Murray-Darling Basin Authority – Basin Salinity Management Strategy Annual Reporting and AuditCoverageThe map below highlights the areas where sampling has occurred for this program. Click on the map to view information about the drainage basins in this area. Program start date2001 Program end dateThe Basin Salinity Management Strategy is current until 2015. The Basin Water Quality and Salinity Management Plan will extend to 2024. Objectives of the programTo monitor its compliance with end-of-valley salinity targets and present this information in an audited annual report. Who is involved?Lead organisationDepartment of Natural Resources and Mines Contact details of lead organisation: water.monitoring♲dnrm.qld.gov.au Partner organisationsMurray-Darling Basin Authority and jurisdictions in the Murray-Darling Basin List of indicators monitored
Scale of programBasin scale Brief description of sampling locationsTen end-of-valley salinity target sites located in the Queensland and northern New South Wales sections of the Murray-Darling Basin. These sites are capable of capturing most end-of-valley flows and are equipped with time-series flow and electrical conductivity monitoring. Four interpretive sites are also used. End-of-valley sites are located downstream of irrigation. Frequency of monitoringDaily (continuous loggers) Where is the program reported?Last updated: 22 March 2013 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Murray-Darling Basin Authority – Basin Salinity Management Strategy Annual Reporting and Audit, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/assessment/monitoring/current-and-future-monitoring/murray-darling-basin-authority-basin-salinity.html |