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Mapping data field details

Data field: BIO_COMP_R

Flora Composition (Region)
Flora compositions refers to the genus of dominant or predominant flora, that is the species that contributes most to the overall above-ground biomass of the ecosystem.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ACA Acacia Acacia refers to plants of the genus Acacia. PAL RIV CPA
ALC Allocasuarina and Casuarina Allocasuarina and Casuarina refers to plants from either the genus Allocasuarina or Casuarine in the family Casuarinaceae. PAL RIV
CEM Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Melaleuca Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Melaleuca refers to plants from either the genus Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Lophostemon or Melaleuca in the family Myrtaceae. PAL RIV CPA CRI
OTH Other Other refers to plants of a non-specified genus such as Aegiceras, Atalaya, Avicennia, Baloskion, Batis, Baumea, Brachyachne, Bruguiera, Calocephalus, Ceriops, Chenopodium, Cladium, Diplachne, Duma, Eleocharis, Empodisma, Eragrostis, Fimbristylis, Gahnia, Hemarthria, Heritiera, Ischaemum, Lawrencia, Leersia, Lepironia, Maireana, Nypa, Oryza, Panicum, Pemphis, Rhizophora, Sporobolus, Sticherus, Tecticornia, Terminalia, Tristaniopsis, Xanthorrhoea, Xanthostemon, etc. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MIX Mixed Mixed refers to co-dominant plants from more than one category. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to areas with no dominant plants such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify flora composition. PAL CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_COMP_L

Flora Composition (Landscape)
Flora compositions refers to the genus of dominant or predominant flora, that is the species that contributes most to the overall above-ground biomass of the ecosystem.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ACA Acacia Acacia refers to plants of the genus Acacia. PAL RIV CPA
ALC Allocasuarina and Casuarina Allocasuarina and Casuarina refers to plants from either the genus Allocasuarina or Casuarine in the family Casuarinaceae. PAL RIV
CEM Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Melaleuca Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Melaleuca refers to plants from either the genus Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Lophostemon or Melaleuca in the family Myrtaceae. PAL RIV CPA CRI
CMT Chenopodium, Maireana and Tecticornia Chenopodium, Maireana and Tecticorina refers to plants from either the genus Chenopodium, Maireana or Tecticornia in the family Chenopodiaceae. PAL
EGL Eleocharis, Gahnia, and Lepironia Eleocharis, Gahnia, and Lepironia refers to plants from either the genus Eleocharis, Gahnia or Lepironia in the family Cyperaceae. PAL LAC
ERS Eragrostis and Sporobolus Eragrostis and Sporobolus refers to plants from either the genus Eragrostis or Sporobolus in the family Poaceae. PAL CPA
MAN Mangrove genera Mangrove genera refers to plants from the genus Aegiceras, Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, and Rhizophora in the families Primulaceae and Rhizophoraceae.
OTH Other Other refers to plants of a non-specified category such as Atalaya, Baloskion, Batis, Baumea, Brachyachne, Calocephalus, Cladium, Diplachne, Duma, Empodisma, Fimbristylis, Hemarthria, Heritiera, Ischaemum, Lawrencia, Leersia, Oryza, Panicum, Pemphis, Sticherus, Terminalia, Tristaniopsis, Xanthorrhoea, Xanthostemon, etc. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MIX Mixed Mixed refers to co-dominant plants from more than one category. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to areas with no dominant plants such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify flora composition. PAL CPA
PAL Palm genera Palm genera refers to plants from the genera Archontophoenix, Corypha, or Licuala in the family Arecaceae. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_COMP_H

Flora Composition (Habitat)
Flora compositions refers to the genus of dominant or predominant flora, that is the species that contributes most to the overall above-ground biomass of the ecosystem.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ACA Acacia Acacia refers to plants of the genus Acacia. PAL RIV CPA
ALL Allocasuarina Allocasuarina refers to plants of the genus Allocasuarina.
CAS Casuarina Casuarina refers to plants of the genus Casuarina. PAL RIV
CEU Corymbia and Eucalyptus Corymbia and Eucalyptus refers to plants of the genus Corymbia, Eucalyptus, and or Lophostemon. PAL RIV CPA CRI
MEL Melaleuca Melaleuca refers to plants of the genus Melaleuca. PAL RIV CPA
CHE Chenopodium Chenopodium refers to plants of the genus Chenopodium. PAL
MAI Maireana Maireana refers to plants of the genus Maireana. PAL
TEC Tecticornia Tecticornia refers to plants of the genus Tecticornia. PAL
ELE Eleocharis Eleocharis refers to plants of the genus Eleocharis. PAL LAC
GAH Gahnia Gahnia refers to plants of the genus Gahnia. PAL
LEP Lepironia Lepironia refers to plants of the genus Lepironia. PAL LAC
ERA Eragrostis Eragrostis refers to plants of the genus Eragrostis. PAL
SPO Sporobolus Sporobolus refers to plants of the genus Sporobolus. PAL
CER Ceriops Ceriops refers to plants of the genus Ceriops.
RHI Rhizophora Rhizophora refers to plants of the genus Rhizophora.
AVI Avicennia Avicennia refers to plants of the genus Avicennia.
DMA Duma Duma refers to plants of the genus Duma. PAL LAC
OTH Other Other refers to plants of a non-specified category including Aegiceras, Atalaya, Baloskion, Batis, Baumea, Brachyachne, Bruguiera, Calocephalus, Cladium, Diplachne, Empodisma, Fimbristylis, Hemarthria, Heritiera, Ischaemum, Lawrencia, Leersia, Oryza, Panicum, Pemphis, Sticherus, Terminalia, Tristaniopsis, Xanthorrhoea, Xanthostemon, etc. PAL RIV CPA CRI
MIX Mixed Mixed refers to co-dominant plants from more than one category. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to areas with no dominant plants such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify flora composition. PAL CPA
ARC Archontophoenix Archontophoenix refers to plants of the genus Archontophoenix. PAL RIV
COR Corypha Corypha refers to plants of the genus Corypha.
LIC Licuala Licuala refers to plants of the genus Licuala. PAL
MPA Mixed - palm Mixed - palm refers to a compositional mix of palm genera such as Archontophoenix, Corypha, Licuala, etc. PAL
AEG Aegiceras Aegiceras refers to plants of the genus Aegiceras.
BRU Bruguiera Bruguiera refers to plants of the genus Bruguiera.
NYP Nypa Nypa refers to plants of the genus Nypa.
MMA Mixed - mangrove Mixed - mangrove refers to a compositional mix of mangrove genera such as Aegiceras, Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Rhizophoroa, etc.
CYP Cyperus Cyperus refers to plants of the genus Cyperus. PAL
PSE Pseudoraphis Pseudoraphis refers to plants of the genus Pseudoraphis. PAL CPA
BAN Banksia Banksia refers to plants of the genus Banksia. PAL
RAI Rainforest Rainforest refers to the range of rainforest vine thicket compositional mixes of genera. RIV
XAN Xanthorrhoea Xanthorrhoea refers to plants of the genus Xanthorrhoea.
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS

Data field: BIO_COVR_H

Vegetation Cover (Habitat)
Cover is the percentage of the ground surface covered by the vertical projection of the periphery of plant crowns.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
DEN Dense Dense refers to cover of greater than 80% or a projective foliage cover of greater than 70%. PAL RIV CPA CRI
MOD Moderately dense Moderately dense refers to cover of greater than 50% and less than or equal to 80%, or a projective foliage cover of greatern than 30% and less than or equal to 70%. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SPA Sparse Sparse refers to cover of greater than or equal to 20% and less than or equal to 50%, or a projective foliage cover of greater than or equal to 10% and less than or equal to 30%. PAL RIV CPA CRI
VSP Very sparse Very sparse refers to cover of less than 20% or a projective foliage cover of less than 10%. PAL LAC RIV CPA
OTH Other Refers to instances where plants are not present such as bare land or open water, sedgelands, fernlands, rushlands, etc. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify cover.
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_GRFM_L

Flora Growth Form (Landscape)
Growth form refers to the growth form of vegetation in the ecologically dominant stratum.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
GSH Grasses, sedges, and herbs Grasses, sedges, and herbs refers to all plants with either grass, herb or sedge growth form. Grasses refers to all plants with grass growth form including hummock and tussock grasses. Hummock grasses are coarse xenomorphic grass with a mound-like form often dead in the middle and belong to the genus Triodia. Tussock grasses form discrete but open tussocks usually with distinct individual shoots such as common agricultural grasses. Herbs refers to plant associations in which species composition and abundance is dependent on seasonal conditions and at any one time grasses or forbs may predominate. Sedges refers to herbaceous, usually perennial, erect plants generally with a tufted habit and of the families Cyperaceae and Restionaceae. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SHR Shrubs Shrubs refers to woody plants either less than 8 m tall and multi-stemmed at the base (or within 200 mm from ground level), or single-stemmed at the base and less than 2 m tall. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TRE Trees Trees refers to woody plants more than 2 m tall with a single stem or branches well above the base. PAL RIV CPA CRI
MAC Macrophytes Macrophytes refers to aquatic plants large enough to be seen with the naked eye; either emergent, submerged, or floating.
OTH Other Other refers to plants of a non-specified category including ferns, forbs, rush, and vines. Ferns refers to vascular plants characterised by large and usually branched leaves (known as fronds). Forbs refers to herbaceous or slightly woody, annual or sometimes perennial plant, that excludes grasses and includes ground orchids. Rush refers to herbaceous, usually perennial, erect plants grouped into the following families: Juncaceae, Typhaceae, Restionaceae and the genera Lomandra and Dianella. Vines refers to climbing, twining, winding or sprawling plants usually with a woody stem. PAL LAC
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to instances where plants are not present such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify growth form. PAL CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_GRFM_H

Flora Growth Form (Habitat)
Growth form refers to the growth form of vegetation in the ecologically dominant stratum.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
GRA Grasses Grasses refers to all plants with grass growth form including hummock and tussock grasses. Hummock grasses are coarse xenomorphic grass with a mound-like form often dead in the middle and belong to the genus Triodia. Tussock grasses form discrete but open tussocks usually with distinct individual shoots such as common agricultural grasses. PAL CPA
HER Herbs Herbs refers to plant associations in which species composition and abundance is dependent on seasonal conditions and at any one time grasses or forbs may predominate. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SED Sedges Sedges refers to herbaceous, usually perennial, erect plants generally with a tufted habit and of the families Cyperaceae and Restionaceae. PAL LAC CPA
SHR Shrubs Shrubs refers to woody plants either less than 8 m tall and multi-stemmed at the base (or within 200 mm from ground level), or single-stemmed at the base and less than 2 m tall. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAC Macrophytes Macrophytes refers to aquatic plants large enough to be seen with the naked eye; either emergent, submerged, or floating.
TRE Trees Trees refers to woody plants more than 2 m tall with a single stem or branches well above the base. PAL RIV CPA CRI
OTH Other Other refers to plants of a non-specified category including ferns, forbs, rush, and vines. Ferns refers to vascular plants characterised by large and usually branched leaves (known as fronds). Forbs refers to herbaceous or slightly woody, annual or sometimes perennial plant, that excludes grasses and includes ground orchids. Rush refers to herbaceous, usually perennial, erect plants grouped into the following families: Juncaceae, Typhaceae, Restionaceae and the genera Lomandra and Dianella. Vines refers to climbing, twining, winding or sprawling plants usually with a woody stem. PAL LAC
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to instances where plants are not present such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify growth form. PAL CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_GRHE_L

Growth Height (Landscape)
Growth height refers to the height of vegetation in the ecologically dominant stratum relative to their growth form.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
TAL Tall Tall refers to plants with a tree growth form that grow to a height exceeding 30 m or plants with a shrub growth form that grow to a height of greater than 2 m. PAL RIV CPA
REG Regular Regular refers to plants with a tree growth form that grow to a height between 10 and 30 m or plants with a shrub growth form that grow to a height between 1 and 2 m. PAL RIV CPA CRI
LOW Low Low refers to plants with a tree growth form that grow to a height between 2 and 10 m. PAL RIV CPA
DWA Dwarf Dwarf refers to plants with a shrub growth form that grow to a height of less than 1 m. PAL
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to instances where plants are not present such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify growth height.
GRO Ground Ground refers to plants with a growth form other than tree or shrub that grow to a height of less than 2 m. PAL LAC CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_GRHE_H

Growth Height (Habitat)
Growth height refers to the height of vegetation in the ecologically dominant stratum relative to their growth form.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
TAL Tall Tall refers to plants with a tree growth form that grow to a height exceeding 30 m or plants with a shrub growth form that grow to a height of greater than 2 m. PAL RIV CPA
REG Regular Regular refers to plants with a tree growth form that grow to a height between 10 and 30 m or plants with a shrub growth form that grow to a height between 1 and 2 m. PAL RIV CPA CRI
LOW Low Low refers to plants with a tree growth form that grow to a height between 2 and 10 m. PAL RIV CPA
DWA Dwarf Dwarf refers to plants with a shrub growth form that grow to a height of less than 1 m. PAL
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to instances where plants are not present such as bare land or open water. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify growth height.
GRO Ground Ground refers to plants with a growth form other than tree or shrub that grow to a height of less than 2 m. PAL LAC CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: BIO_WRE_H

Wetland Regional Ecosystem (Habitat)
Vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: CLI_CLAS_R

Climate Class (Region)
Major climate classes represent six principle groups at the regional scale considering the climatic limitations of native vegetation. Climate classes at the landscape/seascape scale refine these principle groups into 27 groups considering the seasonal distribution of temperature and precipitation. These classes are developed using an objective classification based on Köppen scheme. Classification incorporates mean monthly rainfall, annual rainfall, maximum temperatures, and minimum temperatures based on the standard 30-year period 1961-1990. Climate can be considered contemporary modifiers of the biogeographic distribution and evolutionary traits of habitats, especially as they relate to quantity and seasonality.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
DES Desert Desert climates are characterised by limited precipitation. PAL LAC RIV
EQU Equatorial Equatorial climates are characterised by their proximity to the equator, relatively constant hot temperatures and significant precipitation. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GRA Grassland Grassland climates typically feature hot summers and cold winters. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
SUB Subtropical Subtropical climates are characterised by hot and humid summers, and mild to chilly winters. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
TEM Temperate Temperate climates are those without extremes of temperature and precipitation. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
TRO Tropical Tropical climates are characterised by relatively constant high temperatures and significant precipitation. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify climate class. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Köppen Climate Classification Map The Köppen classification maps show six major groups and 27 sub-groups of climate zones across Australia. These climate zones are defined with the climatic limits of native vegetation in mind. This method of classification is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate in an area. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_CLAS_L

Climate Class (Landscape)
Major climate classes represent six principle groups at the regional scale considering the climatic limitations of native vegetation. Climate classes at the landscape/seascape scale refine these principle groups into 27 groups considering the seasonal distribution of temperature and precipitation. These classes are developed using an objective classification based on Köppen scheme. Classification incorporates mean monthly rainfall, annual rainfall, maximum temperatures, and minimum temperatures based on the standard 30-year period 1961-1990. Climate can be considered contemporary modifiers of the biogeographic distribution and evolutionary traits of habitats, especially as they relate to quantity and seasonality.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
DHP Hot (persistently dry) desert Desert climate characterised by limited precipitation with hot temperatures and persistently dry. PAL LAC RIV
DHS Hot (summer drought) desert Desert climate characterised by limited precipitation with hot temperatures and summer drought.
DHW Hot (winter drought) desert Desert climate characterised by limited precipitation with hot temperatures and winter drought. PAL LAC RIV
DWP Warm (persistently dry) desert Desert climate characterised by limited precipitation with warm temperatures and persistently dry.
ERA Equatorial rainforest (monsoonal) Equatorial climate characterised by their proximity to the equator, relatively constant hot temperatures and significant precipitation with rainforest and monsoons. RIV CPA
ESA Equatorial savanna Equatorial climate characterised by their proximity to the equator, relatively constant hot temperatures and significant precipitation with savanna. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GHP Hot (persistently dry) grassland Grassland climate characterised by hot summers and cold winters with hot temperatures and persistently dry. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GHS Hot (summer drought) grassland Grassland climate characterised by hot summers and cold winters with hot temperatures and summer drought.
GHW Hot (winter drought) grassland Grassland climate characterised by hot summers and cold winters with hot temperatures and winter drought. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
GWP Warm (persistently dry) grassland Grassland climate characterised by hot summers and cold winters with warm temperatures and persistently dry.
GWS Warm (summer drought) grassland Grassland climate characterised by hot summers and cold winters with warm temperatures and summer drought.
SND Subtropical with no dry season Subtropical climate characterised by hot and humid summers, and mild to chilly winters with no dry season. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
SDS Subtropical with a distinctly dry summer Subtropical climate characterised by hot and humid summers, and mild to chilly winters with distinctly dry summer.
SDW Subtropical with a distinctly dry winter Subtropical climate characterised by hot and humid summers, and mild to chilly winters with distinctly dry winter. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SMD Subtropical with moderately dry winter Subtropical climate characterised by hot and humid summers, and mild to chilly winters with moderately dry winter. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
TND Temperate with no dry season (hot summer) Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with no dry season and a hot summer. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
TMH Temperate with a moderately dry winter (hot summer) Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with a moderately dry winter and hot summer. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TDD Temperate with a distinctly dry (and hot) summer Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with a distinctly dry and hot summer.
TWS Temperate with no dry season (warm summer) Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with no dry season and a warm summer. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
TMD Temperate with a moderately dry winter (warm summer) Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with a moderately dry and warm summer.
TDW Temperate with a distinctly dry (and warm) summer Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with a distinctly dry and warm summer.
TMS Temperate with no dry season (mild summer) Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with no dry season and a mild summer.
TDM Temperate with a distinctly dry (and mild) summer Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with a distinctly dry and mild summer.
TCS Temperate with no dry season (cool summer) Temperate climate characterised by the lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation with no dry season and a cool summer.
TRA Tropical rainforest (persistently wet) Tropical climate characterised by relatively constant high temperatures and significant precipitation with rainforests and persistently wet. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TMO Tropical rainforest (monsoonal) Tropical climate characterised by relatively constant high temperatures and significant precipitation with rainforests and monsoons. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TSA Tropical savanna Tropical climate characterised by relatively constant high temperatures and significant precipitation with savanna. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify climate class. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Köppen Climate Classification Map The Köppen classification maps show six major groups and 27 sub-groups of climate zones across Australia. These climate zones are defined with the climatic limits of native vegetation in mind. This method of classification is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate in an area. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_REG_R

Climate Region (Region)
Climate region represent a combination of major climate class and biogeographic subregion.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ARI Arid and semi-arid Arid and semi-arid climate characterised by either limited precipitation or hot summers and cold winters. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
COA Coastal and subcoastal Coastal climate characterised by relatively constant hot or high temperatures and significant precipitation, hot and humid summers, or a lack of extremes of temperature and precipitation. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify biogeoclimate.
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Köppen Climate Classification Map The Köppen classification maps show six major groups and 27 sub-groups of climate zones across Australia. These climate zones are defined with the climatic limits of native vegetation in mind. This method of classification is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate in an area. Bureau of Meteorology
Biogeographic Subregions - Queensland Queensland has been divided into 132 subregions. Subregions represent finer scale climatic, landform, geological, topographical, vegetation and biota patterns. Version 5.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: CLI_PET_R

Potential Evapotranspiration (Region)
Multi-decadal mean annual potential evapotranspiration
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
VLO Very low Very low refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of less than 1,000 mm.
LOW Low Low refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,000 mm and less than 1,400 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,400 mm and less than 1,800 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
HIG High High refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,800 mm and less than 2,200 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
VHI Very high Very high refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 2,200 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify potential evapotranspiration. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual evapotranspiration This data shows the average annual areal potential ET, the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a collective term for the transfer of water, as water vapour, to the atmosphere from both vegetated and un-vegetated land surfaces. It is affected by climate, availability of water and vegetation. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_PET_L

Potential Evapotranspiration (Landscape)
Multi-decadal mean annual potential evapotranspiration
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
VLO Very low Very low refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of less than 1,000 mm.
Very low - Less than 800
Very low - less than 800 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of less than 800 mm.
Very low - 800 to 900
Very low - 800 to 900 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 800 mm and less than 900 mm.
Very low - 900 to 1000
Very low - 900 to 1000 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 900 mm and less than 1,000 mm.
LOW Low Low refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,000 mm and less than 1,400 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Low - 1000 to 1100
Low - 1000 to 1100 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,000 mm and less than 1,100 mm.
Low - 1100 to 1200
Low - 1100 to 1200 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,100 mm and less than 1,200 mm.
Low - 1200 to 1300
Low - 1200 to 1300 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,200 mm and less than 1,300 mm.
Low - 1300 to 1400
Low - 1300 to 1400 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,300 mm and less than 1,400 mm.
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,400 mm and less than 1,800 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Moderate - 1400 to 1500
Moderate - 1400 to 1500 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,400 mm and less than 1,500 mm.
Moderate - 1500 to 1600
Moderate - 1500 to 1600 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,500 mm and less than 1,600 mm.
Moderate - 1600 to 1700
Moderate - 1600 to 1700 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,600 mm and less than 1,700 mm.
Moderate - 1700 to 1800
Moderate - 1700 to 1800 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,700 mm and less than 1,800 mm.
HIG High High refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,800 mm and less than 2,200 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
High - 1800 to 1900
High - 1800 to 1900 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,800 mm and less than 1,900 mm.
High - 1900 to 2000
High - 1900 to 2000 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 1,900 mm and less than 2,000 mm.
High - 2000 to 2100
High - 2000 to 2100 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 2,000 mm and less than 2,100 mm.
High - 2100 to 2200
High - 2100 to 2200 refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 2,100 mm and less than 2,200 mm.
VHI Very high Very high refers to a mean annual potential evapotranspiration of greater than or equal to 2,200 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify potential evapotranspiration. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual evapotranspiration This data shows the average annual areal potential ET, the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a collective term for the transfer of water, as water vapour, to the atmosphere from both vegetated and un-vegetated land surfaces. It is affected by climate, availability of water and vegetation. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_TPET_R

Potential Evapotranspiration Timing (Region)
Multi-decadal maximum potential evapotranspiration timing
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
JAN January Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in January. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
FEB February Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in February.
MAR March Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in March. PAL LAC RIV CPA
APR April Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in April.
MAY May Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in May.
JUN June Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in June.
JUL July Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in July.
AUG August Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in August.
SEP September Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in September.
OCT October Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in October. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOV November Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in November. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DEC December Maximum annual potential evapotranspiration occurs in December. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify potential evapotranspiration timing. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average monthly evapotranspiration This data shows the average areal potential ET for various monthly time spans. That is, the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a collective term for the transfer of water, as water vapour, to the atmosphere from both vegetated and un-vegetated land surfaces. It is affected by climate, availability of water and vegetation. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_PREC_R

Precipitation (Region)
Multi-decadal mean annual precipitation
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ELO Extremely low Extremely low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of less than 200 mm. PAL LAC RIV
VLO Very low Very low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 200 mm and less than 400 mm. PAL LAC RIV
LOW Low Very low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 200 mm and less than 400 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MIL Mild Mild refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 600 mm and less than 1,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 1,000 mm and less than 1,500 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HIG High High refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 1,500 mm and less than 2,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
VHI Very high Very high refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 2,000 mm and less than 3,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EHI Extremely high Extremely high refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 3,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify multi-decadal mean annual precipitation. PAL
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual rainfall This data shows the average annual rainfall over the period 1981 to 2010. Annual averages are calculated using the contributing monthly averages that are calculated using 30 years of monthly gridded rainfall data between 1981 and 2010. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_PREC_L

Precipitation (Landscape)
Multi-decadal mean annual precipitation
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ELO Extremely low Extremely low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of less than 200 mm. PAL LAC RIV
Extremely low - Less than 50
Extremely low - Less than 50 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of less than 50 mm.
Extremely low - 50 to 100
Extremely low - 50 to 100 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 50 mm and less than 100 mm.
Extremely low - 100 to 200
Extremely low - 100 to 200 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 100 mm and less than 200 mm.
VLO Very low Very low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 200 mm and less than 400 mm. PAL LAC RIV
Very low - 200 to 300
Very low - 200 to 300 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 200 mm and less than 300 mm.
Very low - 300 to 400
Very low - 300 to 400 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 300 mm and less than 400 mm.
LOW Low Low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 400 mm and less than 600 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Low - 400 to 500
Low - 400 to 500 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 400 mm and less than 500 mm.
Low - 500 to 600
Low - 500 to 600 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 500 mm and less than 600 mm.
MIL Mild Mild refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 600 mm and less than 1,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Mild - 600 to 700
Mild - 600 to 700 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 600 mm and less than 700 mm.
Mild - 700 to 800
Mild - 700 to 800 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 700 mm and less than 800 mm.
Mild - 800 to 900
Mild - 800 to 900 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 800 mm and less than 900 mm.
Mild - 900 to 1000
Mild - 900 to 1000 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 900 mm and less than 1,000 mm.
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 1,000 mm and less than 1,500 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HIG High High refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 1,500 mm and less than 2,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
VHI Very high Very high refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 2,000 mm and less than 3,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Very high - 2000 to 2500
Very high - 2000 to 2500 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 2,000 mm and less than 2,500 mm.
Very high - 2500 to 3000
Very high - 2500 to 3000 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 2,500 mm and less than 3,000 mm.
EHI Extremely high Extremely high refers to a multi-decadal mean annual precipitation of greater than or equal to 3,000 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify multi-decadal mean annual precipitation. PAL
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual rainfall This data shows the average annual rainfall over the period 1981 to 2010. Annual averages are calculated using the contributing monthly averages that are calculated using 30 years of monthly gridded rainfall data between 1981 and 2010. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_TPRE_R

Precipitation Timing (Region)
Multi-decadal mean precipitation timing
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
JAN January Mean annual precipitation occurs in January. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
FEB February Mean annual precipitation occurs in February. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MAR March Mean annual precipitation occurs in March. PAL LAC RIV CPA
APR April Mean annual precipitation occurs in April.
MAY May Mean annual precipitation occurs in May. PAL LAC CPA
JUN June Mean annual precipitation occurs in June.
JUL July Mean annual precipitation occurs in July.
AUG August Mean annual precipitation occurs in August.
SEP September Mean annual precipitation occurs in September.
OCT October Mean annual precipitation occurs in October.
NOV November Mean annual precipitation occurs in November. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DEC December Mean annual precipitation occurs in December. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify precipitation timing. PAL
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average monthly rainfall This data shows the average rainfall for various monthly time spans, over the period 1981 to 2010. monthly average is calculated using 30 years of monthly gridded rainfall data between 1981 and 2010. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_PHAS_R

Phase-Offset (Region)
Phase-offset refers to the difference (in months) between the timing of maximum mean annual precipitation and mean potential evapotranspiration. This metric displays the variability in the supply of water and energy, which ultimately drives the surface freshwater availability in Australia (Donohue et al. 2010).
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
IPH In phase In phase refers to a difference of one month or less between maximum mean annual precipitation and maximum potential evapotranspiration. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
OPH Out of phase Out of phase refers to a difference of between 2 and 3 months inclusive between maximum mean annual precipitation and maximum potential evapotranspiration. PAL LAC RIV CPA
VOP Very out of phase Very out of phase refers to differences of greater than 3 months between maximum mean annual precipitation and maximum potential evapotranspiration. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify phase-offset. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average monthly evapotranspiration This data shows the average areal potential ET for various monthly time spans. That is, the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a collective term for the transfer of water, as water vapour, to the atmosphere from both vegetated and un-vegetated land surfaces. It is affected by climate, availability of water and vegetation. Bureau of Meteorology
Average monthly rainfall This data shows the average rainfall for various monthly time spans, over the period 1981 to 2010. monthly average is calculated using 30 years of monthly gridded rainfall data between 1981 and 2010. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_ARID_R

Aridity Index (Region)
Aridity index refers to an indicator of the degree of dryness of the climate at a given location based on mean annual precipitation and mean evapotranspiration.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ENE Energy limited Energy limited refers to locations where mean annual precipitation is greater than mean potential evapotranspiration. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EQU Equivalent Equivalent refers to locations where mean annual precipitation is similar to the mean potential evapotranspiration. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WAT Water limited Water limited refers to locations where mean potential evapotranspiration is greater than mean annual precipitation. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify aridity index. PAL RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual evapotranspiration This data shows the average annual areal potential ET, the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a collective term for the transfer of water, as water vapour, to the atmosphere from both vegetated and un-vegetated land surfaces. It is affected by climate, availability of water and vegetation. Bureau of Meteorology
Average annual rainfall This data shows the average annual rainfall over the period 1981 to 2010. Annual averages are calculated using the contributing monthly averages that are calculated using 30 years of monthly gridded rainfall data between 1981 and 2010. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_TEMP_R

Temperature (Region)
Multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High High refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 30 degrees Celsius.
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 20 degrees Celsius and less than 30 degrees Celsius. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
LOW Low Low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature fo greater than or equal to 10 degrees Celsius and less than 20 degrees Celsius. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
VLO Very low Very low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature of less than 10 degrees Celsius.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual temperature This data shows the average annual mean temperatures over the period 1961 to 1990. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: CLI_TEMP_L

Temperature (Landscape)
Multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High High refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 30 degrees Celsius.
High - More than 36
High - More than 36 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 36 degrees Celsius.
High - 34 to 36
High - 34 to 36 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 34 degrees Celsius and less than 36 degress Celsius.
High - 32 to 34
High - 32 to 34 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 32 degrees Celsius and less than 34 degress Celsius.
High - 30 to 32
High - 30 to 32 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 30 degrees Celsius and less than 32 degress Celsius.
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 20 degrees Celsius and less than 30 degrees Celsius. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Moderate - 28 to 30
Moderate - 28 to 30 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 28 degrees Celsius and less than 30 degress Celsius.
Moderate - 26 to 28
Moderate - 26 to 28 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 26 degrees Celsius and less than 28 degress Celsius.
Moderate - 24 to 26
Moderate - 24 to 26 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 24 degrees Celsius and less than 26 degress Celsius.
Moderate - 22 to 24
Moderate - 22 to 24 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 22 degrees Celsius and less than 24 degress Celsius.
Moderate - 20 to 22
Moderate - 20 to 22 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 20 degrees Celsius and less than 22 degress Celsius.
LOW Low Low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature fo greater than or equal to 10 degrees Celsius and less than 20 degrees Celsius. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Low - 18 to 20
Low - 18 to 20 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 18 degrees Celsius and less than 20 degress Celsius.
Low - 16 to 18
Low - 16 to 18 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 16 degrees Celsius and less than 18 degress Celsius.
Low - 14 to 16
Low - 14 to 16 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 14 degrees Celsius and less than 16 degress Celsius.
Low - 12 to 14
Low - 12 to 14 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 12 degrees Celsius and less than 14 degress Celsius.
Low - 10 to 12
Low - 10 to 12 refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature greater than or equal to 10 degrees Celsius and less than 12 degress Celsius.
VLO Very low Very low refers to a multi-decadal mean annual daily temperature of less than 10 degrees Celsius.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify temperature. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Average annual temperature This data shows the average annual mean temperatures over the period 1961 to 1990. Bureau of Meteorology

Data field: ECO_WSYS_H

Wetland System (Habitat)
Dominant wetland system that is the dominant broad wetland system based on their general characteristics which is useful for managing wetlands with different functional needs.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
PAL Palustrine Palustrine refers to wetlands that are primarily vegetated non-channel environments of less than 8 hectares. PAL
LAC Lacustrine Lacustrine refers to wetlands that are large, open, water-dominated systems (for example, lakes) larger than 8ha. This definition also applies to modified systems, which are similar to lacustrine systems (for example, deep, standing or slow-moving waters) but may not meet the size criteria. LAC
RIV Riverine Riverine refers to wetlands and deepwater habitats within a channel. RIV
INT Intertidal Intertidal refers to wetlands between the high tide and low tide that experience fluctuating influences of land and sea. INT
SUB Subtidal Subtidal refers to wetlands between low tide and three nautical miles.
INS Intertidal/Subtidal Insufficient information is available to classify whether the ecosystem is intertidal or subtidal. Intertidal refers to wetlands between the high tide and low tide that experience fluctuating influences of land and sea. Subtidal refers to wetlands between low tide and three nautical miles. INS
CPA Contains Palustrine Contains palustrine refers to areas that contain palustrine wetlands (primarily vegetated non-channel environments of less than 8 hectares). CPA
CRI Contains Riverine Contains riverine refers to areas that contain riverine wetlands (wetlands and deepwater habitats within a channel). CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify wetland system.
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: ECO_OSYS_H

Original Wetland System (Habitat)
Original dominant wetland system that is the dominant broad wetland system prior to habitat level hydrological modification based on their general characteristics which is useful for managing wetlands with different functional needs.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
PAL Palustrine Palustrine refers to wetlands that are primarily vegetated non-channel environments of less than 8 hectares. PAL LAC INT
LAC Lacustrine Lacustrine refers to wetlands that are large, open, water-dominated systems (for example, lakes) larger than 8ha. This definition also applies to modified systems, which are similar to lacustrine systems (for example, deep, standing or slow-moving waters) but may not meet the size criteria. PAL LAC
RIV Riverine Riverine refers to wetlands and deepwater habitats within a channel. LAC RIV INT
INT Intertidal Intertidal refers to wetlands between the high tide and low tide that experience fluctuating influences of land and sea. PAL LAC INT
XXX Unknown Insufficient information to assign an original wetland system. PAL LAC RIV INT
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to artificial wetlands where no natural wetland was previously present. PAL LAC RIV INT
INS Intertidal/Subtidal Insufficient information is available to classify whether the ecosystem is intertidal or subtidal. Intertidal refers to wetlands between the high tide and low tide that experience fluctuating influences of land and sea. Subtidal refers to wetlands between low tide and three nautical miles. INS
CPA Contains Palustrine Contains palustrine refers to areas that contain palustrine wetlands (primarily vegetated non-channel environments of less than 8 hectares). CPA
CRI Contains Riverine Contains riverine refers to areas that contain riverine wetlands (wetlands and deepwater habitats within a channel). CRI
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: GEO_ROCK_H

Geological Rock Type (Habitat)
Physical characteristics of underlying rock.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
IGN Igneous rock Igneous rock refers to rock formed by magma or lava cooling and solidifying. Igneous rock includes those rocks that crystallize below the land surface (e.g. diority, gabbro, granite, etc.) and those that cool quickly at the land surface (e.g. andesite, basalt, rhyolite, tuff, etc.). PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MET Metamorphic rock Metamorphic rock refers to rock that has undergone metamorphism, that is subjected to heat and pressure resulting in physical and/or chemical change. Examples include gneiss, phyllite, marble, quartzite, schist, and slate. PAL RIV CPA
SED Sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock refers to rock formed by the accumulation and cemetation of fragments of other rocks, minerals and organisms, or as chemical precipitates. This category should only be used when it is not practical to further classify sedimentary rock at the habitat scale. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Sedimentary rock - clastic
Sedimentary rock - clastic refers to sedimentary rock formed from the deposition of rock fragments that were subsequently compacted and cemented under moderate temperature and pressure. Examples include breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and shale. This category should only be used when it is not practical to further classify sedimentary rock - clastic at the habitat scale.
Sedimentary rock - clastic - pyroclastic
Sedimentary rock - clastic - pyroclastic refers to sedimentary rock formed from the accumulation of material generated by the explosive fragmentation of magma and/or rock during a volcanic eruption that were subsequently compacted and cemented under moderate temperature and pressure.
Sedimentary rock - clastic - other
Sedimentary rock - clastic - other refers to sedimentary rock formed from the accumulation of material that were subsequently compacted and cemeted under moderature temperature and pressure, other than material generated by the explosive fragmentation of magma and/or rock during a volcanic eruption.
Sedimentary rock - chemical
Sedimentary rock - chemical refers to sedimentary rock formed from the chemical precipitation of dissolved materials from solution that were subsequently compacted and cemented under moderate temperature and pressure. Examples include gypsum and oolitic limestone.
Sedimentary rock - organic
Sedimentary rock - organic refers to sedimentary rock formed from the accumulation of organic material. Examples include chert (formed by accumulation of siliceous skeletons of microscopic organisms), coal (formed from plant material), and most limestone (formed from calcareous skeletons of organisms).
NOA Not applicable Geological rock type is not applicable. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify geology. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: GEO_TEXT_H

Soil Texture (Habitat)
Soil texture refers to the relative proportion of clay, sand, and silt in the soil.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
CLA Clay Clay refers to soil composed of at least 26% clay, less than 74% sand, and less than 60% silt approximately. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Clay - clay
Clay -clay refers to soil composed of at least 31% clay, up to 63% sand, and less than 25% silt approximately.
Clay - sandy clay
Clay - sandy clay refers to soil composed of 26-50% clay, 50-74% sand, and less than 5% silt approximately.
Clay - silty clay
Clay - silty clay refers to soil composed of 40-75% clay, less than 35% sand, and 25-60% silt approximately.
LOA Loam Loam refers to soil composed of 8-40% clay, up to 92% sand, and up to 100% silt approximately. PAL RIV CPA CRI
Loam - loam
Loam - loam refers to soil composed of 10-26% clay, 51-77% sand, and 10-25% silt approximately.
Loam - clay loam
Loam - clay loam refers to soil composed of 21-40% clay, 35-69% sand, and 6-25% silt approximately.
Loam - sandy loam
Loam - sandy loam refers to soil composed of 8-21% clay, 70-92% sand, and less than 13% silt approximately.
Loam - sandy clay loam
Loam - sandy clay loam refers to soil composed of 17-31% clay, 63-82% sand, and less than 10% clay approximately.
Loam - silty clay loam
Loam - silty clay loam refers to soil composed of 26-40% clay, less than 50% sand, and 60-74% silt approximately.
Loam - silty loam
Loam - silty loam refers to soil composed of less than 26% clay, less than 75% sand, and at least 74% silt approximately.
SAN Sand Sand refers to soil composed of less than 12% clay, at least 63% sand, and up to 25% silt approximately. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Sand - sand
Sand - sand refers to soil composed of less than 8% clay, at least 92% sand, and less than 7% silt approximately.
Sand - loamy sand
Sand - loamy sand refers to soil composed of less than 12% clay, 63-92% sand, and 4-25% silt approximately.
NOA Not applicable Substrate texture is not applicable. RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify substrate texture. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: GEO_COMP_H

Substrate Composition (Habitat)
Categorises the composition of land's surface. The benthic substrate can influence ecology as it can limit or increase nutrient availability, affect pH and water quality (AETG 2012). In a riverine waterhole, the benthic substrate composition can restrict groundwater exchange to shallow aquifers during periods of no flow, due to sedimentation of fine clay that forms an impermeable layer.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
NSL Non-soil Non-soil refers to substrates composed of meterials other than soil or organic materials. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Non-soil - rock
Non-soil - rock refers to substrates composed of rock.
Non-soil - sand
Non-soil - sand refers to substrates composed of sand.
SOL Soil Soil refers to substrates composed of soil. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
ORG Organic Organic refers to substrates composed of organic materials. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Organic - peat
Organic - peat refers to subtrates composed of peat materials.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify substrate composition. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: GEO_SIZE_H

Sediment Grain Size (Habitat)
Categorises the dominant size of soil and other unconsolidated sediments.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
FCL Fine clay Dominant grain size is less than 0.0002 mm. PAL RIV CPA CRI
CLA Clay Dominant grain size is between 0.0002 mm and 0.002 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
SLT Silt Dominant grain size is between 0.002 mm and 0.02 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SAN Sand Dominant grain size is between 0.02 mm and 2.0 mm. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Sand - fine
Sand - fine refers to a dominant grain size is between 0.02 mm and 0.2 mm.
Sand - coarse
Sand - coarse refers to a dominant grain size is between 0.2 mm and 2.0 mm.
GRA Gravel Dominant grain size is between 2.0 mm and 60 mm. RIV
Gravel - fine
Gravel - fine refers to a dominant grain size is between 2.0 mm and 6.0 mm.
Gravel - medium
Gravel - medium refers to a dominant grain size is between 6.0 mm and 20 mm.
Gravel - coarse
Gravel - coarse refers to a dominant grain size is between 20 mm and 60 mm.
COB Cobbles Dominant grain size is between 60 mm and 200 mm.
STO Stones Dominant grain size is between 200 mm and 600 mm.
BOU Boulders Dominant grain size is greater than 600 mm.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify substrate grain size. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_PH_H

pH (Habitat)
pH refers to the acidity or basicity of water on a scale of 0 to 14. pH has a major impact on both habitat conditions and biota found at a location. pH may be influenced by the surrounding landscape (geological setting, water balance, quality, type of soils, vegetation and land use) which in turn dictates habitat of the aquatic environment.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ACI Acidic Acidic refers to ecosystems with a water pH of less than 6. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NEU Neutral Neutral refers to ecosystems with a water pH of greater than or equal to 6 and less than 9. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
ALK Alkaline Alkaline refers to ecosystems with a water pH of greater than or equal to 9. PAL RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify pH. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_SAL_L

Salinity (Landscape)
Salinity refers to the amount of dissolved salt in the water.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
FRE Fresh Fresh refers to ecosystems with a salinity of less than 1,000 parts per million (equivalent to 1,000 mg/L or 1 part per thousand). PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BRC Brackish Brackish refers to ecosystems with a salinity of greater than or equal to 1,000 parts per million (equivalent to 1,000 mg/L or 1 parts per thousand) and less than 3,000 parts per million (equivalent to 3,000 mg/L or 3 part per thousand). PAL LAC RIV
SAL Saline Saline refers to ecosystems with a salinity of greater than or equal to 3,000 parts per million (equivalent to 3,000 mg/L or 3 parts per thousand) and less than 10,000 parts per million (equivalent to 10,000 mg/L or 10 part per thousand). PAL LAC
HYP Hypersaline Hypersaline refers to ecosystems with a salinity of greater than or equal to 10,000 parts per million (equivalent to 10,000 mg/L or 10 parts per thousand). PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify salinity. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_SAL_H

Salinity (Habitat)
Salinity refers to the amount of dissolved salt in the water.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
FRE Fresh Fresh refers to ecosystems with a salinity of less than 1,000 parts per million (equivalent to 1,000 mg/L or 1 part per thousand). PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BRC Brackish Brackish refers to ecosystems with a salinity of greater than or equal to 1,000 parts per million (equivalent to 1,000 mg/L or 1 parts per thousand) and less than 3,000 parts per million (equivalent to 3,000 mg/L or 3 part per thousand). PAL LAC RIV
SAL Saline Saline refers to ecosystems with a salinity of greater than or equal to 3,000 parts per million (equivalent to 3,000 mg/L or 3 parts per thousand) and less than 10,000 parts per million (equivalent to 10,000 mg/L or 10 part per thousand). PAL LAC
HYP Hypersaline Hypersaline refers to ecosystems with a salinity of greater than or equal to 10,000 parts per million (equivalent to 10,000 mg/L or 10 parts per thousand). PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify salinity. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_MOD_H

Wetland Habitat Hydrological Modification (Habitat)
Wetland habitat modification is a typology incorporating anthropogenic activities at the habitat level that alter wetland hydrology, the affected wetland system and resultant wetland system.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Degree of modification Description Wetland Systems
H1 Natural Natural Natural refers to a natural wetland where no anthropogenic activities are observable at the habitat level that alter wetland hydrology. PAL LAC RIV INT INS CPA CRI
H2 Modified Slightly modified Modified refers to a natural wetland where anthropogenic activities are observable at the habitat level that alter wetland hydrology. PAL LAC RIV INT
H2-M1 Slightly modified
Modified - bunding in a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed within a channel of a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road).
H2-M1-a Slightly modified
Modified - bunding in a channel - freshwater wetland with no system change refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier observed within a channel of a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). This bunding is observed in a riverine channel where the wetland extent does not exceed pre-existing channel boundaries and does not cause water to exceed 8 ha in size or raise to a depth above 2 m.
H2-M1-b Slightly modified
Modified - bunding in a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed within a channel of a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). This bunding is observed in an intertidal wetland channel altering tidal inundation resulting in conversion to a lacustrine or palustrine wetland.
H2-M1-e Highly modified
Modified - bunding in a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed within a channel of a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). This bunding is observed in a riverine channel where wetland extent exceeds pre-existing channel boundaries, causes water to exceed 8 ha in size or raise to a depth above 2 m, resulting in conversion to a lacustrine wetland.
H2-M2 Slightly modified
Modified - bunding outside a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed outside of a channel in a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road).
H2-M2-a Slightly modified
Modified - bunding outside a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed outside of a channel in a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). Bunding is observed in a palustrine or lacustrine system but any resulting water level change does not result in a conversion of wetland system.
H2-M2-b Slightly modified
Modified - bunding outside a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed outside of a channel in a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). Bunding is observed in an intertidal wetland but any resulting alteration to tidal inundation does not result in a conversion of wetland system.
H2-M2-c Slightly modified
Modified - bunding outside a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed outside of a channel in a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). Bunding is observed in a palustrine system where resulting water level change results in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M2-d Slightly modified
Modified - bunding outside a channel refers to bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), observed outside of a channel in a natural wetland. Bunding activity may be intended to raise or stablise water levels or may be an unintended consequence of an activity (e.g. construction of a road). Bunding is observed in an intertidal wetland where alteration to tidal inundation results in a conversion to a freshwater wetland system.
H2-M5 Highly modified
Modified - cultivation or cropping refers to cultivation or cropping, the mechanical preparation of soil and/or production of an agricultural crop, observed in a natural wetland while the characteristics of the wetland remain consistent with the Queensland Wetlands Program Wetland Definition.
H2-M6 Highly modified
Modified - controlled surface hydrology outside a channel refers to activities and/or structures observed in a natural wetland outside a channel that convert the natural wetland (or part thereof) to a storage use with controlled surface hydrology. Activities and/or structures include the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). Typically these wetlands are enclosed (i.e. have four walls) structures with pump facilities.
H2-M6-a Highly modified
Modified - controlled surface hydrology outside a channel refers to activities and/or structures observed in a natural wetland outside a channel that convert the natural wetland (or part thereof) to a storage use with controlled surface hydrology. Activities and/or structures include the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). Typically these wetlands are enclosed (i.e. have four walls) structures with pump facilities. Controlled surface hydrology observed in a lacustrine system that does not result in conversion of wetland system.
H2-M6-b Highly modified
Modified - controlled surface hydrology outside a channel refers to activities and/or structures observed in a natural wetland outside a channel that convert the natural wetland (or part thereof) to a storage use with controlled surface hydrology. Activities and/or structures include the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). Typically these wetlands are enclosed (i.e. have four walls) structures with pump facilities. Controlled surface hydrology observed in an intertidal wetland that results in the conversion to a freshwater wetland system.
H2-M6-f Highly modified
Modified - controlled surface hydrology outside a channel refers to activities and/or structures observed in a natural wetland outside a channel that convert the natural wetland (or part thereof) to a storage use with controlled surface hydrology. Activities and/or structures include the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). Typically these wetlands are enclosed (i.e. have four walls) structures with pump facilities. Controlled surface hydrology observed in a palustrine system that results in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M7 Highly modified
Modified - channel construction refers to channel construction, the construction of a linear waterway laterally enclosed by banks generally through excavation and/or construction of barriers, observed in a natural wetland. Channel construction includes canal estates openly connected to estuaries and excludes activities that also control surface hydrology.
H2-M9 Slightly modified
Modified - partial drainage refers to the observed construction of drains in a natural wetland. Construction of drains often intends to remove water by gravity.
H2-M9-a Slightly modified
Modified - partial drainage refers to the observed construction of drains in a natural wetland. Construction of drains often intends to remove water by gravity. Partial drainage observed in a freshwater wetland but does not result in conversion of wetland system.
H2-M9-b Slightly modified
Modified - partial drainage refers to the observed construction of drains in a natural wetland. Construction of drains often intends to remove water by gravity. Partial drainage observed in a freshwater wetland that results in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M9-c Slightly modified
Modified - partial drainage refers to the observed construction of drains in a natural wetland. Construction of drains often intends to remove water by gravity. Partial drainage observed in a freshwater wetland that enables tidal inundation resulting in conversion to an intertidal wetland.
H2-M10 Slightly modified
Modified - excavation in a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in a channel of a natural wetland.
H2-M10-a Slightly modified
Modified - excavation in a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in a channel of a natural wetland. Excavation observed in a riverine channel where wetland extent does not exceed pre-existing channel boundaries and does not increase water depth above 2 m.
H2-M10-c Slightly modified
Modified - excavation in a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in a channel of a natural wetland. Excavation observed in a riverine channel that removes natural tidal barriers enabling tidal inundation and results in the conversion to an intertidal wetland.
H2-M10-b Slightly modified
Modified - excavation in a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in a channel of a natural wetland. Excavation observed in a riverine channel where wetland extent exceeds pre-existing channel boundaries or increases water depth above 2 m resulting in conversion to a lacustrine wetland.
H2-M11 Slightly modified
Modified - excavation outside a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, outside a channel in a natural wetland.
H2-M11-a Slightly modified
Modified - excavation outside a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, outside a channel in a natural wetland. Excavation observed in a palustrine or lacustrine system that does not result in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M11-b Slightly modified
Modified - excavation outside a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, outside a channel in a natural wetland. Excavation observed in a palustrine system that results in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M11-c Highly modified
Modified - excavation outside a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, outside a channel in a natural wetland. Excavation observed in a palustrine system enabling tidal inundation that results in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M11-d Slightly modified
Modified - excavation outside a channel refers to the observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, outside a channel in a natural wetland. Excavation observed in an intertidal system that does not result in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M12 Slightly modified
Modified - partial infilling refers to the observed partial infilling, the mechanical deposition of fill or artificial sediment, in a natural wetland. This excludes the non-mechanical process of sedimentation.
H2-M12-a Slightly modified
Modified - partial infilling refers to the observed partial infilling, the mechanical deposition of fill or artificial sediment, in a natural wetland. This excludes the non-mechanical process of sedimentation. Partial infilling observed in an intertidal wetland that does not result in the conversion of wetland system.
H2-M12-b Slightly modified
Modified - partial infilling refers to the observed partial infilling, the mechanical deposition of fill or artificial sediment, in a natural wetland. This excludes the non-mechanical process of sedimentation. Partial infilling observed in an intertidal wetland that results in conversion to a freshwater wetland system.
H2-M12-c Slightly modified
Modified - partial infilling refers to the observed partial infilling, the mechanical deposition of fill or artificial sediment, in a natural wetland. This excludes the non-mechanical process of sedimentation. Partial infilling observed in a palustrine or lacustrine system that does not result in conversion of wetland system.
H2-M12-d Slightly modified
Modified - partial infilling refers to the observed partial infilling, the mechanical deposition of fill or artificial sediment, in a natural wetland. This excludes the non-mechanical process of sedimentation. Partial infilling observed in a lacustrine system that results in conversion of wetland system.
H2-M13 Highly modified
Modified - controlled surface hydrology in a channel refers to activities and/or structures observed in a channel of a natural wetland that convert the natural wetland (or part thereof) to a storage use with controlled surface hydrology. Activities and/or structures include the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). Typically these wetlands are enclosed (i.e. have four walls) structures with pump facilities.
H3 Artificial Artificial Artificial refers to the observed construction of an artifical wetland. PAL LAC RIV INT
H3-C1 Artificial
Artificial - bunding refers to observed bunding, the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall), in or to create an artificial wetland to capture overland flow. A common example includes farm dams.
H3-C2 Artificial
Artificial - channel construction refers to establishment of an artifical wetland through channel construction, the construction of a linear waterway laterally enclosed by banks generally through excavation and/or construction of barriers,observable outside of a wetland. Channel construction includes canal estates openly connected to estuaries and excludes activities that also control surface hydrology.
H3-C2-a Artificial
Artificial - channel construction refers to establishment of an artifical wetland through channel construction, the construction of a linear waterway laterally enclosed by banks generally through excavation and/or construction of barriers,observable outside of a wetland. Channel construction includes canal estates openly connected to estuaries and excludes activities that also control surface hydrology. Channel construction forms a riverine wetland where water depth does not exceed 2 metres and a lacustrine wetland where water depth exceeds 2 metres.
H3-C2-b Artificial
Artificial - channel construction refers to establishment of an artifical wetland through channel construction, the construction of a linear waterway laterally enclosed by banks generally through excavation and/or construction of barriers,observable outside of a wetland. Channel construction includes canal estates openly connected to estuaries and excludes activities that also control surface hydrology. Intertidal channel construction observed.
H3-C4 Artificial
Artifical - controlled surface hydrology refers to observed activities and/or structures that control surface hydrology of an artificial wetland typically for storage purposes. Activities and/or structures include the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). Typically includes enclosed (i.e. four walled) structures with pumps.
H3-C5 Artificial
Artificial - excavation refers to observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in or to create an artifical wetland.
H3-C5-a Artificial
Artificial - excavation refers to observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in or to create an artificial wetland. Excavation observed to create or in an artificial palustrine or lacustrine wetland.
H3-C5-b Artificial
Artificial - excavation refers to observed excavation, the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material, in or to create an artificial wetland. Excavation observed to create or in an artificial intertidal wetland.
XX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify wetland habitat hydrological modification.
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_MOD_L

Wetland Landscale Hydrological Modification (Landscape)
Landscape wetland modification is a typology incorporating anthropogenic activities at a landscape level that alter wetland hydrology.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
H2 Modified Modified refers to a natural wetland where anthropogenic activities are observable at the landscape level that alter wetland hydrology. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Modified - irrigation
Modified - irrigation refers to a wetland that occurs within a landscape modified by activities associated with an irrigation scheme including pumping, use as a water storage, balancing area, etc.
H1 Natural No observable landscape modification. PAL LAC RIV INT CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify landscape hydrological modification.
Source name Description Version Custodian
Landscape Modification This data contains information on areas across Queensland where there is landscape level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_NAT_L

Wetland Hydrological Naturalness (Landscape)
Wetland naturalness refers to the degree of anthropogenic influence at the habitat level on the wetland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ART Artificial The wetland is completed anthropogenic.
NAT Natural The wetland is either an un-modified natural wetland or a modified natural wetland regardless of how extensively it has been modified. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Natural - natural
Natural landscape with negligible observable anthropogenic hydrological modification.
Natural - modified
Natural landscape with observable anthropogenic hydrological modification.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify wetland naturalness.
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_NAT_H

Wetland Hydrological Naturalness (Habitat)
Wetland naturalness refers to the degree of anthropogenic influence at the habitat level on the wetland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ART Artificial The wetland is completed anthropogenic. PAL LAC RIV INT
NAT Natural The wetland is either an un-modified natural wetland or a modified natural wetland regardless of how extensively it has been modified. PAL LAC RIV INT INS CPA CRI
Natural - natural
The wetland has no observable anthropogenic modifications.
Natural - modified
The natural wetland has observable anthropogenic modifications regardless of how extensively it has been modified.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify wetland naturalness.
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_ACT_H

Wetland Habitat Hydrological Modification Activity (Habitat)
Wetland habitat modification activity refers to the dominant observable activity at the habitat level that alters wetland hydrology. This does not define what hydrological change has occurred as a result of the activity.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
BUN Bunding Bunding refers to the construction of a barrier (e.g. barrage, bund, dam, embankment, ridge, wall). PAL LAC RIV INT
CHA Channel construction Channel construction refers to the construction of a linear waterway laterally enclosed by banks generally through excavation and/or construction of barriers. LAC RIV INT
CON Controlled surface hydrology Controlled surface hydrology refers to the construction of barriers and surface water hydrology control structures (e.g. pumps). PAL LAC
CUL Cultivation or cropping Cultivation or cropping refers to the mechanical preparation of soil and/or production of an agricultural crop. PAL LAC INT
DRA Partial drainage Partial drainage refers to the construction of drains often to enable the artificial partial removal of surface and/or sub-surface water. PAL LAC INT
EXC Excavation Excavation refers to the formation of a depression through the removal of substrate material. PAL LAC RIV INT
INF Partial infilling Partial infilling refers to the mechanical deposition of fill or artificial sediment. This excludes the non-mechanical process of sedimentation. PAL LAC
NOA Not applicable No wetland habitat hydrological modification activity observed. PAL LAC RIV INT INS CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify wetland habitat hydrological modification activity. PAL LAC
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_FLOD_L

Floodplain (Landscape)
Floodplain refers to whether a wetland occurs within an active floodplain.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
FLD Within a floodplain Within a floodplain refers to ecosystems that occur within a broader active floodplain. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
NFD Not within a floodplain Not within a floodplain refers to ecosystems that do not occur within a broader active floodplain. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify floodplain. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_PERM_H

Permanence of Water (Habitat)
Permanence of water refers to the timing of water inundation in a wetland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
PRM Permanent Permanent refers to the continual presence of water. PAL LAC RIV
NPM Near permanent Near permanent refers to the common presence of water with irregular drying after unpredictable events (e.g. signficant drought period). PAL LAC RIV CPA
INT Intermittent Intermittent refers to the presence of water periodically. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
EPH Ephemeral Ephemeral refers to rare presence of water with the presence of water occurring after unpredicatable rainfall events. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify permanence of water. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_WEXT_H

Residence Extent (Habitat)
Residence extent refers to the area of water that is present relative to the maximum wetland extent. Residence time can have a large influence on the habitat conditions and subsequent biotic assemblages.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
VHI Very high Very high refers to a residence extent of greater than or equal to 80 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
HIG High High refers to a residence extent of greater than or equal to 60 percent of the maximum wetland extent and less than 80 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to a residence extent of greater than or equal to 40 percent of the maximum wetland extent and less than 60 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
LOW Low Low refers to a residence extent of greater than or equal to 20 percent of the maximum wetland extent and less than 40 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
VLO Very low Very low refers to a residence extent of less than 20 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify residence extent. PAL LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_OEXT_H

Residence Extent of Open Water (Habitat)
Residence extent of open water refers to the area of open water that is present relative to the maximum wetland extent. Residence time can have a large influence on the habitat conditions and subsequent biotic assemblages.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
VHI Very high Very high refers to an open water residence extent of greater than or equal to 80 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
HIG High High refers to an open residence extent of greater than or equal to 60 percent of the maximum wetland extent and less than 80 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to an open water residence extent of greater than or equal to 40 percent of the maximum wetland extent and less than 60 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
LOW Low Low refers to an open water residence extent of greater than or equal to 20 percent of the maximum wetland extent and less than 40 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
VLO Very low Very low refers to an open water residence extent of less than 20 percent of the maximum wetland extent. PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify residence extent of open water. PAL LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_WTIM_H

Residence Time (Habitat)
Residence time refers to the amount of time that water is present. Residence time can have a large influence on the habitat conditions and subsequent biotic assemblages.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
PRM Permanent Permanent refers to the continual presence of water. PAL LAC RIV
G24 Greater than 24 Greater than 24 refers to the presence of water typically extending at least 24 months or 2 years after a significant hydrological event but not permanently present. PAL LAC
T24 18 to 24 18 to 24 refers to the presence of water typically extending at least 18 months and less than 24 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC
T18 12 to 18 12 to 18 refers to the presence of water typically extending at least 12 months and less than 18 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV
T12 6 to 12 6 to 12 refers to the presence of water typically extending at least 6 months and less than 12 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV
T06 1 to 6 1 to 6 refers to the presence of water typically extending greater than 1 month and less than 6 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV CPA
T01 Less than 1 Less than 1 refers to the presence of water typically extending 1 month or less after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify residence time. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_OTIM_H

Residence Time of Open Water (Habitat)
Residence time of open water refers to the amount of time that open water is present. Residence time can have a large influence on the habitat conditions and subsequent biotic assemblages.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
PRM Permanent Permanent refers to the continual presence of open water. PAL LAC RIV
G24 Greater than 24 Greater than 24 refers to the presence of open water typically extending at least 24 months or 2 years after a significant hydrological event but not permanently present. PAL LAC
T24 18 to 24 18 to 24 refers to the presence of open water typically extending at least 18 months and less than 24 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC
T18 12 to 18 12 to 18 refers to the presence of open water typically extending at least 12 months and less than 18 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV
T12 6 to 12 6 to 12 refers to the presence of open water typically extending at least 6 months and less than 12 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV
T06 1 to 6 1 to 6 refers to the presence of open water typically extending greater than 1 month and less than 6 months after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV CPA
T01 Less than 1 Less than 1 refers to the presence of open water typically extending 1 month or less after a significant hydrological event. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify residence time. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_OBSR_L

Time First Observed (Landscape)
Time first observed refers to the year when water was first observed in an artificial wetland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
P90 Pre 1990 Pre 1990 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed prior to 1990. LAC
90S 1990 to 1999 1990 to 1999 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 1990 and 1999 inclusive. LAC
00S 2000 to 2009 2000 to 2009 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 2000 and 2009 inclusive. LAC
10S 2010 to 2019 2010 to 2019 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 2010 and 2019 inclusive. LAC
20S 2020 to 2029 2020 to 2029 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 2020 and 2029 inclusive.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify time first observed. LAC
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_OBSR_H

Time First Observed (Habitat)
Time first observed refers to the year when water was first observed in an artificial wetland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
P90 Pre 1990 Pre 1980 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed prior to 1990. LAC
90S 1990 to 2000 1990 to 1999 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 1990 and 1999 inclusive. LAC
1990 to 2000 - 1990
1990 to 2000 - 1990 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1990.
1990 to 2000 - 1991
1990 to 2000 - 1991 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1991.
1990 to 2000 - 1992
1990 to 2000 - 1992 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1992.
1990 to 2000 - 1993
1990 to 2000 - 1993 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1993.
1990 to 2000 - 1994
1990 to 2000 - 1994 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1994.
1990 to 2000 - 1995
1990 to 2000 - 1995 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1995.
1990 to 2000 - 1996
1990 to 2000 - 1996 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1996.
1990 to 2000 - 1997
1990 to 2000 - 1997 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1997.
1990 to 2000 - 1998
1990 to 2000 - 1998 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1998.
1990 to 2000 - 1999
1990 to 2000 - 1999 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 1999.
00S 2000 to 2009 2000 to 2009 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 2000 and 2009 inclusive. LAC
2000 to 2009 - 2000
2000 to 2009 - 2000 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2000.
2000 to 2009 - 2001
2000 to 2009 - 2001 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2001.
2000 to 2009 - 2002
2000 to 2009 - 2002 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2002.
2000 to 2009 - 2003
2000 to 2009 - 2003 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2003.
2000 to 2009 - 2004
2000 to 2009 - 2004 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2004.
2000 to 2009 - 2005
2000 to 2009 - 2005 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2005.
2000 to 2009 - 2006
2000 to 2009 - 2006 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2006.
2000 to 2009 - 2007
2000 to 2009 - 2007 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2007.
2000 to 2009 - 2008
2000 to 2009 - 2008 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2008.
2000 to 2009 - 2009
2000 to 2009 - 2009 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2009.
10S 2010 to 2019 2010 to 2019 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 2010 and 2019 inclusive. LAC
2010 to 2019 - 2010
2010 to 2019 - 2010 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2010.
2010 to 2019 - 2011
2010 to 2019 - 2011 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2011.
2010 to 2019 - 2012
2010 to 2019 - 2012 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2012.
2010 to 2019 - 2013
2010 to 2019 - 2013 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2013.
2010 to 2019 - 2014
2010 to 2019 - 2014 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2014.
2010 to 2019 - 2015
2010 to 2019 - 2015 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2015.
2010 to 2019 - 2016
2010 to 2019 - 2016 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2016.
2010 to 2019 - 2017
2010 to 2019 - 2017 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2017.
2010 to 2019 - 2018
2010 to 2019 - 2018 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2018.
2010 to 2019 - 2019
2010 to 2019 - 2019 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2019.
20S 2020 to 2029 2020 to 2029 refers to artificial wetlands where water was first observed to be present between 2020 and 2029 inclusive.
2020 to 2029 - 2020
2020 to 2029 - 2020 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2020.
2020 to 2029 - 2021
2020 to 2029 - 2021 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2021.
2020 to 2029 - 2022
2020 to 2029 - 2022 refers to artifical wetlands where water was first observed to be present in 2022.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information to assign a time first observed. LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_PERD_H

Timing Periodicity (Habitat)
Timing periodicity refers to the tendency of variations in the presence of water in the wetland to reoccur through time.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
SEA Seasonal Seasonal refers to an annual cycle of variation in the presence of water based on the season. CPA
ANN Annual Annual refers to a cycle of variation in the presence of water that reoccurs every year. PAL LAC RIV INT CPA
INT Inter-annual Inter-annual refers to a cycle of variation in the presence of water that reoccurs over more than one year. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
OTH Other Other refers to other cycles of variation in the presence of water.
NOA Not applicable None refers to no observed cycles of variation in the presence of water.
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify timing periodicity. PAL LAC RIV INT CPA CRI
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_BASN_R

Topographic Drainage (Region)
Topographic drainage refers to where water flows and drains across the landscape based on drainage-enforced elevation models.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
GUP Gulf Gulf refers to river systems draining to the Gulf of Carpentaria. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BUL Bulloo Bulloo refers to river systems of the Bulloo River basin. PAL LAC RIV
EYR Lake Eyre Lake Eyre refers to river systems draining internally in the Lake Eyre Basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MDB Murray Darling Murray Darling refers to river systems draining through south-eastern Australia, across New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
NEC North East Coast North East Coast refers to river systems draining east of the Great Dividing Range. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify topographic drainage. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Drainage Basin Sub Areas - Queensland This dataset contains the extent, name and unique ID number of the Basin Sub Areas (subdivisions of major drainage basins) in the State of Queensland. Version 6.13 Department of Resources

Data field: HYD_BASN_L

Topographic Drainage (Landscape)
Topographic drainage refers to where water flows and drains across the landscape based on drainage-enforced elevation models.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
SET Settlement River Settlement River refers to river systems of the Settlement Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MON Mornington Island Mornington Island refers to river systems of the Mornington Island basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NIC Nicholson River Nicholson River refers to river systems of the Nicholson River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
LEI Leichhardt River Leichhardt River refers to river systems of the Leichhardt River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MOR Morning Inlet Morning Inlet refers to river systems of the Morning Inlet basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
FLI Flinders River Flinders River refers to river systems of the Flinders River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOR Norman River Norman River refers to river systems of the Norman River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GIL Gilbert River Gilbert River refers to river systems of the Gilbert River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STA Staaten River Staaten River refers to river systems of the Staaten River basin. PAL LAC RIV
MIT Mitchell River Mitchell River refers to river systems of the Mitchell River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HAN Hann River Hann River refers to river systems of the Hann River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ISA Isaac River Isaac River refers to river systems of the Isaac River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ISI Isis River Isis River refers to river systems of the Isis River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
KEN Kendall River Kendall River refers to river systems of the Kendall River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LCR L Creek L Creek refers to river systems of the L Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LAG Lagoon Creek Lagoon Creek refers to river systems of the Lagoon Creek basin. PAL RIV CPA
LCK Lockyer Creek Lockyer Creek refers to river systems of the Lockyer Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MWE Macintyre & Weir Rivers Macintyre & Weir Rivers refers to river systems of the Macintyre & Weir Rivers basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MBR Macintyre Brook Macintyre Brook refers to river systems of the Macintyre Brook basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAC Mackenzie River Mackenzie River refers to river systems of the Mackenzie River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COL Coleman River Coleman River refers to river systems of the Coleman River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAR Maranoa River Maranoa River refers to river systems of the Maranoa River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MCD Mcdonald River Mcdonald River refers to river systems of the Mcdonald River basin. PAL RIV CPA
MIS Mission River Mission River refers to river systems of the Mission River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOG Nogoa River Nogoa River refers to river systems of the Nogoa River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PAL Palmer River Palmer River refers to river systems of the Palmer River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PAS Pascoe River Pascoe River refers to river systems of the Pascoe River basin. PAL RIV CPA
RUS Russell River Russell River refers to river systems of the Russell River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SAX Saxby River Saxby River refers to river systems of the Saxby River basin. PAL LAC RIV
SKA Skardon River Skardon River refers to river systems of the Skardon River basin. PAL RIV
SJR South Johnstone River South Johnstone River refers to river systems of the South Johnstone River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HOL Holroyd River Holroyd River refers to river systems of the Holroyd River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SPR South Pine River South Pine River refers to river systems of the South Pine River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STN Stanley River Stanley River refers to river systems of the Stanley River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STR Stradbroke Islands Stradbroke Islands refers to river systems of the Stradbroke Islands basin. PAL LAC CPA
SUT Suttor River Suttor River refers to river systems of the Suttor River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
THO Thomson River Thomson River refers to river systems of the Thomson River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
UBR Upper Burdekin River Upper Burdekin River refers to river systems of the Upper Burdekin River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
UBU Upper Burnett River Upper Burnett River refers to river systems of the Upper Burnett River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
UMR Upper Mary River Upper Mary River refers to river systems of the Upper Mary River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WAL Wallam Creeks Wallam Creeks refers to river systems of the Wallam Creeks basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
UMA Walsh River Walsh River refers to river systems of the Walsh River basin. PAL LAC RIV
ARC Archer River Archer River refers to river systems of the Archer River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
WAT Watson River Watson River refers to river systems of the Watson River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EMB Embley River Embley River refers to river systems of the Embley River basin. PAL LAC RIV
WEN Wenlock River Wenlock River refers to river systems of the Wenlock River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DUC Ducie River Ducie River refers to river systems of the Ducie River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
JAR Jardine River Jardine River refers to river systems of the Jardine River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TSI Torres Strait Islands Torres Strait Islands refers to river systems of the Torres Strait Islands basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUL Bulloo River Bulloo River refers to river systems of the Bulloo River basin. PAL LAC RIV
COO Cooper Creek Cooper Creek refers to river systems of the Cooper Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV
FRO Lake Frome Lake Frome refers to river systems of the Lake Frome basin. PAL LAC
HAY Hay Hay refers to river systems of the Hay River basin. PAL LAC
DIA Diamantina River Diamantina River refers to river systems of the Diamantina River basin. PAL LAC RIV
GEO Georgina River Georgina River refers to river systems of the Georgina River basin. PAL LAC RIV
BOR Boyne & Auburn Rivers Boyne & Auburn Rivers refers to river systems of the Boyne & Auburn Rivers basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MOO Moonie River Moonie River refers to river systems of the Moonie River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BAL Balonne River Balonne River refers to river systems of the Balonne River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WAR Warrego River Warrego River refers to river systems of the Warrego River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PAR Paroo River Paroo River refers to river systems of the Paroo River basin. PAL LAC RIV
JAC Jacky Jacky Creek Jacky Jacky Creek refers to river systems of the Jacky Jacky Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
OLI Olive River Olive River refers to river systems of the Olive River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LOC Lockhart River Lockhart River refers to river systems of the Lockhart River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STE Stewart River Stewart River refers to river systems of the Stewart River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NRB Normanby River Normanby River refers to river systems of the Normanby River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
JEA Jeannie River Jeannie River refers to river systems of the Jeannie River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
END Endeavour River Endeavour River refers to river systems of the Endeavour River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DAI Daintree River Daintree River refers to river systems of the Daintree River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MOS Mossman River Mossman River refers to river systems of the Mossman River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BRN Barron River Barron River refers to river systems of the Barron River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MUL Mulgrave River Mulgrave River refers to river systems of the Mulgrave River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
JOH North Johnstone River North Johnstone River refers to river systems of the North Johnstone River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TUL Tully River Tully River refers to river systems of the Tully River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MUR Murray River Murray River refers to river systems of the Murray River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HIN Hinchinbrook Island Hinchinbrook Island refers to river systems of the Hinchinbrook Island basin. PAL RIV CPA
HER Herbert River Herbert River refers to river systems of the Herbert River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BLA Black River Black refers to river systems of the Black River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ROS Ross River Ross River refers to river systems of the Ross River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HAU Haughton River Haughton River refers to river systems of the Haughton River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LBD Lower Burdekin River Lower Burdekin River refers to river systems of the Lower Burdekin River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DON Don River Don River refers to river systems of the Don River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PRO Proserpine River Proserpine River refers to river systems of the Proserpine River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WHI Whitsunday Island Whitsunday Island refers to river systems of the Whitsunday Island basin. PAL RIV
OCO O'Connell River O'Connell River refers to river systems of the O'Connell River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PIO Pioneer River Pioneer River refers to river systems of the Pioneer River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PLA Plane Creek Plane Creek refers to river systems of the Plane Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STY Styx River Styx River refers to river systems of the Styx River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SHO Shoalwater Shoalwater refers to river systems of the Shoalwater Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WTP Waterpark Creek Waterpark Creek refers to river systems of the Waterpark Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
FIT Fitzroy River Fitzroy River refers to river systems of the Fitzroy River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CAL Calliope River Calliope River refers to river systems of the Calliope River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CUR Curtis Island Curtis Island refers to river systems of the Curtis Island basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BOY Boyne River Boyne River refers to river systems of the Boyne River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BAF Baffle Creek Baffle Creek refers to river systems of the Baffle Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
KOL Kolan River Kolan River refers to river systems of the Kolan River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
LBR Lower Burnett River Lower Burnett River refers to river systems of the Lower Burnett River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BUU Burrum River Burrum River refers to river systems of the Burrum River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MRY Lower Mary River Lower Mary River refers to river systems of the Lower Mary River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
FRA Fraser Island Fraser Island refers to river systems of the Fraser Island basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOO Noosa River Noosa River refers to river systems of the Noosa River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MRO Maroochy River Maroochy River refers to river systems of the Maroochy River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PIN North Pine River North Pine River refers to river systems of the North Pine River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BRI Brisbane River Brisbane River refers to river systems of the Brisbane River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MBI Moreton Island Moreton Island refers to river systems of Moreton Island. PAL LAC CPA
LOG Logan River Logan River refers to river systems of the Logan River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ALB Albert River Albert River refers to river systems of the Albert River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify topographic drainage. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ALI Alice River Alice River refers to river systems of the Alice River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BAR Barcoo River Barcoo River refers to river systems of the Barcoo River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BBC Barker & Barambah Creeks Barker & Barambah River refers to river systems of the Barker & Barambah River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BRR Barratta Creek Barratta Creek refers to river systems of the Barratta Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BOH Bohle River Bohle River refers to river systems of the Bohle River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BOW Bowen River Bowen River refers to river systems of the Bowen River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BRE Bremer River Bremer River refers to river systems of the Bremer River basin. PAL LAC RIV CRI
CAB Caboolture River Caboolture River refers to river systems of the Caboolture River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CLI Cliffdale Creek Cliffdale Creek refers to river systems of the Cliffdale Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CLO Cloncurry River Cloncurry River refers to river systems of the Cloncurry River basin. PAL LAC RIV CRI
COE Coen River Coen River refers to river systems of the Coen River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COM Comet River Comet River refers to river systems of the Comet River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CON Condamine River Condamine River refers to river systems of the Condamine River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
CNR Coomera & Nerang Rivers Coomera & Nerang Rivers refers to river systems of the Coomera & Nerang Rivers basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DAW Dawson River Dawson River refers to river systems of the Dawson River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DMA Dumaresq River Dumaresq River refers to river systems of the Dumaresq River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EDW Edward River Edward River refers to river systems of the Edward River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EIG Eight Mile Creek Eight Mile Creek refers to river systems of the Eight Mile Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EIN Einasleigh River Einasleigh River refers to river systems of the Einasleigh River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ELL Elliott River Elliott River refers to river systems of the Elliott River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EYR Eyre Creek Eyre Creek refers to river systems of the Eyre Creek basin. PAL LAC RIV
GRE Gregory River Gregory River refers to river systems of the Gregory River basin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Source name Description Version Custodian
Drainage Basin Sub Areas - Queensland This dataset contains the extent, name and unique ID number of the Basin Sub Areas (subdivisions of major drainage basins) in the State of Queensland. Version 6.13 Department of Resources

Data field: HYD_WSRC_H

Relative Dominance of Water Sources (Habitat)
The relative requirements of an ecosystem for water from different sources. Water source has a significant impact on the specific environmental conditions found at a location and therefore influences habitat and biota.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
GWD Groundwater The dominant water source (i.e. generally > 70% of the time) for the ecosystem is groundwater. PAL LAC CPA
SWD Surface water The dominant water source (i.e. generally > 70% of the time) for the ecosystem is surface water. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GSW Both surface and groundwater The dominant water source (i.e. generally > 70% of the time) for the ecosystem is a combination of surface water and groundwater. This includes ecosystems where there is temporal dominance by one source or the other. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify relative dominance of water sources. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_AGFS_L

Aquifer Groundwater Flow System (Landscape)
Aquifer Groundwater Flow Systems depict groundwater flow systems at a habitat scale based on their hydrogeological characteristics using a combination of geology, geomorphology and topographical information. Groundwater flow systems are characterised by their flow path lengths and corresponding ability to respond to hydrological change caused by alteration to the natural environment.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
LOC Local flow system Local groundwater flow systems extend less than 5 kilometres along a flow path (i.e. from points of recharge to points of discharge). PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
INT Intermediate flow system Intermediate groundwater flow systems extend between 5 and 50 kilometres along a flow path (i.e. from points of recharge to points of discharge). PAL LAC RIV CPA
REG Regional flow system Regional groundwater flow system extend over 50 kilometres along a flow path (i.e. from points of recharge to points of discharge). PAL RIV
PER Perched flow system Perched groundwater systems are unconfined aquifers in the vadose zone that are separated from underlying aquifer(s) by an unsaturated zone. LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify groundwater flow system. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to instances where no groundwater flow system is present. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_AQNA_L

Aquifer Name (Landscape)
Name of the source aquifer or aquifer ecosystem. Commonly the name of the source aquifer refers to the geological formation in which it exists.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_BREG_R

Biogeographic Region (Region)
Bioregions delineate regions with a similar set of major environmental influences (climate, geomorphology, landforms and lithology) that shape the occurrence of flora and fauna and their interaction with the physical environment.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
BRB Brigalow Belt Brigalow Belt refers to the Brigalow Belt biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CYP Cape York Peninsula Cape York Peninsula refers to Cape York Peninsula biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CQC Central Queensland Coast Central Queensland Coast refers to Central Queensland Coast biogeographic region. PAL RIV CPA
CHC Channel Country Channel Country refers to Channel Country biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV
DEU Desert Uplands Desert Uplands refers to the Desert Uplands biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EIU Einasleigh Uplands Einasleigh Uplands refers to the Einasleigh Uplands biogeographic region. PAL RIV CPA
GUP Gulf Plains Gulf Plains refers to the Gulf Plains biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MGD Mitchell Grass Downs Mitchell Grass Downs refers to the Mitchell Grass Downs biogeographic region. PAL RIV
MUL Mulga Lands Mulga Lands refers to the Mulga Lands biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV
NET New England Tableland New England Tableland refers to New England Tableland biogeographic region. PAL RIV
NWH Northwest Highlands Northwest Highlands refers to Northwest Highlands biogeographic region. PAL RIV
SEQ South East Queensland South East Queensland refers to South East Queensland biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
WET Wet Tropics Wet Tropcis refers to Wet Trropics biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify biogeographic region. PAL LAC RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_BREG_L

Biogeographic Region (Landscape)
Bioregions delineate regions with a similar set of major environmental influences (climate, geomorphology, landforms and lithology) that shape the occurrence of flora and fauna and their interaction with the physical environment.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ANA Anakie Inlier Anakie Inlier refers to the Anakie Inlier biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ARC Arcadia Arcadia refers to the Arcadia biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BAN Banana - Auburn Ranges Banana - Auburn Ranges refers to the Banana - Auburn Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BAR Barakula Barakula refers to the Barakula biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BAS Basalt Downs Basalt Downs refers to the Basalt Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BED Belyando Downs Belyando Downs refers to the Belyando Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BEU Beucazon Hills Beucazon Hills refers to the Beucazon Hills biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BOG Bogie River Hills Bogie River Hills refers to the Bogie River Hills biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BOO Boomer Range Boomer Range refers to the Boomer Range biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUC Buckland Basalts Buckland Basalts refers to the Buckland Basalts biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
URS Urisino Sandplains Urisino Sandplains refers to the Urisino Sandplains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
WAR Warrego Plains Warrego Plains refers to the Warrego Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
WBP West Balonne Plains West Balonne Plains refers to the West Balonne Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WBU West Bulloo West Bulloo refers to the West Bulloo biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
WWA West Warrego West Warrego refers to the West Warrego biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
NNC Nandewar Northern Complex Nandewar Northern Complex refers to the Nandewar Northern Complex biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STA Stanthorpe Plateau Stanthorpe Plateau refers to the Stanthorpe Plateau biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
TEN Tenterfield Plateau Tenterfield Plateau refers to the Tenterfield Plateau biogeographic subregion. LAC RIV
MCA McArthur McArthur refers to the McArthur biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CRI
MII Mount Isa Inlier Mount Isa Inlier refers to the Mount Isa Inlier biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CRI
CCD Callide Creek Downs Callide Creek Downs refers to the Callide Creek Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SPF Southwestern Plateaus & Floodouts Southwestern Plateaus & Floodouts refers to the Southwestern Plateaus & Floodouts biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
THO Thorntonia Thorntonia refers to the Thorntonia biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CRI
BBV Brisbane - Barambah Volcanics Brisbane - Barambah Volcanics refers to the Brisbane - Barambah Volcanics biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BCC Burnett - Curtis Coastal Lowlands Burnett - Curtis Coastal Lowlands refers to the Burnett - Curtis Coastal Lowlands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BCH Burnett - Curtis Hills and Ranges Burnett - Curtis Hills and Ranges refers to the Burnett - Curtis Hills and Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BCR Burringbar - Conondale Ranges Burringbar - Conondale Ranges refers to the Burringbar - Conondale Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GSA Great Sandy Great Sandy refers to the Great Sandy biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GYM Gympie Block Gympie Block refers to the Gympie Block biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MOR Moreton Basin Moreton Basin refers to the Moreton Basin biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
SCE Scenic Rim Scenic Rim refers to the Scenic Rim biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
CRH Cape River Hills Cape River Hills refers to the Cape River Hills biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SBU South Burnett South Burnett refers to the South Burnett biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
GBR Southern Great Barrier Reef Southern Great Barrier Reef refers to the Southern Great Barrier Reef biogeographic subregion. PAL
SGC Sunshine Coast - Gold Coast Lowlands Sunshine Coast - Gold Coast Lowlands refers to the Sunshine Coast - Gold Coast Lowlands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WOD Woodenbong Woodenbong refers to the Woodenbong biogeographic subregion. LAC
ATH Atherton Atherton refers to the Atherton biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BKL Bellenden Ker - Lamb Bellenden Ker - Lamb refers to the Bellenden Ker - Lamb biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DBL Daintree - Bloomfield Daintree - Bloomfield refers to the Daintree - Bloomfield biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HER Herbert Herbert refers to the Herbert biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
INN Innisfail Innisfail refers to the Innisfail biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
KIR Kirrama - Hinchinbrook Kirrama - Hinchinbrook refers to the Kirrama - Hinchinbrook biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CAR Carnarvon Ranges Carnarvon Ranges refers to the Carnarvon Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAC Macalister Macalister refers to the Macalister biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PAL Paluma - Seaview Paluma - Seaview refers to the Paluma - Seaview biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TUL Tully Tully refers to the Tully biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify biogeographic subregion.
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
CRD Claude River Downs Claude River Downs refers to the Claude River Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CUL Culgoa - Bokhara Culgoa - Bokhara refers to the Culgoa - Bokhara biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DRD Dawson River Downs Dawson River Downs refers to the Dawson River Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DUL Dulacca Downs Dulacca Downs refers to the Dulacca Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EDD Eastern Darling Downs Eastern Darling Downs refers to the Eastern Darling Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
ING Inglewood Sandstones Inglewood Sandstones refers to the Inglewood Sandstones biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ISA Isaac - Comet Downs Isaac - Comet Downs refers to the Isaac - Comet Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MWF Macintyre - Weir Fan Macintyre - Weir Fan refers to the Macintyre - Weir Fan biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAR Marlborough Plains Marlborough Plains refers to the Marlborough Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MBI Moonie - Barwon Interfluve Moonie - Barwon Interfluve refers to the Moonie - Barwon Interfluve biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MCC Moonie R. - Commoron Creek Floodout Moonie R. - Commoron Creek Floodout refers to the Moonie R. - Commoron Creek Floodout biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MMR Mount Morgan Ranges Mount Morgan Ranges refers to the Mount Morgan Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NAR Narrandool Narrandool refers to the Narrandool biogeographic subregion. LAC CPA
NEO Nebo - Connors Ranges Nebo - Connors Ranges refers to the Nebo - Connors Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NBB Northern Bowen Basin Northern Bowen Basin refers to the Northern Bowen Basin biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SDB South Drummond Basin South Drummond Basin refers to the South Drummond Basin biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SDO Southern Downs Southern Downs refers to the Southern Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TAR Tara Downs Tara Downs refers to the Tara Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TAD Taroom Downs Taroom Downs refers to the Taroom Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TOW Townsville Plains Townsville Plains refers to the Townsville Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
UBF Upper Belyando Floodout Upper Belyando Floodout refers to the Upper Belyando Floodout biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WMO Warrambool - Moonie Warrambool - Moonie refers to the Warrambool - Moonie biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WER Weribone High Weribone High refers to the Weribone High biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WOB Woorabinda Woorabinda refers to the Woorabinda biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WAY Wyarra Hills Wyarra Hills refers to the Wyarra Hills biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BCS Battle Camp Sandstones Battle Camp Sandstones refers to the Battle Camp Sandstones biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CYT Cape York - Torres Strait Cape York - Torres Strait refers to the Cape York - Torres Strait biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CPL Coastal Plains Coastal Plains refers to the Coastal Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COE Coen - Yambo Inlier Coen - Yambo Inlier refers to the Coen - Yambo Inlier biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
JAR Jardine - Pascoe Sandstones Jardine - Pascoe Sandstones refers to the Jardine - Pascoe Sandstones biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LAU Laura Lowlands Laura Lowlands refers to the Laura Lowlands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NHP Northern Holroyd Plain Northern Holroyd Plain refers to the Northern Holroyd Plain biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SCL Starke Coastal Lowlands Starke Coastal Lowlands refers to the Starke Coastal Lowlands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WEI Weipa Plateau Weipa Plateau refers to the Weipa Plateau biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BYF Byfield Byfield refers to the Byfield biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
CCR Clarke - Connors Ranges Clarke - Connors Ranges refers to the Clarke - Connors Ranges biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
DEB Debella Debella refers to the Debella biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
MAN Manifold Manifold refers to the Manifold biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
PSL Proserpine - Sarina Lowlands Proserpine - Sarina Lowlands refers to the Proserpine - Sarina Lowlands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WHI Whitsunday Whitsunday refers to the Whitsunday biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
BUL Bulloo Bulloo refers to the Bulloo biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
BUD Bulloo Dunefields Bulloo Dunefields refers to the Bulloo Dunefields biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
CON Coongie Coongie refers to the Coongie biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
CDP Cooper - Diamantina Plains Cooper - Diamantina Plains refers to the Cooper - Diamantina Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
DIR Dieri Dieri refers to the Dieri biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
GEP Georgina - Eyre Plains Georgina - Eyre Plains refers to the Georgina - Eyre Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
GTA Goneaway Tablelands Goneaway Tablelands refers to the Goneaway Tablelands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
PUR Lake Pure Lake Pure refers to the Lake Pure biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
NOC Noccundra Slopes Noccundra Slopes refers to the Noccundra Slopes biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
SIM Simpson Desert Simpson Desert refers to the Simpson Desert biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
STR Strzelecki Desert Strzelecki Desert refers to the Strzelecki Desert biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
STU Sturt Stony Desert Sturt Stony Desert refers to the Sturt Stony Desert biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
TOK Toko Plains Toko Plains refers to the Toko Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
ALI Alice Tableland Alice Tableland refers to the Alice Tableland biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CCP Cape - Campaspe Plains Cape - Campaspe Plains refers to the Cape - Campaspe Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
JER Jericho Jericho refers to the Jericho biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PTC Prairie - Torrens Creeks Alluvials Prairie - Torrens Creeks Alluvials refers to the Prairie - Torrens Creeks Alluvials biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BRO Broken River Broken River refers to the Broken River biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GCR Georgetown - Croydon Georgetown - Croydon refers to the Georgetown - Croydon biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HWA Herberton - Wairuna Herberton - Wairuna refers to the Herberton - Wairuna biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HOD Hodgkinson Basin Hodgkinson Basin refers to the Hodgkinson Basin biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
KID Kidston Kidston refers to the Kidston biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
UND Undara - Toomba Basalts Undara - Toomba Basalts refers to the Undara - Toomba Basalts biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ARM Armraynald Plains Armraynald Plains refers to the Armraynald Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
CLA Claraville Plains Claraville Plains refers to the Claraville Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
DON Donors Plateau Donors Plateau refers to the Donors Plateau biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
DOM Doomadgee Plains Doomadgee Plains refers to the Doomadgee Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CRI
GIL Gilberton Plateau Gilberton Plateau refers to the Gilberton Plateau biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HOL Holroyd Plain - Red Plateau Holroyd Plain - Red Plateau refers to the Holroyd Plain - Red Plateau biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
KAR Karumba Plains Karumba Plains refers to the Karumba Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MGF Mitchell - Gilbert Fans Mitchell - Gilbert Fans refers to the Mitchell - Gilbert Fans biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WEL Wellesley Islands Wellesley Islands refers to the Wellesley Islands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WOO Woondoola Plains Woondoola Plains refers to the Woondoola Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CRI
BAK Barkly Tableland Barkly Tableland refers to the Barkly Tableland biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
CDO Central Downs Central Downs refers to the Central Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
FLI Flinders Flinders refers to the Flinders biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
GEO Georgina Limestone Georgina Limestone refers to the Georgina Limestone biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
KYN Kynuna Plateau Kynuna Plateau refers to the Kynuna Plateau biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
SWD Southern Wooded Downs Southern Wooded Downs refers to the Southern Wooded Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SOD Southwestern Downs Southwestern Downs refers to the Southwestern Downs biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
CUT Cuttaburra - Paroo Cuttaburra - Paroo refers to the Cuttaburra - Paroo biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
EMP Eastern Mulga Plains Eastern Mulga Plains refers to the Eastern Mulga Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
LAN Langlo Plains Langlo Plains refers to the Langlo Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
NEB Nebine Plains Nebine Plains refers to the Nebine Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
NEP North Eastern Plains North Eastern Plains refers to the North Eastern Plains biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NUP Northern Uplands Northern Uplands refers to the Northern Uplands biogeographic subregion. PAL LAC RIV
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biogeographic Subregions - Queensland Queensland has been divided into 132 subregions. Subregions represent finer scale climatic, landform, geological, topographical, vegetation and biota patterns. Version 5.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_LZON_R

Land Zone (Region)
Land zones represent major differences in geology and in the associated landforms, soils, and physical processes that give rise to distinctive landforms or continue to shape them.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
UNC Unconsolidated sediments Unconsolidated sediments refers to superficial deposits (i.e. particles of gravel, sand, silt and/or clay) not bound together that lie above the bedrock. Examples include unconsolidated sediments of active river systems and sand dunes. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
DUR Cainozoic duricrusts Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types, usually forming mesas or scarps.
IGN Igneous rocks Igneous rocks are formed from molten magma or lava and form extensive plains, low scarps, ranges, hills and lowlands. Examples include granite, diorite, basalt, PAL RIV CPA CRI
SED Sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks, where sediments have been bound together by cemetation generally with little or no deformation, and usually forming undulating landscapes, plateaus, benches and scarps. Examples include sandstone, conglomerate, breccia, and limestone. PAL CPA
MET Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rock, rocks that have undergone metamorphism (i.e. were subject to heat and pressure that caused the rock to transform), forming ranges, hills and lowlands. Examples include slate, gneiss, and schist. PAL RIV CPA
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to attribute land zone. PAL LAC RIV
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_LZON_L

Land Zone (Landscape)
Land zones represent major differences in geology and in the associated landforms, soils, and physical processes that give rise to distinctive landforms or continue to shape them.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
01 01 Deposits subject to periodic tidal inundation Quaternary estuarine and marine deposits subject to periodic inundation by marine waters. Includes mangroves, saltpans, off-shore tidal flats and tidal beaches. Soils are predominantly Hydrosols (saline muds, clays and sands) or beach sand. PAL
02 02 Quaternary coastal sand deposits Quaternary coastal dunes and beach ridges. Includes degraded dunes, sand plains and swales, lakes and swamps enclosed by dunes, as well as coral and sand cays. Soils are predominantly Rudosols and Tenosols (siliceous or calcareous sands), Podosols and Organosols. PAL LAC CPA
03 03 Recent Quaternary alluvial systems Recent Quaternary alluvial systems, including closed depressions, paleo-estuarine deposits currently under freshwater influence, inland lakes and associated wave built lunettes. Excludes colluvial deposits such as talus slopes and pediments. Includes a diverse range of soils, predominantly Vertosols and Sodosols; also with Dermosols, Kurosols, Chromosols, Kandosols, Tenosols, Rudosols and Hydrosols; and Organosols in high rainfall areas. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
04 04 Tertiary-early Quaternary clay plains Tertiary-early Quaternary clay deposits, usually forming level to gently undulating plains not related to recent Quaternary alluvial systems. Excludes clay plains formed in-situ on bedrock. Mainly Vertosols with gilgai microrelief, but includes thin sandy or loamy surfaced Sodosols and Chromosols with the same paleo-clay subsoil deposits. PAL CPA
05 05 Tertiary-early Quaternary loamy and sandy plains and plateaus Tertiary-early Quaternary extensive, uniform near level or gently undulating plains with sandy or loamy soils. Includes dissected remnants of these surfaces. Also includes plains with sandy or loamy soils of uncertain origin, and plateau remnants with moderate to deep soils usually overlying duricrust. Excludes recent Quaternary alluvial systems (land zone 3), exposed duricrust (land zone 7), and soils derived from underlying bedrock (land zones 8 to 12). Soils are usually Tenosols and Kandosols, also minor deep sandy surfaced Sodosols and Chromosols. There may be a duricrust at depth. PAL CPA
06 06 Quaternary inland dunefields Quaternary inland dunefields, interdune areas, degraded dunefields, and associated aeolian sandplains. Excludes recent Quaternary alluvial systems, which may traverse this zone, and intermittent lakes and claypans (land zone 3). Soils are predominantly Rudosols and Tenosols, some Kandosols and minor Calcarosols.
07 07 Cainozoic duricrusts Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types, usually forming mesas or scarps. Includes exposed ferruginous, siliceous or mottled horizons and associated talus and colluvium, and remnants of these features, for example low stony rises on downs. Soils are usually shallow Rudosols and Tenosols, with minor Sodosols and Chromosols on associated pediments, and shallow Kandosols on plateau margins and larger mesas.
08 08 Cainozoic igneous rocks Cainozoic igneous rocks, predominantly flood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps. Also includes hills, cones and plugs on trachytes and rhyolites, and associated interbedded sediments, and talus. Excludes deep soils overlying duricrust (land zone 5). Soils include Vertosols, Ferrosols, and shallow Dermosols. PAL RIV CPA CRI
12 12 Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks, forming ranges, hills and lowlands. Acid, intermediate and basic intrusive and volcanic rocks such as granites, granodiorites, gabbros, dolerites, andesites and rhyolites, as well as minor areas of associated interbedded sediments. Excludes serpentinites (land zone 11) and younger igneous rocks (land zone 8). Soils are mainly Tenosols on steeper slopes with Chromosols and Sodosols on lower slopes and gently undulating areas. Soils are typically of low to moderate fertility. PAL CPA
09 09 Fine grained sedimentary rocks Fine grained sedimentary rocks, generally with little or no deformation and usually forming undulating landscapes. Siltstones, mudstones, shales, calcareous sediments, and labile sandstones are typical rock types although minor interbedded volcanics may occur. Includes a diverse range of fine textured soils of moderate to high fertility, predominantly Vertosols, Sodosols, and Chromosols. PAL CPA
10 10 Coarse grained sedimentary rocks Medium to coarse grained sedimentary rocks, with little or no deformation, forming plateaus, benches and scarps. Includes siliceous (quartzose) sandstones, conglomerates and minor interbedded volcanics, and springs associated with these rocks. Excludes overlying Cainozoic sand deposits (land zone 5). Soils are predominantly shallow Rudosols and Tenosols of low fertility, but include sandy surfaced Kandosols, Kurosols, Sodosols and Chromosols. PAL CPA
11 11 Metamorphic rocks Metamorphosed rocks, forming ranges, hills and lowlands. Primarily lower Permian and older sedimentary formations which are generally moderately to strongly deformed. Includes low- to high-grade and contact metamorphics such as phyllites, slates, gneisses of indeterminate origin and serpentinite, and interbedded volcanics. Soils are mainly shallow, gravelly Rudosols and Tenosols, with Sodosols and Chromosols on lower slopes and gently undulating areas. Soils are typically of low to moderate fertility. PAL RIV CPA
XX Unknown Insufficient information available to attribute land zone. PAL LAC RIV
91 09-10 Fine or coarse grained sedimentary rocks Fine or medium to coarse grained sedimentary rocks, generally with little or no deformation. PAL
YY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_PREG_R

Physiographic Region (Region)
Physiographic provinces distinguish major physiographic changes based on similarities in landform characteristics and/or processes. Each province is described in terms of geology, structure, and broad regolith types. Phyiographic provinces can be used to interpret broad landscape processes providing biogeographic and evolutionary context for ecosystems and habitats.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
GBR Great Barrier Reef Province Outer barrier reef, patch reefs and some high islands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PUP Peninsular Uplands Province Uplands and coastal areas of the western part of Cape York Peninsula, including the Great Escarpment. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUP Burdekin Uplands Province Uplands and interior lowlands with a NW-SE trend parallel to and including coastal lowlands, dominated by the Burdekin River catchment. PAL LAC RIV CPA
FUP Fitzroy Uplands Province Uplands and interior lowlands with a NW-SE trend parallel to and including coastal lowlands, dominated by the Fitzroy River catchment. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NEM New England-Moreton Uplands Province Higher uplands falling to the east coast. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
CAR Carpentaria Lowlands Province Mainly depositional plains around the south east of the Gulf of Carpentaria. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
CLP Central Lowlands Province Interior lowlands, mainly internally draining. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MLP Murray Lowlands Province This province is more-or-less coincident with the Murray sedimentary basin, consisting of flat alluvium with aeolian cover in places.
CFP Carpentaria Fall Province Lowlands and plains sloping to the Gulf of Carpentaria. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BAK Barkly-Tanami Plains Province Low ranges, plateays, tablelands and plains. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify physiographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Physiographic Regions of Australia Regions are basic geomorphological subdivisions of Australia, that is, physiographic regions are defined and mapped in terms of landform characteristics. At a continental scale of 1:2.5M each physiographic region has an internal unity that derives from an association of landform characteristics. The resultant mapped units are then described in terms of landform, underlying geology, regolith and soils. 2011 CSIRO

Data field: LND_PREG_L

Physiographic Region (Landscape)
Physiographic provinces distinguish major physiographic changes based on similarities in landform characteristics and/or processes. Each province is described in terms of geology, structure, and broad regolith types. Phyiographic provinces can be used to interpret broad landscape processes providing biogeographic and evolutionary context for ecosystems and habitats.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
NRE North Reefs Patch reefs with semi-continuous outer barrier. PAL
SRE South Reefs Patch reefs with bedrock islands and discontinuous outer barrier. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ATH Atherton Tableland Basaltic tableland. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CAI Cairns Ranges High ranges east of an interior lowland, consisting of coastal ranges, lowland corridors and bedrock islands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COL Coleman Plateau Rolling sandy granitic plateau with low ridges of metamorphic rocks, includes Great Escarpment in the east. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COK Cooktown Ranges Deeply dissected sandstone plateaus with mountain ranges of granite and metamorphic rocks to east, small bedrock islands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EIN Einasleigh Plains Undulating to irregular plains on granite and metamorphic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GAR Garnet Uplands Hilly uplands with dissected greywacke and volcanics in north and undulating country on granite and metamorphic rocks in the south. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GIH Gilbert Hills Rolling country on granite, and ridges and valleys on metamorphic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GRE Gregory Range Dissected sandstone plateau and hilly country on acid volcanic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
JAR Jardine Uplands Locally dissected rolling sandstone upland with transgressive coastal dunes along eastern margin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LAU Laura Plain Soft sedimentary rock lowlands, alluvial plains and coastal plain. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NEW Newcastle Ranges Rugged hills on acid volcanic, granite and metamorphic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
PAL Palmerville Hills Granitic hills and plateaus and sandstone mesas with intervening plains. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TOR Torres High Islands Islands and low coastal tablelands of volcanic rocks and granite, with fringing reefs. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WEN Wenlock Uplands Complex of tablelands and low plateaus with north-south lowlands, including the Great Escarpment, and coastal hills in the east. PAL LAC RIV CPA
ALI Alice Tableland Perched sandy plain with interior drainage and higher ferruginous-capped rim. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUG Bulgonunna Tableland Undulating tableland; higher centre and sloping margins on volcanic rocks with peripheral mantle of ferruginous clayey sand. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUR Burdekin Hills and Lowlands In east, hills and footslopes on volcanic and mixed sedimentary rock with igneous intrusions; in west, dissected ferruginous-capped tablelands, mainly on sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUP Burdekin Plateaus Young basaltic plateaus with primary volcanic forms; north-south axial belt of rugged ranges, chiefly on granite and metamorphic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CAP Cape River Plains Plains with clay soils in the east, getting sandier to the west. PAL LAC RIV CPA
GIL Gilberton Plateau Partly dissected sandstone plateau. PAL LAC RIV CPA
HER Hervey Tablelands Granitic uplands, rugged ranges on volcanic rocks and minor dissected ferruginous-capped plateaus forming steep eastern upland margin. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TOW Townsville Lowlands Alluvial and deltaic plains with scattered high hills. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BEP Belyando Plains Clay plains and sandy plains with minor hills. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BRO Broadsound Plains Plains, mainly alluvial, locally stony, with tidal flats. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUC Buckland Plateau Dissected high plateau on basalt and sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA
CAR Carborough Ranges Sandstone and basalt plateaus and lower rolling country on sedimentary and volcanic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COR Connors Ranges Rounded mountain ranges on the dissected eastern margin of the uplands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COT Cotherstone Plateau Dissected sandstone plateau. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DRU Drummond Uplands Ridges and valleys on sandstone and minor metamorphic rocks; rolling country on granite. PAL LAC RIV CPA
EXP Expedition Scarplands Rugged plateaus and ridges on sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MDL Mackenzie-Dawson Lowlands Floodplains, clay plains and sandy bedrock lowlands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NAG Nagoa Scarplands Sandstone strike ridges and clay valleys. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SCA Scartwater Hills Hills, ridges and valleys on sandstone and minor metamorphic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
SPR Springsure-Clermont Plateaus Moderately dissected low plateaus, mainly basalt with minor sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TRL Townshend Ranges and Lowlands Mosaic of mountains, hills, lowlands and peninsulas. Lowlands include alluvial plains, tidal flats and coastal dunes. PAL LAC RIV CPA
BUN Bunya-Burnett Ranges Mountain ranges, rugged and dissected on granitic and metamorphic rocks in east, broader uplands and upland basins, partly on sedimentary rocks, in west. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
CUN Cunningham Slopes Ridges and valleys in metamorphic rocks. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAY Maryborough Lowland Lowland on weak sedimentary rocks, partly dune covered including Fraser Island. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MOR Moreton Lowland Lowland on weak sedimentary rocks, with prominent volcanic plugs, includes dune islands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TAR Taroom Hills Sandstone ridges and shale lowlands. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TEN Tenterfield Plateau Undulating granitic plateau with higher residuals including basalt cappings. PAL LAC RIV CPA
TOO Toowoomba Plateau Baslatic plateau terminating southeast in dissected volcanic pile (Mount Warning). PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
ARM Armraynald Plain Clay floodplain. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BUB Bulimba Plateau Dissected low sandstone plateau. PAL LAC RIV
CMP Clara-Mitchell Plains Sloping sandy alluvial plains with minor clay plains along distributary drainage. PAL LAC RIV CPA
DON Donors Tableland Stripped higher ferruginous surface on siltstone and sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
HOL Holroyd Plains Slightly dissected sandy plains, partly ferruginised. PAL LAC RIV CPA
KAR Karumba Plain Littoral plain. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
MER Merluna Plain Undulating clay plains with ferruginous rises. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NOR Normanton Tableland Stripped higher ferruginous surface on siltstone and sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WEI Weipa Plateau Bauxite-capped plateau on clayey sand and sandstone. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WON Wondoola Plain Clay floodplain. PAL LAC RIV CRI
BOU Boulia Downs Undulating clay plains with minor stony limestone plains. PAL LAC RIV
BUL Bulloo Plain Floodplain and terminal floodout with pans and calcreted flats. PAL LAC RIV
CHA Charleville Tableland Low sandy tableland of weathered sandstone and shale. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COD Condamine Lowlands Undulating clay lowlands on siltsone and low sandstone hills; floodplains. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COP Cooper Plain Floodplain. PAL LAC RIV
DIA Diamantina Plain Floodplain. PAL LAC RIV
ERO Eromanga Lowlands Stony plains with silcrete-capped mesas, minor alluvial and sandy tracts. PAL LAC RIV
EYR Eyre Creek Plain Floodplain. PAL LAC RIV
GRY Grey Range Silcrete-capped tablelands. PAL LAC RIV
JER Jericho Plain Sandplain. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LIG Lightning Ridge Lowland Stony plains with minor silcrete-capped mesas. PAL LAC RIV CPA
MAR Maranoa Lowland Sandplain with low sandstone hills. PAL LAC RIV CPA
NUL Nulty Springs Lowlands Rolling downs and lowlands with hard red ridges and flats. Ferruginised regolith quite different from surrounding alluvial and sand plains. PAL LAC RIV
PAR Paroo Plain Sandplain with alluvial flats and claypans. PAL LAC RIV
SDD Simpson Desert Dunefield South-north longitudinal dunes with sandstone ridges in the west and playas in the south. PAL LAC RIV
SDP Simpson Desert Plains Aeolian dunefield (NNW trending seif dunes), with numerous claypans, aeolian sand, fine lacustrine and alluvial deposits. PAL LAC
STG St George Plain Sandplain - residual sand on old alluvium. PAL LAC RIV CPA
STR Strzelecki Desert Plains Longitundinal dunes and stony plains, minor clay pans and floodplains. PAL LAC RIV
STU Sturt Desert Plains Stony plains with minor sand ridges. PAL LAC RIV
UDP Upper Darling Plains Floodplains of centripetal anastomosing rivers. PAL LAC RIV CPA
WAR Warrego Plains Main and distributary floodplains, sandplains with claypans. PAL LAC RIV
WAL Warwick Lowland Stony plains with silcrete-capped mesas. PAL LAC RIV
WHE Whelen Lowlands Undulating clay plains with silcrete-capped mesas in east. PAL LAC RIV
WBD Winton-Blackall Downs Undulating clay plains. PAL LAC RIV CPA
COB Cobar Plains Plains with remnants of silcrete and low sandstone ridges, sand cover in west, with west-east longitundinal dunes.
CON Condobolin Plains Plains of gravel and sandy alluvium.
COO Coorong Plain Coastal barrier, lagoons and limestone dunes.
IVA Ivanhoe Plains Plains with low west-east stabilised longitundinal dunes and sandplain, small pans with lunettes, minor sandstone ridges, floodplains.
LDP Lower Darling Plain Floodplain and lunette lakes.
MAL Mallee Dunefield Fixed west-east calcareous longitudinal dunes.
MIL Millicent Plain Parallel dune limestone ridges with intervening swamps; closed karst depressions and young volcanoes in south east.
RIV Riverine Plain Alluvial plain.
WTP West-Turkey Plains Plains with variable dune cover, claypans, saline swamps, and intermittent lakes in low-lying areas.
WIM Wimmera Plain Aeolian and alluvial sandplain, minor low sandstone ridges.
GUL Gulf Fall Dissected coastal fall, tablular ridges giving place to sloping plains and low hills seawards. PAL LAC RIV CRI
ISA Isa Ridges Rugged parallel ranges and narrow lowlands on folded metamorphic rocks and granites. PAL LAC RIV CRI
MAN Manangoora Plains Alluvial plains, minor ferruginised lowlands and islands, and littoral plains. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
BAK Barkly Tablelands Black clay plains, sandy rises of ferruginous sandstone, and minor stony limestone plains, interior drainage with calcrete in depressions. PAL LAC RIV
TOB Tobermory Plain Slightly dissected limestone plain, part stony and part sandy. PAL LAC RIV
TOK Toko Plateaus Dissected sandstone plateaus. PAL LAC RIV
XXX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify physiographic region. PAL LAC RIV CPA
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Physiographic Regions of Australia Regions are basic geomorphological subdivisions of Australia, that is, physiographic regions are defined and mapped in terms of landform characteristics. At a continental scale of 1:2.5M each physiographic region has an internal unity that derives from an association of landform characteristics. The resultant mapped units are then described in terms of landform, underlying geology, regolith and soils. 2011 CSIRO

Data field: LND_ALT_L

Altitude (Landscape)
Altitude refers to the vertical distance between the wetland and Australian Height Datum.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High Altitude is greater than 1,200 m. PAL
MOD Moderate Altitude is between 500 m and 1,200 m. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
LOW Low Altitude is less than 500 m. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
XXX Unknown Insufficient information is available to classify altitude. PAL LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Australian 1 Second SRTM Derived Hydrological Digital Elevation Model The 1 second SRTM derived DEM-H Version 1.0 is a 1 arc second (~30m) gridded digital elevation model (DEM). Version 1 Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Digital elevation model - 3 second - Queensland This data is a 3 second Digital Elevation Model (DEM) over the State of Queensland and includes a 100 km buffer into The Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales. This data is a subset of the national 3 second (~90m) Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) Version 1.0 which was derived from resampling the 1 second Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) Version 1.0 which is a 1 arc second (~30m) gridded smoothed version of the DEM (ANZCW0703013355). The DEM-S represents ground surface topography, excluding vegetation features, and has been smoothed to reduce noise and improve the representation of surface shape. Version 6.13 Department of Resources

Data field: LND_MORP_H

Terrain Morphology (Habitat)
Shape of the landform surface
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
C Crest Landform element that stands above all, or almost all, points in the adjacent terrain, and in intertidal and subtidal comprises a topographic high. For intertidal and subtidal, this category should only be used where it is not practical to further classify crest at the habitat scale.
R Ridge Compound landform element comprising narrow crest and short adjoining slopes, the crest length being greater than the width of the landform element.
D Depression Landform element that stands below all, or almost all, points in the adjacent terrain. PAL LAC RIV CPA
H Hillock Compound landform element comprising a narrow crest and short adjoining slopes, the crest length being less than the width of the landform element.
F Flat Planar landform element that is neight a crest nor a depression and is level or very gently inclined. PAL LAC RIV CPA
S Slope Planar landform element that is neight a crest nor a depression and have an incilination greatetr than 1%. PAL RIV CPA CRI
X Unknown Insufficient information available to classify terrain morphology. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_SLOP_L

Terrain Slope (Landscape)
Indication of the general or dominant slope of a morphological feature
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
ST Steep Steep refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 18 degrees. PAL LAC CPA
MO Moderately inclined Moderately inclined refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 5 degrees and 55 seconds, and less than 18 degrees. PAL RIV CPA CRI
GE Gently inclined Gently inclined refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 0 degree and 35 seconds, and less than 5 degrees and 45 seconds. PAL LAC RIV CPA
LE Level Level refers to a dominant slope of less than 0 degrees and 35 seconds. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify terrain slope. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: LND_SLOP_H

Terrain Slope (Habitat)
Indication of the general or dominant slope of a morphological feature
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
OV Overhang Overhang refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 90 degrees.
CL Cliffed Cliffed refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 72 degrees and less than 90 degrees.
PR Precipitous Precipitous refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 45 degrees and less than 72 degrees.
VS Very steep Very steep refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 30 degrees and less than 45 degrees.
ST Steep Steep refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 18 degrees and less than 30 degrees. PAL LAC CPA
MOD Moderately inclined Moderately inclined refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 5 degrees and 55 seconds, and less than 18 degrees. PAL RIV CPA CRI
Moderately inclined - high
Moderately inclined - high refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 10 degrees and 15 seconds, and less than 18 degrees.
Moderately inclined - low
Moderately inclined - low refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 5 degrees and 45 seconds, and less than 10 degrees and 15 seconds.
GEI Gently inclined Gently inclined refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 1 degree and 45 seconds, and less than 5 degrees and 45 seconds. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Gently inclined - high
Gently inclined - high refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 3 degrees and 15 seconds, and less than 5 degrees and 45 seconds.
Gently inclined - low
Gently inclined - low refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 1 degree and 45 seconds, and less than 3 degrees and 15 seconds.
VGI Very gently inclined Very gently inclined refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 0 degree and 35 seconds, and less than 1 degrees and 45 seconds. PAL LAC RIV CPA
Very gently inclined - high
Very gently inclined - high refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 1 degree, and less than 1 degree and 45 seconds.
Very gently inclined - low
Very gently inclined - low refers to a dominant slope of greater than or equal to 0 degrees and 35 seconds, and less than 1 degree.
LE Level Level refers to a dominant slope of less than 0 degrees and 35 seconds. PAL LAC RIV CPA
XX Unknown Insufficient information available to classify terrain slope. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: OTH_HAB_H

Wetland Habitat (Habitat)
Wetland habitats represent a typology that groups ecosystems for general management and planning purposes based on climate class, floodplain, flora composition, flora growth form, freshwater biogeographic province, groundwater flow system, permanence of water, salinity, source aquifer, substrate composition, substrate grain size, and wetland system.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium
Köppen Climate Classification Map The Köppen classification maps show six major groups and 27 sub-groups of climate zones across Australia. These climate zones are defined with the climatic limits of native vegetation in mind. This method of classification is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate in an area. Bureau of Meteorology
Biogeographic Subregions - Queensland Queensland has been divided into 132 subregions. Subregions represent finer scale climatic, landform, geological, topographical, vegetation and biota patterns. Version 5.0 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: OTH_WRPC_H

Wetland Regional Ecosystem Percent (Habitat)
List of the percentage of each wetland regional ecosystem in the polygon. In some instances, the percentage of each wetland regional ecosystem in the polygon may not be available, however, in these instances the total percentage of wetland regional ecosystems in the polygon may be displayed instead.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: OTH_WPCT_H

Wetland Percentage (Habitat)
Wetland percentage refers to the percentage of the total polygon area that is estimated to comprise wetlands.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
DOM Dominant Wetlands comprise greater than 80% of the area. PAL LAC RIV INT INS
SDO Sub-dominant Wetlands comprise 80% or less of the area. PAL LAC RIV INT CPA CRI
Sub-dominant - 51 to 80
Wetlands comprises greater than 50% and less than or equal to 80% of the area inclusive.
Sub-dominant - 1 to 50
Wetlands comprise 50% or less of the area.
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: XXX_UID

Unique ID (Habitat)
Unique ID refers to a identifying code for this data version unique to each feature.
Data type:
Coded values:

Data field: OTH_WSYS_H

Wetland Regional Ecosystem System (Habitat)
List of wetland system for each wetland regional ecosystem in the polygon.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Biodiversity Status of Pre-Clearing and Remnant Regional Ecosystems - Queensland Regional ecosystems are vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil. Pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystem mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000 in part. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: CONSOL

Substrate Consolidation (Landscape)
Consolidated substrates are those which are not friable and have become hardened into substrates such as rock. Consolidated substrates are enduring, whereas unconsolidated or mixed substrates are less enduring. Consolidated subtrates provide attachment sites for a diversity of biota including coral reefs and other important bioconstructors.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
- Unknown INT
C Consolidated
In Intermediate
U Unconsolidated INT
YY Applicable only to intertidal wetlands This is only applicable to intertidal wetlands. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: SED_GSZ

Substrate Grain Size (Landscape)
Categorises the size of unconsolidated substrates by their diameter (regardless of composition). Definitions sourced from Module 3, 4 – Intertidal and subtidal ecosystem types of Central Queensland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
- Unknown Of unknown grain size INT
O None Not having grain size (i.e. consolidated or intermediate)
OX Other or unspecified Grain size is unspecified
M Mud (clay or silts) Grain size <0.0625mm (1/16 mm) diameter INT
S Sand Grain size between 0.0625mm and 2mm diameter INT
p Pebbles Grain size between 4 and 64mm diameter
c Cobbles Grain size between 64mm and 265mm diameter
b Boulders Grain size exceeds 256mm diameter and is not parent rock
G Gravels (undifferentiated pebbles, cobbles and boulders) Grain size above 2mm
YY Applicable only to intertidal wetlands This is only applicable to intertidal wetlands. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: SUB_CMP

Substrate Composition (Landscape)
What constitutes the substrate of the sea floor and intertidal area, i.e. its make-up. Definitions sourced from Module 3, 4 – Intertidal and subtidal ecosystem types of Central Queensland.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
O None (no sediment present)
Ka Calcareous INT
Calcareous - Biogenic
Calcareous substrates produced by organisms, e.g. shells or skeletal remains, which predominantly constitute carbonate minerals
Calcareous - Biogenic - Coral
Calcaerous biogenic substrates produced by corals
Calcareous - Biogenic - Shell
Calcareous biogenic substrates produced by molluscs
Calcaerous - Biogenic - Halimeda
Calcareous biogenic substrates produced by dead segments of Halimeda calcareous macro-algae, often forming reef-like banks (bioherms)
Calcareous - Biogenic - Forams
Calcareous biogenic substrates produced by Foraminiferans
Calcareous - Biogenic - Other or Unspecified
Calcareous biogenic substrates produced by other biota
Calcareous - Other or Unspecified
Calcareous substrates of unknown origin
Calcareous - Non-biogenic
Calcareous substrates not produced by organisms
B Biosiliceous
Or Organic Substrates composed of organic matter including peat, detritus INT
Organic - Peat-beds
Organic substrates composed of peat
Organic - Detritus (includes wood, detritus from mangroves, seagrass, etc.)
Organic substrates including woody debris, detritus from mangroves, such as seagrass or macro-algae wrack
Te Terrigenous (e.g. muds, sands and gravels derived from rock) Part of the earth, i.e. substrates initially produced on land through the weathering of rocks and eventually deposited into the sea INT
Terrigenous - Other or Unspecified (includes concrete and metals)
Terrigenous substrates either unspecified, or including modified or artificial substrates such as concrete or metal
OX Other or unspecified An uncategorised or unknown substrate composition
- Unknown INT
YY Applicable only to intertidal wetlands This is only applicable to intertidal wetlands. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: SMB_CMP

Structural Macrobiota Composition (Landscape)
The composition of sessile habitat-forming species. Their presence increases spatial complexity, altering local environmental conditions that leads to colonisation by a diverse assemblage of organisms. Ther term "macrobiota" implies that an organism must be visible to the naked eye. The structuring role of macrobiota can include both three dimensional and two dimensional structure.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
Ghs Grass/herb/sedge Non-woody groundcover vegetation life forms undifferentiated INT
Grass (e.g. hummock, tussock) and herb structural formation classes
Grass structural formation classes (e.g. hummock, tussock)
Succulent shrub or forb structural formation classes
Sedges structural formation classes
Al Algae Algae either unable to be differentiated by structural type, or differing from the structural type categories INT
Algae - encrusting
algae growing in a sheet-like form or forming concretions as gravel on unconsolidated substrates.
Algae - turf mat
algae growing as a dense mat or turf.
Algae - filamentous
Algae of filamentous growth form
Algae - blue-green
Algae - Erect
Algae - Erect macrophyte (macroalgae)
macrophytic algae with an erect growth form
Algae - Erect calcareous
erect calcareous macroalgae.
Sg Seagrass Seagrass meadows either of unspecified growth form, or differing from growth form categories listed
Seagrass - Strap (width unspecified)
strap growth forms with unspecified width.
Seagrass - Strap narrow
seagrass meadows dominated by a narrow strap form of seagrass, such as Halodule uninervis
Seagrass - Strap broad
seagrass meadows dominated by wide strap growth forms, particularly Zostera muelleri.
Seagrass - Ovoid
seagrass meadows dominated by seagrasses with an ovoid growth, mostly Halophila ovalis.
Seagrass - Fern-like
Seagrass meadows dominated by the fern-like Halophila spinulosa.
Seagrass - cylindrical
seagrass meadows dominated by the cylindrical Syringodium isoetifolium
Ma Mangrove Mangroves unable to be differentiated by genus INT
Mangrove - Avicennia
Genus Avicennia dominated
Mangrove - Rhizophora
Genus Rhizophora dominated
Mangrove - Ceriops
Genus Ceriops dominated
Mangrove - Mixed
Mangrove assemblage where no particular genus dominates
Ot_ Other trees Dominated by non-mangrove trees, either genus Melaleuca or Casuarina INT
Other trees - Melaleuca, Casuarina
OXFl Other or unspecified flora Flora, either unspecified, or neither a mangrove, nor Melaleuca  nor Casuarina
Co Coral hard and/or soft coral (incl. gorgonians, sea pens, sea whips)
Coral - Octocorallian (incl. gorgonians, sea pens, sea whips)
Phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, subclass Octocorallia includes soft corals, gorgonians / sea fans, sea whips, black corals and other octocorals
Coral - other or unspecified
Coral undifferentiated  or unallocated to existing coral categories
CoHa_ Hard coral Coral that creates a calcareous framework (Phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, subclass Hexacorallia)
Hard coral - undifferentiated
Hard coral with unspecified growth form
Hard coral - Branching
Hard coral with a branching growth form
Hard coral - Massive
Hard coral with a massive growth form, such as brain corals
Hard coral - Submassive
Hard corals with an irregular or columnar growth form
Hard coral - Plate/table
Hard corals with a plate-like or tabular growth form
Hard coral - Bushy
Hard corals forming a bush-like growth form
Hard coral - Vase/foliose
Hard corals forming a flower or leaf-like growth form
Hard coral - Encrusting
Hard corals encrusting a surface
Hard coral - Mixture of structures
Mixtures of hard coral structural growth forms
Sp Sponge Phylum Porifera
Mo Mollusc Phylum Mollusca
Mollusc - Oysters
Bivalve molluscs including oysters and pearl-oysters
Mollusc - Scallops
Bivalve molluscs including scallops
Mollusc - Other undifferentiated
Molluscs that are either undifferentiated by class or are neither oyster nor scallop  (e.g. bivalve, gastropod (limpet, worm shell))
As Ascidian (incl. tunicates, sea squirts) Phylum Chordata subphylum Urochordata incl. tunicates, ascidians, sea squirts
Cr Crinoids (incl. feather stars, stalked crinoids) Phylum Echinodermata class Crinoidea including sessile feather stars, stalk ed crinoids and sea lilies
Tw Tubeworm (Polychaetes and phoronids) Sessile tubeworms including animals from the Phylum Annelida (polychaete worms) and Phylum Phoronida (phoronids)
Br Bryozoa (incl. moss animals, lace corals, sea mats) Phylum Bryozoa including moss animals, lace corals and sea mats
Ba Barnacles Phylum Crustacea comprising sessile barnacles
Oxfa Other or unspecified fauna (incl. brachipods and kamptozoans) Other sessile structural invertebrate fauna, either unspecified, or  including brachiopods or kamptozoans
Oxbt Other or unspecified biota Biota present not specified as animals or plants INT
- Unknown INT
O None
YY Applicable only to intertidal wetlands This is only applicable to intertidal wetlands. PAL LAC RIV CPA CRI
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium

Data field: HYD_WTIV_H

Residence Time Variability (Habitat)
Residence time variability refers to the variability in the amount of time that water is present.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High High refers to relatively high variability in residence time in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to relatively moderate variability in residence time in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
LOW Low Low refers to relatively low variability in residence time in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information to determine relative variability of residence time in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_OTIV_H

Residence Time of Open Water Variability (Habitat)
Residence time of open water variability refers to the variability in the amount of time that open water is present.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High High refers to relatively high variability in residence time of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to relatively moderate variability in residence time of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
LOW Low Low refers to relatively low variability in residence time of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information to determine relative variability of residence time of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_WEXV_H

Residence Extent Variability (Habitat)
Residence extent variability refers to the variability in the area of water that is present relative to the maximum wetland extent.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High High refers to relatively high variability in residence extent in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to relatively moderate variability in residence extent in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
LOW Low Low refers to relatively low variability in residence extent in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information to determine relative variability of residence extent in comparison to wetlands of the same system. LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: HYD_OEXV_H

Residence Extent of Open Water Variability (Habitat)
Residence extent of open water variability refers to the variability in the area of open water that is present relative to the maximum wetland extent.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
HIG High High refers to relatively high variability in residence extent of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
MOD Moderate Moderate refers to relatively moderate variability in residence extent of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
LOW Low Low refers to relatively low variability in residence extent of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
XXX Unknown Insufficient information to determine relative variability of residence extent of open water in comparison to wetlands of the same system. PAL LAC
YYY Applicable only to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands This is only applicable to palustrine, lacustrine and riverine wetlands. INT INS
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: XXX_AREA

Area (Habitat)
The maximum area of the ecosystem in hectares.
Data type:
Coded values:

Data field: OTH_DHA_H

Dominant Wetland Habitat (Habitat)
Dominant wetland habitat represent a typology that groups ecosystems for general management and planning purposes based on climate class, floodplain, flora composition, flora growth form, freshwater biogeographic province, groundwater flow system, permanence of water, salinity, source aquifer, substrate composition, substrate grain size, and wetland system.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
LA17 Arid and semi-arid permanently inundated lakes Arid and semi-arid permanently inundated lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; and permanent inundation. LAC
LA14 Arid and semi-arid saline lakes Arid and semi-arid saline lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; non-permanent inundation; and saline water. LAC
LA15 Arid and semi-arid floodplain lakes Arid and semi-arid floodplain lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; non-permanent inundation; non-saline water; and situated on a floodplain. LAC
LA16b Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain clay pan lakes Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain clay pan lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; non-permanent inundation; non-saline water; not situated on a floodplain; and clay substrate. LAC
LA16a Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain lakes Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; non-permanent inundation; non-saline water; not situated on a floodplain; and non-clay substrate. LAC
LC06 Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lakes Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; and situated on a floodplain. LAC
LC07 Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lakes Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; not situated on a floodplain; and rock substrate composition. LAC
LC08b Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (perched) lakes Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (perched) lakess refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; not situated on a floodplain; sand or organic substrate composition; and a perched groundwater flow system. LAC
LC08a Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lakes Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand (window) lakess refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; not situated on a floodplain; sand or organic substrate composition; and a local, intermediate or regional groundwater flow system. LAC
LC08 Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand lakes Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain sand lakess refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; not situated on a floodplain; sand or organic substrate composition; and an unknown groundwater flow system.
LC09 Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain soil lakes Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain rock lakes refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: lacustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; not situated on a floodplain; and soil substrate composition. LAC
PA13 Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamps Arid and semi-arid Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; and groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin. PAL
PA10 Arid and semi-arid saline swamps Arid and semi-arid saline swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; and saline water. PAL
PA11a Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamps Arid and semi-arid floodplain tree swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a tree growth form. PAL
PA11b Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamps Arid and semi-arid floodplain shrub swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a shrub growth form. PAL
PA11c Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamps Arid and semi-arid floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a grass, sedge, or herb growth form. PAL
PA11d Arid and semi-arid other floodplain swamps Arid and semi-arid other floodplain swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have other growth form.
PA12a Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamps Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain tree swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a tree growth form. PAL
PA12b Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamps Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain shrub swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a shrub growth form. PAL
PA12c Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamps Arid and semi-arid non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a grass, sedge, or herb growth form. PAL
PA12d Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamps Arid and semi-arid other non-floodplain swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; arid and semi-arid climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have other growth form. PAL
PC03 Coastal and sub-coastal Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamps Coastal and sub-coastal Great Artesian Basin fed spring swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; and groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin.
PC01 Coastal and sub-coastal saline swamps Coastal and sub-coastal saline swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; and saline water.
PC05 Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamps Coastal and sub-coastal tree (palm) swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; and the dominant flora is a palm genera. PAL
PC04a Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamps Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a tree growth form. PAL
PC04d Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamps Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain wet heath swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a shrub growth form. PAL
PC04c Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain, grass, sedge, and herb swamps Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain, grass, sedge, and herb swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a grass, sedge, or herb growth form. PAL
PC04e Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamps Coastal and sub-coastal other floodplain swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; situated on a floodplain; and where flora have other growth form. PAL
PC02a Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamps Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain tree (Melaleuca and Eucalypt) swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a tree growth form. PAL
PC02b Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamps Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain wet heath swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a shrub growth form. PAL
PC02c Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamps Coastal and sub-coastal non-floodplain grass, sedge, and herb swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have a grass, sedge, or herb growth form. PAL
PC02d Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamps Coastal and sub-coastal other non-floodplain swamps refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: palustrine wetland system; coastal and sub-coastal climate; no groundwater sourced from the Great Artesian Basin; non-saline water; the dominant flora is not a palm genera; not situated on a floodplain; and where flora have other growth form. PAL
XX99 Unknown Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat type. PAL
Unknown - Lakes
Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat beyond lakes.
Unknown - Lakes - Arid and semi-arid
Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat beyond arid and semi-arid lakes.
Unknown - Lakes - Coastal and sub-coastal
Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat beyond coastal and sub-coastal lakes.
Unknown - Swamps
Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat beyond swamps.
Unknown - Swamps - Arid and semi-arid
Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat beyond arid and semi-arid swamps.
Unknown - Swamps - Coastal and sub-coastal
Insufficient information available to determine wetland habitat beyond coastal and sub-coastal swamps.
NOA Not applicable Not applicable refers to ecosystems that are not incorporated into the wetland habitat typology.
INT01 Mangroves Mangroves refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: intertidal wetland system; and the dominant structural macrobiota composition is mangroves or Casuarina. INT
Mangroves - Casuarina
Mangroves - Casuarina refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: intertidal wetland system; and the dominant structural macrobiota composition is Casuarina.
Mangroves - other
Mangroves - other refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: intertidal wetland system; and the dominant structural macrobiota composition is grass, herb and/or sedge.
INT02 Salt marsh and salt flats Salt marsh and salt flats refers to wetland habitats with the following characteristics: intertidal wetland system; and the dominant structural macrobiota composition is grass, herb, and/or sedge. INT
Source name Description Version Custodian
Regional Ecosystem Description Database Regional ecosystem description database (REDD) to accompany the Queensland Herbarium regional ecosystem mapping. The Regional Ecosystem Description Database provides a range of ecological information on regional ecosystems of Queensland. This includes information available in the Regional Ecosystem Description Database based on field site data in the Queensland Biodiversity and Ecology Information System. Version 12.1 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Waterbodies Data Wetland Waterbodies data contains information on waterbodies, bodies of water, that are wetlands across Queensland. This data contains information on wetland system and habitat level hydrological modification. Version 6.0 Queensland Herbarium
Köppen Climate Classification Map The Köppen classification maps show six major groups and 27 sub-groups of climate zones across Australia. These climate zones are defined with the climatic limits of native vegetation in mind. This method of classification is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate in an area. Bureau of Meteorology
Biogeographic Subregions - Queensland Queensland has been divided into 132 subregions. Subregions represent finer scale climatic, landform, geological, topographical, vegetation and biota patterns. Version 5.0 Queensland Herbarium
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: XXX_NAME

Wetland Name (Habitat)
Wetland name refers to the common name of the wetland, where available.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Queensland Springs Database A spring is a hydrogeological feature by which groundwater discharges naturally to the land or cave surface. This includes springs with permanent and non-permanent (i.e. intermittent or ephemeral) saturation regimes, dynamic or static geographic locations, and diffuse or point source geographic locations. The Queensland Springs Database provides a comprehensive catalogue of springs with a permanently saturated saturation regime that have fixed locations in Queensland and any associated surface expression groundwater dependent ecosystems. Queensland Herbarium
Hydrographic features - Queensland Series This is a series of datasets covering the State of Queensland displaying hydrographic features. Features are attributed with source information, perennially, hierarchy and names where available. Watercourses are connected and flow directed. Department of Resources

Data field: HYD_QUAL_H

Hydrological Data Quality (Habitat)
Provides additional detail on the quantity of remotely sensed imagery used to determine hydrological attribution sourced from the Wetland Insight Tool.
Data type:
Coded values:
Source name Description Version Custodian
Wetland Insight Tool The Wetlands Insight Tool summarises how the amount of open water, wet, green vegetation, dry vegetation and bare soil varies over time within each wetland. Geoscience Australia

Data field: XXX_LEGE

Legend (Habitat)
Legend combines information on wetland system, wetland habitat hydrological modification, and wetland percentage for the purposes of data visualisation.
Data type:
Coded values:
Data Code Category Description Wetland Systems
CONT Sub-dominant - 1 to 50 Wetland features comprise 50% or less of the area. PAL LAC RIV INT CPA CRI
SDOM Sub-dominant - 51 to 80 Wetland features comprise greater than 50% and less than or equal to 80% of the area inclusive. PAL LAC RIV INT CPA
NAT Natural Natural features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area. PAL LAC RIV INT INS
Natural - Lacustrine
Natural lacustrine features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Natural - Palustrine
Natural palustrine features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Natural - Riverine
Natural riverine features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Natural - Intertidal
Natural intertidal features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Natural - Subtidal
Natural subtidal features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Natural - Intertidal/Subtidal
Natural undifferentiated intertidal or subtidal features with negligible observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
MOD Modified or Artificial Anthropogenic and/or natural features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area. PAL LAC RIV INT
Modified and Artificial - Lacustrine
Anthropogenic lacustrine and/or natural lacustrine features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Modified and Artificial - Palustrine
Anthropogenic palustrine and/or natural palustrine features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Modified and Artificial - Riverine
Anthropogenic riverine and/or natural riverine features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Modified and Artificial - Intertidal
Anthropogenic intertidal and/or natural intertidal features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Modified and Artificial - Subtidal
Anthropogenic subtidal and/or natural subtidal features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.
Modified and Artificial - Intertidal/Subtidal
Anthropogenic undifferentiated intertidal or subtidal, and/or natural undifferentiated intertidal or subtidal features with observable anthropogenic modification comprise greater than 80% of the area.

Last updated: 18 September 2022

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2022) Mapping data field details, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation