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Potential groundwater dependent ecosystem aquifer spatial dataset and attribute fields

Edgbaston Springs Photo by Water Planning Ecology Group, DSITIA

Quick facts

and aquatic ecosystems may be groundwater dependent. Ecosystem dependency on groundwater may vary temporally (over time) and spatially (its location in the landscape).

Queensland's potential GDE aquifer mapping builds on existing information combined with feedback from a broad range of experts. The definitions and mapping attributes used in the Queensland potential GDE aquifer mapping are outlined below. National GDE Atlas attributes and definitions are noted with an asterisk after the attribute field name.

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Mapping attribute and definitions

Note—TDS = total dissolved solids

Potential GDE aquifer mapping (areas)

Field  name (short)

Field description

Field values explained


Name of the source aquifer

Name of the source aquifer or aquifers


Broad geology type of the source aquifer

  1. Fractured rock – a network of cracks, joints, faults or other breaks in the rock that cut through the rock matrix.
  2. Cavernous (includes karstic) – caverns, cells or coarse pore spaces.
  3. Unconsolidated sedimentary – loosely arranged or un-stratified sediments, where particles are not cemented together.
  4. Consolidated sedimentary
  5. Fractured & cavernous
  6. Fractured and consolidated sedimentary
  7. Cavernous & consolidated sedimentary
  8. Unknown
  9. No data


Porosity of the source aquifer. Porosity is the percentage of rock or soil that is void of material. Porosity determines available habitat and affects the rate of water flow.

  1. Primary – the spaces between grains in consolidated or unconsolidated aquifers.
  2. Secondary – the void caused by fractures.
  3. Tertiary – fractures may be enlarged by solution or other processes, creating large voids or conduits.
  4. Primary & Secondary
  5. Primary & Tertiary
  6. Secondary & Tertiary
  7. All
  8. Unknown
  9. No data


Confinement of the source aquifer

  1. Unconfined – water table aquifer, receives recharge from the land surface.
  2. Confined & semi-confined aquifers – overlain by a low permeability layer, so it does not receive direct vertical recharge and is less responsive to surface conditions. Water in a confined aquifer is typically under pressure.
  3. Unknown
  4. No data


Groundwater flow system of the source aquifer.

  1. Shallow alluvial, Local – less than 5 kilometres.
  2. Shallow alluvial, Intermediate – between 5 and 50 kilometres.
  3. Shallow alluvial, Regional – greater than 50 kilometres.
  4. Basin, Local – less than 5 kilometres.
  5. Basin, Intermediate – between 5 and 50 kilometres.
  6. Basin, Regional – greater than 50 kilometres.
  7. Bedrock, Local – less than 5 kilometres.
  8. Bedrock, Intermediate – between 5 and 50 kilometres.
  9. Bedrock, Regional – greater than 50 kilometres.
  10. Perched


Salinity of groundwater in the source aquifer.

  1. < 1500 mg/L TDS – Fresh
  2. 1,500 - 3,000 mg/L TDS – Brackish
  3. 3,000 - 35,000 mg/L TDS – Saline
  4. > 35,000 mg/L TDS – Hypersaline
  5. Fluctuating
  6. Stratified
  7. Unknown
  8. No data


pH of groundwater in the source aquifer.

  1. < 6 – acidic
  2. 6 – 8 – neutral
  3. > 8 – alkaline
  4. Fluctuating
  5. Unknown
  6. No data


Dominant recharge process of the source aquifer.

  1. Infiltration (local) – flow of rainfall from less than 5 kilometres into a solid substance through pores or small openings.
  2. Infiltration (distant) – flow of rainfall from greater than 5 kilometres into a solid substance through pores or small openings.
  3. Inundation (local) – flow of floodwater from less than 5 kilometres into a solid substance through pores or small openings.
  4. Inundation (distant) – flow of floodwater from greater than 5 kilometres into a solid substance through pores or small openings.
  5. Marine through-flow – flow of marine water into a solid substance through pores or small openings.
  6. Combination
  7. Palaeo – old or ancient, no current recharge sources.
  8. Unknown


Temporal nature of the connectivity between groundwater and ecosystems.

  1. Ephemeral – only has groundwater connection after unpredictable and rare (i.e. extreme) rainfall and runoff events.
  2. Intermittent – has groundwater connection during alternating wet and dry periods, but less frequently and/or less regularly than seasonal connectivity.
  3. Seasonal – has groundwater connection during alternating wet and dry periods on a regular basis according to season.
  4. Permanent, near permanent – has groundwater connection that may be static or flowing, with varying levels. However is predictably connected to groundwater.
  5. Unknown
  6. No data


Detailed temporal nature of the connectivity between groundwater and ecosystems

  1. Ephemeral – only has groundwater connection after unpredictable and rare (i.e. extreme) rainfall and runoff events.
  2. Episodic – only has groundwater connection after unpredictable rainfall and runoff events
  3. Intermittent – has groundwater connection during alternating wet and dry periods, but less frequently and/or less regularly than seasonal connectivity.
  4. Seasonal – has groundwater connection during alternating wet and dry periods on a regular basis according to season.
  5. Near-permanent – has groundwater connection that may be static or flowing, with varying levels. However there is a possibility that the flow could cease during long or extreme conditions (e.g. rare or non-cyclic conditions).
  6. Permanent – has groundwater connection that may be static or flowing, with varying levels. However is predictably connected to groundwater.
  7. Unknown
  8. No data


Mapping rule-set identifier

For example, 'EMDB_RS_03'


Mapping rule-set name

For example, 'Alluvia – eMDB'


Mapping rule-set documentation URL

For example, 'http://www.example.pdf'


Confidence in the presence and characteristics of aquifer

  1. Known aquifer
  2. High confidence
  3. Moderate confidence
  4. Low confidence
  5. Unknown confidence


Conceptual model name

For example, 'Alluvia'


Conceptual model documentation URL

For example, 'http://www.example.pdf'


Evidence supporting aquifer identification

  1. Field survey
  2. Expert opinion
  3. Report
  4. Journal article
  5. Stream gauge
  6. Monitoring bore

Last updated: 12 May 2015

This page should be cited as:

Queensland Government, Queensland (2015) Potential groundwater dependent ecosystem aquifer spatial dataset and attribute fields, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation