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WetlandUpdate May 2015

South East Queensland groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs)

South East Queensland GDE products including:

Video presentation—Why are Queensland's migratory shorebirds disappearing?

Why are Queensland's migratory shorebirds disappearing?

Millions of migratory shorebirds migrate annually from Arctic Russia and Alaska to Australia. Recent research shows that some species have declined nationally by more than 75% in 20 years. Data from Moreton Bay indicate that migratory shorebirds are declining while resident species are not, suggesting that the causes of these declines might lie outside Australia.

Duration 44:10

Wetlands education modules

A series of on-line education modules have been prepared as a resource for people who want to learn more about wetlands. Users can download and use the contents of these education modules to meet their learning and training needs. This information should be used in conjunction with information found on this website.

Three specialised education modules on advanced wetland topics are being released:

Wetlands naming protocol fact sheet

Wetlands naming protocol

The Queensland Government encourages the community to suggest new names for geographic features in Queensland that have yet to be officially named.

The place naming process includes consideration of naming issues, provision of recommendations to the relevant Minister under the Place Names Act 1994, publication of notices and maintenance of the gazetteer or register of place names.

Updates, improvements and links

Updated tools fact sheet

Queensland Wetlands Program tools fact sheet


The WetlandUpdate is a regular bulletin sent to subscribers to provide them with the latest WetlandInfo resources and tools, as well as case studies, video information and new project fact sheets.

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WetlandInfo feedback and improvements

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Our WetlandInfo feature frog is a Litoria fallax commonly known as the Eastern dwarf tree frog.

Eastern dwarf tree frog Photo by Harry Hines

WetlandInfo updates this section regularly, so keep your eyes and ears open!


For more information on frogs, visit Amphibiaweb or the Frogs of Australia website, or view species profiles in your area using the SummaryInfo search tool

Last updated: 12 May 2015

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2015) WetlandUpdate May 2015, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation