Aquatic pest species can establish in freshwater environments via deliberate stocking, recreational activities (live bait), stocked farm dams and aquarium escapees, or accidental transport.
Native species richness and abundance are reduced by competition for resources with pest species.
Goldfish are native to Asia. They were introduced to Australia as an aquarium fish and are now common in the Warrego, Paroo and Nebine catchments.
Cane toads were introduced to Australia in 1935 as a biological control agent for sugar cane pests. They are now a major pest. Current distribution is unclear, however they have been recorded in the upper Warrego. They are generally found in temporary pools, backwaters and near populated centres.
Eastern gambusia compete for resources with native fish and display aggressive behaviour to other species by fin nipping and egg predation. It can become invasive due to its high reproductive rate and has been recorded in the Warrego, Paroo and Nebine catchments.
The bottom-feeding habits of European carp resuspend sediment, increase turbidity and alter instream habitat. Carp are destructive to aquatic macrophytes, prey on macroinvertebrates and can tolerate degraded environments. They are present in the Warrego, Paroo and Nebine catchments.
Redclaw crayfish are native to Northern Australia and have been translocated to multiple areas of Queensland. It is believed to outcompete native species of blueclaw crayfish and is therefore a potential threat. Redclaw has not been recorded in the Warrego, Bulloo, Paroo or Nebine catchments.
Last updated: 22 May 2014
This page should be cited as:
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2014) Queensland Murray-Darling Freshwater Biogeographic Province – Introduced fauna—aquatic, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at: