified) 3,387 0.5% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamp (natural) 4,676 0.7% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamp (slightly modified) 484 0.1% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (natural) 54,268 8.4% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (slightly modified) 8,937 1.4% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (natural) 31,017 4.8% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (slightly modified) 47,177 7.3% 0.1%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamp (natural) 7,430 1.1% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamp (slightly modified) 16 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamp (natural) 33 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamp (slightly modified) < 1 0.0% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamp (natural) 3,297 0.5% 0.0%
Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamp (slightly modified) 7 0.0% 0.0%
Unknown - Swamp - Arid and semi-arid (natural) 2,668 0.4% 0.0%
Unknown - Swamp - Arid and semi-arid (slightly modified) 21 0.0% 0.0%
Unknown - Swamp - Coastal and sub-coastal (natural) 3,062 0.5% 0.0%
Unknown - Swamp - Coastal and sub-coastal (slightly modified) 1,062 0.2% 0.0%


Areas do not include marine or estuarine waters but do include estuarine wetland vegetation
(e.g. mangroves and tidal flats).

All statistics are approximate and generated based on data transformed to a customised Albers equal-area projection, thus allowing wetland extent change for different regions of Queensland to be comparable.

Areas may change over time as mapping approaches improve.

Totals may not match the sum of individually displayed figures due to the rounding of displayed figures.

Wetland extent changes

North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division wetland extent change by system
System 2019 area
2017 area
2013 area
2009 area
2005 area
2001 area
pre-clear area
Total 1,591,891 1,592,265 1,590,196 1,586,977 1,583,255 1,576,759 1,625,258 * 87.8%
Artificial and highly modified 164,405 164,232 160,635 156,585 151,722 141,638 0 n/a
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (natural) 386,298 386,300 386,594 386,861 386,981 387,246 442,407 87.3%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (slightly modified) 3,568 3,568 3,576 3,553 3,535 3,583 0 n/a
Lacustrine (natural) 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,631 96.7%
Lacustrine (slightly modified) 19,207 19,217 19,172 18,984 18,841 17,689 0 n/a
Palustrine (natural) 252,673 252,783 253,344 253,721 254,149 255,601 377,827 66.9%
Palustrine (slightly modified) 63,819 63,827 63,581 63,416 63,388 63,375 0 n/a
Riverine 683,909 684,327 685,284 685,846 686,628 689,616 786,393 87.0%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (highly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (natural) 386,298 386,300 386,594 386,861 386,981 387,246 442,407 87.3%
Intertidal (saltmarsh, saltflats, mangroves) (slightly modified) 3,568 3,568 3,576 3,553 3,535 3,583 0 n/a
Lacustrine (artificial) 58,922 58,809 56,086 52,596 48,678 43,472 0 n/a
Lacustrine (highly modified) 98,473 98,403 97,633 97,118 96,258 91,287 0 n/a
Lacustrine (natural) 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,011 18,631 96.7%
Lacustrine (slightly modified) 19,207 19,217 19,172 18,984 18,841 17,689 0 n/a
Palustrine (artificial) 1,634 1,631 1,606 1,564 1,536 1,508 0 n/a
Palustrine (highly modified) 5,273 5,286 5,210 5,212 5,163 5,286 0 n/a
Palustrine (natural) 252,673 252,783 253,344 253,721 254,149 255,601 377,827 66.9%
Palustrine (slightly modified) 63,819 63,827 63,581 63,416 63,388 63,375 0 n/a
Riverine (artificial) 92 92 90 90 82 82 0 n/a
Riverine (highly modified) 11 11 10 6 6 3 0 n/a
Riverine (natural) 680,983 681,403 682,363 682,926 683,708 686,696 786,393 86.6%
Riverine (slightly modified) 2,926 2,924 2,920 2,920 2,920 2,920 0 n/a

* Total 2019/pre-clear percentage excludes artificial and highly modified

North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division wetland extent change by habitat
Habitat 2019 area
2017 area
2013 area
2009 area
2005 area
2001 area
Total 649,464 649,559 649,941 650,390 650,912 652,576
Mangroves - Casuarina 927 928 930 930 930 930
Mangroves - other 219,488 219,489 219,509 219,507 219,484 219,523
Salt marsh and salt flats 100,698 100,697 100,743 100,994 101,114 101,266
Arid and semi-arid saline lake 207 207 207 207 207 207
Arid and semi-arid floodplain lake 1,057 1,057 1,057 1,057 1,057 1,057
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain lake 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain clay plan lake 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid permanently inundated lake 5 0 0 0 0 0
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lake 7,608 7,609 7,611 7,598 7,598 7,598
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lake 156 156 156 156 156 156
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lake 5,011 5,011 5,011 5,011 5,011 5,011
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (perched) lake 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lake 164 164 164 164 164 164
Arid and semi-arid saline swamp 2,415 2,415 2,428 2,428 2,463 2,482
Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamp 7,937 7,937 7,940 7,940 8,077 8,077
Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamp 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp 2,978 2,978 2,978 2,980 2,983 2,983
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamp 16,851 16,858 16,860 16,861 16,863 16,878
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamp 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp 20,054 20,054 20,042 20,042 20,042 20,042
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamp 258 258 260 260 260 260
Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamp 28 28 28 28 28 28
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp 53,121 53,168 53,278 53,454 53,682 54,154
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamp 3,252 3,252 3,253 3,259 3,265 3,274
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp 43,092 43,074 42,853 42,835 42,830 42,833
Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamp 5,160 5,168 5,169 5,162 5,163 5,168
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp 63,205 63,242 63,594 63,669 63,715 64,449
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp 78,194 78,206 78,250 78,258 78,227 78,390
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamp 7,446 7,446 7,462 7,469 7,476 7,507
Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamp 33 33 33 33 30 30
Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamp 3,305 3,307 3,310 3,312 3,300 3,305
Unknown - Swamp - Arid and semi-arid 2,690 2,690 2,690 2,693 2,694 2,694
Unknown - Swamp - Coastal and sub-coastal 4,124 4,126 4,126 4,084 4,092 4,111
Mangroves - Casuarina (natural) 927 928 930 930 930 930
Mangroves - Casuarina (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mangroves - other (natural) 219,206 219,207 219,226 219,237 219,214 219,250
Mangroves - other (slightly modified) 282 282 283 270 271 273
Salt marsh and salt flats (natural) 98,985 98,984 99,029 99,290 99,411 99,509
Salt marsh and salt flats (slightly modified) 1,713 1,713 1,713 1,704 1,703 1,757
Arid and semi-arid saline lake (natural) 207 207 207 207 207 207
Arid and semi-arid saline lake (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid floodplain lake (natural) 1,057 1,057 1,057 1,057 1,057 1,057
Arid and semi-arid floodplain lake (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain lake (natural) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain clay plan lake (natural) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid permanently inundated lake (slightly modified) 5 0 0 0 0 0
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lake (natural) 6,883 6,883 6,883 6,883 6,883 6,884
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lake (slightly modified) 726 726 728 715 715 714
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lake (natural) 153 153 153 153 153 153
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lake (slightly modified) 4 4 4 4 4 4
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lake (natural) 5,011 5,011 5,011 5,011 5,011 5,011
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lake (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (perched) lake (natural) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lake (natural) 55 55 55 55 55 55
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lake (slightly modified) 109 109 109 109 109 109
Arid and semi-arid saline swamp (natural) 2,415 2,415 2,428 2,428 2,463 2,482
Arid and semi-arid saline swamp (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamp (natural) 7,137 7,137 7,141 7,141 7,141 7,150
Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamp (slightly modified) 800 800 800 800 937 927
Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamp (natural) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamp (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (natural) 2,536 2,536 2,536 2,539 2,541 2,541
Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (slightly modified) 442 442 442 442 442 442
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamp (natural) 16,538 16,544 16,546 16,547 16,550 16,564
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamp (slightly modified) 314 314 314 314 314 314
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamp (natural) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamp (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (natural) 19,827 19,827 19,816 19,816 19,816 19,816
Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge and herb swamp (slightly modified) 226 226 226 226 226 226
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamp (natural) 235 235 237 237 237 237
Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamp (slightly modified) 23 23 23 23 23 23
Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamp (natural) 20 20 20 20 20 20
Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamp (slightly modified) 7 7 7 7 7 7
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (natural) 52,568 52,615 52,725 52,900 53,132 53,604
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (slightly modified) 553 553 553 553 550 550
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamp (natural) 3,252 3,252 3,253 3,259 3,265 3,274
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamp (slightly modified) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (natural) 39,705 39,687 39,693 39,675 39,683 39,687
Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (slightly modified) 3,387 3,387 3,160 3,160 3,147 3,146
Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamp (natural) 4,676 4,684 4,685 4,696 4,698 4,703
Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamp (slightly modified) 484 484 484 465 465 465
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (natural) 54,268 54,318 54,661 54,751 54,827 55,481
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamp (slightly modified) 8,937 8,924 8,933 8,918 8,888 8,968
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (natural) 31,017 31,029 31,101 31,133 31,195 31,366
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamp (slightly modified) 47,177 47,177 47,150 47,126 47,032 47,024
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamp (natural) 7,430 7,430 7,446 7,453 7,460 7,491
Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamp (slightly modified) 16 16 16 16 16 16
Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamp (natural) 33 33 33 33 29 30
Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamp (slightly modified) < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 0
Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamp (natural) 3,297 3,300 3,303 3,304 3,293 3,298
Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamp (slightly modified) 7 7 7 7 7 7
Unknown - Swamp - Arid and semi-arid (natural) 2,668 2,668 2,668 2,671 2,672 2,673
Unknown - Swamp - Arid and semi-arid (slightly modified) 21 21 21 21 21 21
Unknown - Swamp - Coastal and sub-coastal (natural) 3,062 3,064 3,064 3,129 3,137 3,191
Unknown - Swamp - Coastal and sub-coastal (slightly modified) 1,062 1,062 1,062 955 955 920


Areas do not include marine or estuarine waters but do include estuarine wetland vegetation
(e.g. mangroves and tidal flats).

All statistics are approximate and generated based on data transformed to a customised Albers equal-area projection, thus allowing wetland extent change for different regions of Queensland to be comparable.

Areas may change over time as mapping approaches improve.

Totals may not match the sum of individually displayed figures due to the rounding of displayed figures.

Australian Land Use and Management Classification (ALUMC) metadata

North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division land use
ALUMC code and description Area (ha) % total area
Total 42,303,584 100.0%
2.1 Grazing native vegetation 30,117,591 71.2%
2.1.0 Grazing native vegetation 30,117,591 71.2%
1.1 Nature conservation 3,838,233 9.1%
1.1.1 Strict nature reserves 51,278 0.1%
1.1.3 National park 3,427,451 8.1%
1.1.4 Natural feature protection 42,054 0.1%
1.1.5 Habitat/species management area 134 0.0%
1.1.6 Protected landscape 93 0.0%
1.1.7 Other conserved area 317,223 0.7%
2.2 Production native forests 1,840,149 4.3%
2.2.0 Production native forests 1,840,139 4.3%
2.2.1 Wood production forestry 10 0.0%
1.2 Managed resource protection 1,581,799 3.7%
1.2.0 Managed resource protection 559,208 1.3%
1.2.2 Surface water supply 55,020 0.1%
1.2.5 Traditional indigenous uses 967,572 2.3%
1.3 Other minimal use 1,550,044 3.7%
1.3.0 Other minimal use 194,740 0.5%
1.3.1 Defence 483,952 1.1%
1.3.3 Residual native cover 867,173 2.0%
1.3.4 Rehabilitation 4,179 0.0%
3.3 Cropping 891,929 2.1%
3.3.0 Cropping 608,132 1.4%
3.3.1 Cereals 117,453 0.3%
3.3.2 Beverage & spice crops 499 0.0%
3.3.3 Hay and silage 4,101 0.0%
3.3.4 Oilseeds 803 0.0%
3.3.5 Sugar 158,272 0.4%
3.3.6 Cotton 1,634 0.0%
3.3.8 Pulses 1,034 0.0%
6.5 Marsh/wetland 676,234 1.6%
6.5.0 Marsh/wetland 197,076 0.5%
6.5.1 Marsh/wetland - conservation 6,835 0.0%
6.5.2 Marsh/wetland - production 282,730 0.7%
6.5.3 Marsh/wetland - intensive use 17 0.0%
6.5.4 Marsh/wetland - saline 189,577 0.4%
4.3 Irrigated cropping 498,036 1.2%
4.3.0 Irrigated cropping 105,390 0.2%
4.3.1 Irrigated cereals 2,701 0.0%
4.3.2 Irrigated beverage and spice crops 437 0.0%
4.3.3 Irrigated hay and silage 2,488 0.0%
4.3.4 Irrigated oilseeds 311 0.0%
4.3.5 Irrigated sugar 348,212 0.8%
4.3.6 Irrigated cotton 38,490 0.1%
4.3.9 Irrigated rice 6 0.0%
5.4 Residential and farm infrastructure 308,875 0.7%
5.4.0 Residential and farm infrastructure 19 0.0%
5.4.1 Urban residential 51,834 0.1%
5.4.2 Rural residential with agriculture 49,981 0.1%
5.4.3 Rural residential without agriculture 167,992 0.4%
5.4.4 Remote communities 1,022 0.0%
5.4.5 Farm buildings/infrastructure 38,027 0.1%
6.2 Reservoir/dam 167,010 0.4%
6.2.0 Reservoir/dam 15,251 0.0%
6.2.1 Reservoir 79,765 0.2%
6.2.2 Water storage - intensive use/farm dams 67,786 0.2%
6.2.3 Evaporation basin 4,208 0.0%
3.1 Plantation forests 164,528 0.4%
3.1.0 Plantation forests 35,763 0.1%
3.1.1 Hardwood plantation forestry 20,587 0.0%
3.1.2 Softwood plantation forestry 108,062 0.3%
3.1.3 Other forest plantation 79 0.0%
3.1.4 Environmental forest plantation 36 0.0%
5.8 Mining 146,954 0.3%
5.8.0 Mining 42,366 0.1%
5.8.1 Mines 63,782 0.2%
5.8.2 Quarries 16,873 0.0%
5.8.3 Tailings 5,123 0.0%
5.8.4 Extractive industry not in use 18,810 0.0%
3.2 Grazing modified pastures 132,553 0.3%
3.2.0 Grazing modified pastures 9,414 0.0%
3.2.2 Woody fodder plants 123,016 0.3%
3.2.3 Pasture legumes 123 0.0%
6.3 River 107,610 0.3%
6.3.0 River 103,584 0.2%
6.3.1 River - conservation 4,004 0.0%
6.3.3 River - intensive use 22 0.0%
5.7 Transport and communication 66,407 0.2%
5.7.0 Transport and communication 17,422 0.0%
5.7.1 Airports/aerodromes 6,596 0.0%
5.7.2 Roads 37,620 0.1%
5.7.3 Railways 3,823 0.0%
5.7.4 Ports and water transport 394 0.0%
5.7.5 Navigation and communication 551 0.0%
4.4 Irrigated perennial horticulture 57,232 0.1%
4.4.0 Irrigated perennial horticulture 2,400 0.0%
4.4.1 Irrigated tree fruits 31,272 0.1%
4.4.2 Irrigated olives 203 0.0%
4.4.3 Irrigated tree nuts 11,981 0.0%
4.4.4 Irrigated vine fruits 500 0.0%
4.4.5 Irrigated shrub berries and fruits 3,001 0.0%
4.4.6 Irrigated perennial flowers and bulbs 4 0.0%
4.4.7 Irrigated perennial vegetables and herbs 41 0.0%
4.4.8 Irrigated citrus 5,914 0.0%
4.4.9 Irrigated grapes 1,916 0.0%
5.5 Services 44,742 0.1%
5.5.0 Services 18 0.0%
5.5.1 Commercial services 5,635 0.0%
5.5.2 Public services 7,292 0.0%
5.5.3 Recreation and culture 30,665 0.1%
5.5.4 Defence facilities - urban 786 0.0%
5.5.5 Research facilities 346 0.0%
6.1 Lake 30,372 0.1%
6.1.0 Lake 15,808 0.0%
6.1.1 Lake - conservation 1,777 0.0%
6.1.2 Lake - production 12,473 0.0%
6.1.3 Lake - intensive use 57 0.0%
6.1.4 Lake - saline 258 0.0%
4.5 Irrigated seasonal horticulture 24,720 0.1%
4.5.0 Irrigated seasonal horticulture 15,695 0.0%
4.5.1 Irrigated seasonal fruits 515 0.0%
4.5.2 Irrigated seasonal flowers and bulbs 45 0.0%
4.5.3 Irrigated seasonal vegetables and herbs 7,715 0.0%
4.5.4 Irrigated turf farming 750 0.0%
4.2 Grazing irrigated modified pastures 15,288 0.0%
4.2.0 Grazing irrigated modified pastures 10,160 0.0%
4.2.1 Irrigated woody fodder plants 5,128 0.0%
5.3 Manufacturing and industrial 12,618 0.0%
5.3.0 Manufacturing and industrial 8,567 0.0%
5.3.1 General purpose factory 84 0.0%
5.3.2 Food processing factory 911 0.0%
5.3.3 Major industrial complex 2,115 0.0%
5.3.4 Bulk grain storage 201 0.0%
5.3.5 Abattoirs 265 0.0%
5.3.6 Oil refinery 47 0.0%
5.3.7 Sawmill 340 0.0%
5.3.8 Abandoned manufacturing and industrial 87 0.0%
5.2 Intensive animal production 7,614 0.0%
5.2.0 Intensive animal production 26 0.0%
5.2.1 Dairy sheds and yards 456 0.0%
5.2.2 Feedlots 1,527 0.0%
5.2.3 Poultry farms 175 0.0%
5.2.4 Piggeries 357 0.0%
5.2.5 Aquaculture 3,092 0.0%
5.2.6 Horse studs 1,348 0.0%
5.2.7 Saleyards/stockyards 354 0.0%
5.2.8 Abandoned intensive animal husbandry 279 0.0%
4.1 Irrigated plantation forests 4,192 0.0%
4.1.0 Irrigated plantation forests 2,659 0.0%
4.1.1 Irrigated hardwood plantation forestry 659 0.0%
4.1.3 Irrigated other forest plantation 874 0.0%
6.6 Estuary/coastal waters 3,420 0.0%
6.6.0 Estuary/coastal waters 3,259 0.0%
6.6.3 Estuary/coastal waters - intensive use 161 0.0%
6.4 Channel/aqueduct 3,322 0.0%
6.4.0 Channel/aqueduct 2,270 0.0%
6.4.1 Supply channel/aqueduct 924 0.0%
6.4.2 Drainage channel/aqueduct 24 0.0%
6.4.3 Stormwater 103 0.0%
5.6 Utilities 3,063 0.0%
5.6.0 Utilities 6 0.0%
5.6.1 Fuel powered electricity generation 729 0.0%
5.6.2 Hydro electricity generation 7 0.0%
5.6.4 Solar electricity generation 2 0.0%
5.6.5 Electricity substations and transmission 697 0.0%
5.6.6 Gas treatment, storage and transmission 960 0.0%
5.6.7 Water extraction and transmission 661 0.0%
5.9 Waste treatment and disposal 2,619 0.0%
5.9.0 Waste treatment and disposal 912 0.0%
5.9.1 Effluent pond 243 0.0%
5.9.2 Landfill 724 0.0%
5.9.3 Solid garbage 323 0.0%
5.9.5 Sewage 417 0.0%
4.6 Irrigated land in transition 2,403 0.0%
4.6.0 Irrigated land in transition 1,008 0.0%
4.6.1 Degraded irrigated land 114 0.0%
4.6.2 Abandoned irrigated land 533 0.0%
4.6.3 Irrigated land under rehabilitation 4 0.0%
4.6.4 No defined use - irrigation 44 0.0%
4.6.5 Abandoned irrigated perennial horticulture 699 0.0%
3.6 Land in transition 1,816 0.0%
3.6.0 Land in transition 1,676 0.0%
3.6.1 Degraded land 20 0.0%
3.6.2 Abandoned land 4 0.0%
3.6.3 Land under rehabilitation 59 0.0%
3.6.4 No defined use 1 0.0%
3.6.5 Abandoned perennial horticulture 56 0.0%
3.4 Perennial horticulture 1,447 0.0%
3.4.0 Perennial horticulture 792 0.0%
3.4.1 Tree fruits 298 0.0%
3.4.2 Olives 174 0.0%
3.4.3 Tree nuts 141 0.0%
3.4.5 Shrub berries and fruits 13 0.0%
3.4.6 Perennial flowers and bulbs 3 0.0%
3.4.8 Citrus 26 0.0%
5.1 Intensive horticulture 721 0.0%
5.1.0 Intensive horticulture 165 0.0%
5.1.1 Production nurseries 195 0.0%
5.1.2 Shadehouses 215 0.0%
5.1.3 Glasshouses 118 0.0%
5.1.4 Glasshouses (hydroponic) 7 0.0%
5.1.5 Abandoned intensive horticulture 21 0.0%
3.5 Seasonal horticulture 44 0.0%
3.5.0 Seasonal horticulture 44 0.0%


Native Introduced Wetland
Rare or
TOTAL 13,399 1,294 1,037 1,026 14,693
Animals 1,980 57 448 241 2,037
Mammals 221 20 10 46 241
Birds 665 12 103 72 677
Reptiles 414 3 37 52 417
Amphibians 126 1 43 38 127
Lobe-finned fishes 1 0 1 1 1
Ray-finned fishes 148 15 156 12 163
Cartilaginous fishes 17 0 17 6 17
Lampreys 1 0 1 1 1
Insects 366 6 80 6 372
Malacostracans 14 0 0 5 14
Arachnids 3 0 0 0 3
Snails 4 0 0 2 4
Bacteria 51 0 0 0 51
Chromists 55 0 0 0 55
Fungi 1,850 2 0 0 1,852
Plants 9,456 1,235 589 785 10,691
Protozoans 7 0 0 0 7

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DETSI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) North East Coast (GBR) State of the Environment Report drainage division — facts and maps, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation