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Booral & Round Island Project Weed Management


(not documented)

Project lead





On-ground work

Case study type


Funding source

Australian Government

Funding amount


In-kind contribution


Start date

February 2019

End date

May 2019


This project builds on previous investments under the Keeping it Great Program to control and treat existing invasive pest plant infestations. This will be achieved through best practice pest management using chemical, mechanical and cultural techniques while ensuring the sensitivity of the site is not compromised.

The project site covers an area of approximately 9 ha within the boundaries of the Fraser Coast regional Council local government area and part of the Great Sandy Marine Park. The relevant land owners are the Queensland Government managing the State land area and two individuals as the freehold owners.

The project site consists of vegetation described under the Queensland Government’s Regional Ecosystems:
12.1.2 - Estuarine wetlands saltpan vegetation including grassland, herbland and sedgeland on marine clay plains
12.1.3 - Mangrove shrubland to low closed forest on marine clay plains and estuaries
12.3.8 - Palustrine wetland swamps with Cyperus spp., Schoenoplectus spp. and Eleocharis spp. of concern
12.3.11 - Eucalyptus tereticornis +/Eucalyptus siderophloia, Corymbia intermedia open forest on alluvial plains usually near coast of concern.

The Myrtle Mangrove Osbornia octodonta has recently been recorded at the site. This species has a patchy distribution and is uncommon in the region.

Subtropical and Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh is a Threatened Ecological Community found at the site. The saltmarsh extends to the high tide mark in the mangrove vegetation and along sections of the western bank of the creek.


Natural resource management at this site will assist in the maintenance of a significant habitat site for the Green Turtle, and:
  • Increase and improve ecosystem resilience by increasing natural regeneration and conservation of remnant species within the area.
  • Control, manage and reduce the impact of annual ragweed and other pest species to sensitive areas.
  • To protect the coastal zone and wetland from impacts of human, natural climatic and erosion events, with assisted natural revegetation.
  • To enhance and increase flora and fauna resilience through assisted natural regeneration.
  • Long term sustainable management of an important habitat site (Green Turtle) and ecologically sensitive area.


(not documented)

Reference ID


Last updated: 6 December 2022

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2022) Booral & Round Island Project Weed Management, WetlandInfo website, accessed 30 August 2024. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of Environment, Science and Innovation