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WetlandUpdate November 2013

Updated WetlandMaps

WetlandMaps has undergone a new look and feel to include the new Google maps application programming interface or API. You may notice some improvements to the application. Some functions that were previously available will be added into the application in the near future.

New Project fact sheets

Queensland coastal marine and estuarine habitat classification for enhanced coastal planning and management outcomes and esturaine and marine habitat mapping

The aim of this project is to develop an integrated intertidal and subtidal habitat classification system for coastal marine and estuarine habitats. This will facilitate enhanced coastal planning and management in Queensland.

Wetlands and catchment management and rehabilitation in South East Queensland

This project will deliver a number of products that will assist future planning, management and rehabilitation activities in South East Queensland (SEQ). Groundwater Dependant Ecosystems (GDEs) and hydrological processes will be identified and Aquatic Conservation Assessments (ACAs) will be completed for all catchments in SEQ.

Cape York catchments aquatic conservation assessment

Cape York riverine and non-riverine aquatic conservation assessment (ACA) report has been released. The Cape York ACA is made up of seventeen individual catchments. The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has applied AquaBAMM separately to the non-riverine (i.e. palustrine and lacustrine) and riverine wetlands within each of the Cape York catchments. Estuarine values were considered and, where appropriate, included as part of the riverine results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the aquatic conservation assessments and AquaBAMM

Frequently Asked Questions

Fish species information

Fish species and profiles have been added to WildNet and are accessible through the wetland fauna indicator species list, the WetlandSummary tool and WetlandMaps


When existing resources are updated or new tools are added to WetlandInfo, the WetlandUpdate newsletter is sent to subscribers with the changes featured on a What’s New summary page, now renamed WetlandUpdate.

View all of the previous updates

WetlandInfo feedback and improvements

Send us your useful wetland information and links to add to WetlandInfo. Do you have a wetland question you just can't answer? Email us

Our WetlandInfo feature frog is a Notaden nichollsi

commonly known as the Desert Spadefoot Toad

WetlandInfo updates this section regularly, so keep your eyes and ears open!

For more information on frogs ,

visit the Frogs of Australia

Or view species profiles in your area using the SummaryInfo search tool.

Last updated: 20 October 2013

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) WetlandUpdate November 2013, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation