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Best management practices including pressure reduction

Best Management Practice (BMP) involves the use of physical, structural, and/or managerial practices that, when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce the release of contaminants and prevent other adverse impacts[1] on the environment. The use of BMP practices can be undertaken while still maintaining economic profitability. Pressure reduction involves the lowering or discontinuing of pressures on the system that influence degradation. Pressure reduction measures can be a part of some BMPs. BMPs may be integrated into sustainable agriculture, infrastructure development (e.g. water sensitive urban design), manufacturing and industry, property development and natural resource management within catchments.

BMPs are established through scientific research and experience and are suitable for widespread adoption to provide ecologically, socially, culturally and economically sustainable outcomes. For example, BMPs for farming (grazing, cropping and horticulture) aim to optimise production while reducing the negative impacts caused by stock access, chemical use and changes in hydrology. Farm and waterway best management practices are often tailored to specific agricultural industries. Pressure reduction may for example be achieved in pastoral settings by reducing stocking rates to a BMP level.

There may also be circumstances where rather than reducing the pressure to infrastructure it may be more efficient to remove or relocate the infrastructure. For example, the gradual migration of a river across the floodplain may be accelerated by land use changes in the catchment. If the migration is likely to threaten an electricity cable or pumping station it may be quicker and more cost-effective to move the infrastructure to a situation that has less pressures rather than undertaking interventions at a much larger scale.

Best management practices including pressure reduction can be a low risk, no regrets management option.

Some BMP intervention options can be viewed through the Intervention options page using the filter.


  1. ^ Law Insider, Best management practice (BMP definition). [online] Available at:

Last updated: 30 June 2022

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2022) Best management practices including pressure reduction, WetlandInfo website, accessed 30 August 2024. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of Environment, Science and Innovation