Proserpine Catchment StoryThe catchment stories present a story using real maps that can be interogated, zoomed in and moved to explore the area in more detail. They are used to take users through multiple maps, images and videos to provide engaging, in-depth information. Quick facts
Quick linksProserpine Catchment StoryThis catchment story is part of a series prepared for the catchments of Queensland. Understanding how water flows in the catchmentTo effectively manage a catchment it is important to have a collective understanding of how the catchment works. This map journal gathers information from experts and other data sources to provide that understanding. The information was gathered using the walking the landscape process, where experts systematically worked through a catchment in a facilitated workshop, to incorporate diverse knowledge on the landscape features and processes, both natural and human. It focused on water flow and the key factors that affect water movement. The map journal was prepared by the Queensland Wetlands Program in the Queensland Department of Environment and Science in collaboration with local partners. Main image. The Proserpine River, adjacent farming and the Peter Faust Dam - provided by ©Queensland Government. How to view this map journalThis map journal is best viewed in Chrome or Firefox, not Explorer. Map journal for the Proserpine catchment—water movementThis map journal describes the location, extent and values of the Proserpine catchment*. It demonstrates the key features which influence water flow, including geology, topography, rainfall and runoff, natural features, human modifications and land uses. Knowing how water moves in the landscape is fundamental to sustainably managing the catchment and the services it provides. Weir and fish barrier on the Proserpine River - provided by Catchment Solutions. *The use of the terms 'catchment', 'sub-catchment', 'basin' and 'sub-basin' are sometimes used interchangeably. In this map journal the term 'catchment' has been used. Proserpine catchment storyThe Proserpine catchment is located in north Queensland and is part of the Reef Catchments NRM Region. The catchment falls within the Whitsunday Regional Council area. The main townships include Proserpine and Airlie Beach and there are several other small rural residential areas. The catchment covers approximately 2,494 square kilometres (click for animation). The main waterway is the Proserpine River, together with smaller waterways including Gregory River, Lethe Brook, Eden Lassie Creek, Duck Creek and Repulse Creek. All waterways (click for animation) flow to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), via Edgecumbe Bay, Whitsunday Coast and Repulse Bay. The GBR is World Heritage-listed and a marine park. The Proserpine catchment is surrounded by the Don, Bowen and O'Connell catchments. There is a drop-down legend for most maps and it can be accessed by clicking on 'LEGEND' at the top right of the map. On this map you can use the drop down legend for the land use. There are also 'pop-ups' for most mapping features - simply click on the mapping of interest for more information. Main image. Coastal creek - provided by Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership. Values of the catchment—key featuresKey features of the Proserpine catchment include:
Values of the catchment—economicThe Proserpine catchment supports many different land uses*, including grazing on native pastures and irrigated cropping (sugar cane). There are small areas of mining and several Key Resource Areas.** *Australian Land Use Management Classification (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, 2010) - see links at the end of this map journal for further information. **Hard rock, gravel and sand extraction shown is within KRAs (Key Resource Areas) only. KRAs are identified locations containing important extractive resources of state or regional significance worthy of protection for future use. Some KRAs include existing extractive operations (see link at the end of map journal for more information). Values of the catchment—environmental and socialThe Proserpine catchment provides important habitat for many marine, estuarine, freshwater and terrestrial species. The catchment includes several protected areas and nature refuges. Protected areas also provide recreational activities such as bush walking, swimming, camping, boating and fishing. These activities not only provide substantial social and health benefits but they are also very important for tourism. The wetlands and creeks of the catchment provide habitat for many important aquatic species, including plants, fish and birds. Estuarine areas also support important plants (mangrove, saltmarsh and seagrass), marine turtles, marine mammals and fisheries species. Information about the different types of wetlands shown in this mapping is provided here. The sub-catchment includes declared Fish Habitat Areas*, DIWA-listed wetlands (Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia) and Dugong Protection Areas. Many of the species in the catchment have lifecycles with connections to the GBR, which is World Heritage-listed and a marine park. *Declared Fish Habitat Area Plans (Queensland Government 2017) - see links at the end of this map journal for further information.Main image. Estuarine crocodile - provided by Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership. Natural features—geology and topographySeveral different rock types combine to make up the geology of the Proserpine catchment. Conceptual models for several of the catchment's geology types are provided below. Main image. The Gregory River floodplain and hills - provided by ©Queensland Government. Natural features—rainfallThe Proserpine catchment receives high to very high rainfall, predominantly in the wet season. The average annual rainfall ranges from 901 millimetres in the north-west to 2,401 millimetres over higher elevations. Dancing brolga - provided by Dale Mengel.Natural features—vegetationVegetation affects how water flows through the catchment, and this process is affected by land use and management practices. Native vegetation slows water, retaining it longer in the landscape and recharging groundwater aquifers, and reducing the erosion potential and the loss of soil from the catchment. Several different vegetation types combine to make up the original native (preclearing) vegetation of the Proserpine catchment.* Much of the catchment has been cleared or partially-cleared for a range of rural and urban land uses. Some of the cleared vegetationhas regrown** since initial clearing. Explore the swipe map showing vegetation clearing over time, using either of the options below.***
These developments and activities change the shape of the landscape and can modify water flow patterns. *Broad Vegetation Groups derived from Regional Ecosystems. Regional Ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. **Smaller areas of regrowth are not shown in this mapping. This dataset was prepared to support certain category C additions to the Regulated Vegetation Management Map under the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016. This dataset is described as: The 2013 areas of non-remnant native woody vegetation that have not been cleared between 1988 and 2014 that are homogenous for at least 0.5 hectare and occur in clumps of at least 2 hectares in coastal regions and 5 hectares elsewhere. ***This application takes time to load. Main image. Figs growing along the Proserpine River - provided by Catchment Solutions.Modified features—infrastructure, dams, weirs and boresBuildings and important infrastructure such as roads, railways and creek crossings create barriers and impermeable surfaces that redirect water through single points or culverts, leading to channeling of water. This increases the rate of flow and the potential for erosion. Modifications to channels, such as straightening and diversions, can also increase flow rates. This infrastructure can also affect fish passage.* There are also many bores, which extract water for livestock and domestic uses and can influence groundwater. *Mackay Whitsunday Fish Barrier Prioritisation (Catchment Solutions, 2015) - see links at the end of this map journal for further information. Main image. Culvert crossing of the Proserpine River - provided by Catchment Solutions. Modified features—sedimentIncreases in the volume and speed of runoff can increase erosion in the landscape and the stream channels, resulting in sediment being carried downstream and reduced water quality. The suspended sediment of most risk to the GBR is the fine fraction. This is the component that contains most of the nitrogen and phosphorus content (and other contaminants), travels widely in flood plumes rather than all depositing near the river mouth, and is very effective at reducing light when in suspension. Furthermore, the impacts of suspended sediment contributes to the cumulative impacts of other stressors (e.g. fresh-water flood plumes, elevated nutrients, impacts from cyclones, increasing sea surface temperatures) to increase the overall impact on organisms of the GBR. Water qualityWater quality is influenced by diffuse runoff and point source inputs. Runoff is from a variety of land uses, including rural, residential, industrial and commercial areas. Diffuse runoff includes on-site sewage facilities (e.g. septic tanks) and stormwater discharges. Many rural areas and more densely populated rural-residential areas use on-site sewage facilities. Point source inputs include sewage treatment plants (STPs). Information regarding monitoring sites (gauging stations*) and catchment load monitoring** can be found in the reference section at the end of this map journal. *Water Monitoring Information Portal (122004A Gregory River at Lower Gregory) Queensland Government (2017) - see links at the end of this map journal for further information. **Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Modelling Program (Queensland Government, 2017); Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017-2022, Draft - for consultation. Queensland Government (2017) ; Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan - Report cards (Queensland Government (2017) - see links at the end of this map journal for further information.Main image. Platypus - provided by Dale Mengel. Water flowWater flows across the landscape into the Proserpine River and other waterways (click for animation)*. The smaller channels and gullies eventually flatten out to form larger waterways that flow through lower lying land. They pass through unconsolidated areas which store and release water, prolonging the time streams flow. *Please note this application takes time to load.The main areasA 'catchment' is an area with a natural boundary (for example ridges, hills or mountains) where all surface water drains to a common channel to form rivers or creeks.* The Proserpine catchment is listed as a single catchment but consists of several distinct areas which have similar characteristics:
Main image. Upper Repulse Creek - provided by Catchment Solutions. *Definition sourced from the City of Gold Coast website - see links at the end of this map journal. Eden Lassie Creek
Juvenile estuarine crocodiles - provided by Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership. Lower Eden Lassie Creek - provided by Tim Marsden. Gregory River
Beach stone curlew - provided by Dale Mengel. Soybean fallow crop along Billy Creek - provided by provided by ©Queensland Government. *Mackay Whitsunday Isaac Water Quality Improvement Plan 2014-21 (Reef Catchments 2017) - see links at the end of this map journal for further information.Main image. The mid reaches of the Gregory River - provided by Tim Marsden. Whitsunday Coast
Upper Repulse Creek - provided by Catchment Solutions. Lower Repulse Creek - provided by Catchment Solutions.Wilcox's frog - provided by Dale Mengel. Barrier to fish passage on Cedar Creek - provided by Catchment Solutions. Airlie Beach lagoon - provided by John Higham. Main image. Airlie Beach and surounds - provided by Tourism Whitsundays. Proserpine River
Crossing of Myrtle Creek - provided by Catchment Solutions. The Proserpine River at the old gauging station - provided by Catchment Solutions. Sand dam at the estuarine interface of the Proserpine River - provided by Catchment Solutions. Goorganga Plains
Estuarine crocodile - provided by Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership. ConclusionThe Proserpine catchment shows how natural and modified features within the landscape impact on how water flows. These issues need to be managed to ensure that the significant natural (and social) values of the catchment are protected, and to minimise impacts on the multitude of values within the catchment and downstream in the GBR, while providing for residential, water supply, farming and other important land uses of the catchment. Knowing how the catchment functions is also important for future planning, including climate resilience. With this knowledge, we can make better decisions about how we manage this vital area. AcknowledgmentsDeveloped by the Queensland Wetlands Program in the Department of Environment and Science in partnership with: Reef Catchment NRM GroupWhitsunday Regional Council Catchment Solutions Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnerships Whitsunday Tourism Tim Marsden Dale Mengel This resource should be cited as: Walking the Landscape – Proserpine Catchment Story v1.0 (2018), presentation, Department of Environment and Science, Queensland. Images provided by Catchment Solutions, Department of Fisheries and Agriculture, Reef Catchments, Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnerships, Whitsunday Tourism, Tim Marsden and Dale Mengel. The Queensland Wetlands Program supports projects and activities that result in long-term benefits to the sustainable management, wise use and protection of wetlands in Queensland. The tools developed by the Program help wetlands landholders, managers and decision makers in government and industry. Contact wetlands♲des.qld.gov.au or visit www.wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au DisclaimerThis map journal has been prepared with all due diligence and care, based on the best available information at the time of publication. The department holds no responsibility for any errors or omissions within the document. Any decisions made by other parties based on this document are solely the responsibility of those parties. Information contained in this education module is from a number of sources and, as such, does not necessarily represent government or departmental policy. Data source, links and extra informationSoftware Used ArcGIS for Desktop | ArcGIS Online | Story Map Journal| Story Map Series |Some of the information used to put together this Map Journal can be viewed on the QLD Globe. Queensland Globe allows you to view and explore Queensland spatial data and imagery. You can also download a cadastral SmartMap or purchase and download a current titles search. More information about the layers used can be found here: Flooding InformationWhitsunday Regional CouncilOther References
City of Gold Coast (2021) About water catchments. [webpage] Accessed 25 August 2021
Last updated: 25 August 2021 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2021) Proserpine Catchment Story, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/ecology/processes-systems/water/catchment-stories/transcript-proserpine.html |