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Wildlife of Meandarra 100K map tile

Total number of species: 847

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Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name Superseded NCA EPBC End. Wetland
animals mammals Bovidae Bos taurus European cattle II
animals mammals Bovidae Capra hircus goat II
animals mammals Suidae Sus scrofa pig II
animals mammals Leporidae Lepus europaeus European brown hare II
animals mammals Leporidae Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit II
animals mammals Felidae Felis catus cat II
animals mammals Canidae Vulpes vulpes red fox II
animals mammals Muridae Hydromys chrysogaster water rat C QAI I
animals mammals Muridae Mus musculus house mouse II
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus gouldii Gould's wattled bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus morio chocolate wattled bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus picatus little pied bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Nyctophilus geoffroyi lesser long-eared bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens balstoni inland broad-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens greyii little broad-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Vespadelus vulturnus little forest bat C QA
animals mammals Molossidae Mormopterus lumsdenae northern free-tailed bat C QA
animals mammals Molossidae Mormopterus petersi inland free-tailed bat C QA
animals mammals Emballonuridae Saccolaimus flaviventris yellow-bellied sheathtail bat C QAI
animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus giganteus eastern grey kangaroo C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Notamacropus dorsalis black-striped wallaby C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Notamacropus rufogriseus red-necked wallaby C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Osphranter robustus common wallaroo C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Wallabia bicolor swamp wallaby C QA
animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum C QA
animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus norfolcensis squirrel glider C QA
animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus notatus Krefft's glider C QA
animals mammals Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus koala E E QA
animals mammals Dasyuridae Antechinus flavipes flavipes yellow-footed antechinus (south-east Queensland) C QA
animals mammals Dasyuridae Planigale tenuirostris narrow-nosed planigale C QA
animals mammals Dasyuridae Sminthopsis crassicaudata fat-tailed dunnart C QA
animals mammals Dasyuridae Sminthopsis murina common dunnart C QA
animals mammals Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus aculeatus short-beaked echidna SL QAI
animals birds Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit C QAI
animals birds Passeridae Passer domesticus house sparrow II
animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura castaneothorax chestnut-breasted mannikin C QAI
animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura punctulata nutmeg mannikin II
animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia modesta plum-headed finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Stagonopleura guttata diamond firetail V V QA
animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia bichenovii double-barred finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia guttata zebra finch C QA
animals birds Dicaeidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird C QAI
animals birds Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis common myna II
animals birds Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris common starling II
animals birds Hirundinidae Cheramoeca leucosterna white-backed swallow C QA
animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C QAI
animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon ariel fairy martin C QA
animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon nigricans tree martin C QAI
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye C QAI
animals birds Locustellidae Cincloramphus cruralis brown songlark C QA
animals birds Locustellidae Cincloramphus mathewsi rufous songlark C QA
animals birds Locustellidae Cincloramphus timoriensis tawny grassbird C QAI
animals birds Locustellidae Poodytes gramineus little grassbird C QAI
animals birds Acrocephalidae Acrocephalus australis Australian reed-warbler C QAI
animals birds Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis golden-headed cisticola C QAI
animals birds Alaudidae Mirafra javanica Horsfield's bushlark C QAI
animals birds Petroicidae Eopsaltria australis eastern yellow robin C QA
animals birds Petroicidae Melanodryas cucullata hooded robin C QA
animals birds Petroicidae Microeca fascinans jacky winter C QAI
animals birds Petroicidae Petroica goodenovii red-capped robin C QA
animals birds Petroicidae Petroica rosea rose robin C QA
animals birds Corcoracidae Corcorax melanorhamphos white-winged chough C QA
animals birds Corcoracidae Struthidea cinerea apostlebird C QA
animals birds Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie-lark C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra inquieta restless flycatcher C QA
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra rubecula leaden flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Corvidae Corvus bennetti little crow C QA
animals birds Corvidae Corvus coronoides Australian raven C QA
animals birds Corvidae Corvus orru Torresian crow C QAI
animals birds Corvidae Corvus sp. C U
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura albiscapa grey fantail C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys willie wagtail C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys leucophrys willie wagtail (southern) C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura rufifrons rufous fantail SL QAI
animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Artamus cinereus black-faced woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus cyanopterus dusky woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus leucorynchus white-breasted woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus minor little woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus personatus masked woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus superciliosus white-browed woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Cracticus nigrogularis pied butcherbird C QA
animals birds Artamidae Cracticus torquatus grey butcherbird C QA
animals birds Artamidae Gymnorhina tibicen Australian magpie C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Strepera graculina pied currawong C QA
animals birds Oriolidae Oriolus sagittatus olive-backed oriole C QAI
animals birds Oreoicidae Oreoica gutturalis crested bellbird C QA
animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla harmonica grey shrike-thrush C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala pectoralis golden whistler C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala rufiventris rufous whistler C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina maxima ground cuckoo-shrike C QA
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina papuensis white-bellied cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Edolisoma tenuirostre common cicadabird C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Lalage tricolor white-winged triller C QAI
animals birds Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera varied sittella C QAI
animals birds Pomatostomidae Pomatostomus superciliosus white-browed babbler C QA
animals birds Pomatostomidae Pomatostomus temporalis grey-crowned babbler C QAI
animals birds Pomatostomidae Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis grey-crowned babbler (eastern) C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Acanthagenys rufogularis spiny-cheeked honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Caligavis chrysops yellow-faced honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Entomyzon cyanotis blue-faced honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Epthianura tricolor crimson chat C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Gavicalis virescens singing honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Grantiella picta painted honeyeater V V QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Lichmera indistincta brown honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina flavigula yellow-throated miner C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina melanocephala noisy miner C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus albogularis white-throated honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus brevirostris brown-headed honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus gularis black-chinned honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Nesoptilotis leucotis white-eared honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon citreogularis little friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon corniculatus noisy friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Plectorhyncha lanceolata striped honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Ptilotula penicillata white-plumed honeyeater C QA
animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus punctatus spotted pardalote C QA
animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza apicalis inland thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza chrysorrhoa yellow-rumped thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza lineata striated thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza nana yellow thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza pusilla brown thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza reguloides buff-rumped thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza sp. C U
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza uropygialis chestnut-rumped thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Aphelocephala leucopsis southern whiteface V V QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone fusca western gerygone C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone olivacea white-throated gerygone C QAI
animals birds Acanthizidae Pyrrholaemus sagittatus speckled warbler C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis frontalis white-browed scrubwren C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Smicrornis brevirostris weebill C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus cyaneus superb fairy-wren C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus lamberti sensu lato variegated fairy-wren Superseded C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus leucopterus white-winged fairy-wren C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus sp. C U
animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Chlamydera maculata spotted bowerbird C QA
animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Sericulus chrysocephalus regent bowerbird C QA
animals birds Climacteridae Climacteris picumnus brown treecreeper C QA
animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea white-throated treecreeper C QA
animals birds Coraciidae Eurystomus orientalis dollarbird C QAI
animals birds Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Dacelo novaeguineae laughing kookaburra C QA
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus pyrrhopygius red-backed kingfisher C QA
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus sanctus sacred kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Tytonidae Tyto javanica eastern barn owl C QAI
animals birds Strigidae Ninox boobook southern boobook C QAI
animals birds Strigidae Ninox connivens barking owl C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis flabelliformis fan-tailed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis pallidus pallid cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal C QA
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites basalis Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites lucidus shining bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites osculans black-eared cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Eudynamys orientalis eastern koel C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Scythrops novaehollandiae channel-billed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Psittaculidae Alisterus scapularis Australian king-parrot C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Aprosmictus erythropterus red-winged parrot C QAI
animals birds Psittaculidae Barnardius zonarius Australian ringneck C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Barnardius zonarius barnardi mallee ringneck C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Melopsittacus undulatus budgerigar C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Northiella haematogaster blue bonnet C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Platycercus adscitus pale-headed rosella C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Platycercus adscitus palliceps pale-headed rosella (southern form) C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Psephotellus varius mulga parrot C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Psephotus haematonotus red-rumped parrot C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua galerita sulphur-crested cockatoo C QAI
animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua leadbeateri leadbeateri Pink Cockatoo E E QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua sanguinea little corella C QAI
animals birds Cacatuidae Calyptorhynchus banksii red-tailed black-cockatoo C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami glossy black-cockatoo (eastern) V V QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Eolophus roseicapilla galah C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Nymphicus hollandicus cockatiel C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Zanda funerea yellow-tailed black-cockatoo C QA
animals birds Laridae Chlidonias hybrida whiskered tern C QAI I
animals birds Laridae Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae silver gull C QAI
animals birds Turnicidae Turnix pyrrhothorax red-chested button-quail C QA
animals birds Turnicidae Turnix velox little button-quail C QA
animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris acuminata sharp-tailed sandpiper V V QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Gallinago hardwickii Latham's snipe V V QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Limosa limosa black-tailed godwit E E QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Tringa nebularia common greenshank E E QAI I
animals birds Rostratulidae Rostratula australis Australian painted-snipe E E QA I
animals birds Jacanidae Irediparra gallinacea comb-crested jacana C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Charadrius ruficapillus red-capped plover C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Elseyornis melanops black-fronted dotterel C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Erythrogonys cinctus red-kneed dotterel C QA I
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing C QAI
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles novaehollandiae masked lapwing (southern subspecies) C QAI
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus tricolor banded lapwing C QA
animals birds Recurvirostridae Himantopus leucocephalus pied stilt C QAI I
animals birds Recurvirostridae Recurvirostra novaehollandiae red-necked avocet C QA I
animals birds Burhinidae Burhinus grallarius bush stone-curlew C QAI
animals birds Otididae Ardeotis australis Australian bustard C QAI
animals birds Rallidae Fulica atra Eurasian coot C QAI I
animals birds Rallidae Gallinula tenebrosa dusky moorhen C QAI I
animals birds Rallidae Porphyrio melanotus purple swamphen C QAI
animals birds Rallidae Porzana fluminea Australian spotted crake C QA I
animals birds Rallidae Tribonyx ventralis black-tailed native-hen C QA
animals birds Rallidae Zapornia pusilla Baillon's crake C QAI I
animals birds Gruidae Antigone rubicunda brolga C QAI I
animals birds Falconidae Falco berigora brown falcon C QAI
animals birds Falconidae Falco cenchroides nankeen kestrel C QAI
animals birds Falconidae Falco longipennis Australian hobby C QAI
animals birds Falconidae Falco peregrinus macropus Australian peregrine falcon C QA
animals birds Falconidae Falco subniger black falcon C QA
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter cirrocephalus collared sparrowhawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter fasciatus brown goshawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Aviceda subcristata Pacific baza C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Circus approximans swamp harrier C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Circus assimilis spotted harrier C QA
animals birds Accipitridae Elanus axillaris black-shouldered kite C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur sphenurus whistling kite C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Hamirostra melanosternon black-breasted buzzard C QA
animals birds Accipitridae Hieraaetus morphnoides little eagle C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Lophoictinia isura square-tailed kite C QA
animals birds Accipitridae Milvus migrans black kite C QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea flavipes yellow-billed spoonbill C QA I
animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea regia royal spoonbill C QAI I
animals birds Threskiornithidae Plegadis falcinellus glossy ibis SL QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis molucca Australian white ibis C QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis spinicollis straw-necked ibis C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea alba modesta eastern great egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea intermedia intermediate egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea pacifica white-necked heron C QA I
animals birds Ardeidae Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian bittern E E QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis cattle egret C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta garzetta little egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Nycticorax caledonicus nankeen night-heron C QAI I
animals birds Ciconiidae Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus black-necked stork C QAI I
animals birds Pelecanidae Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian pelican C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo melanoleucos little pied cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo great cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax sulcirostris little black cormorant C QA I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax varius pied cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian darter C QAI I
animals birds Apodidae Apus pacificus fork-tailed swift SL QAI
animals birds Apodidae Hirundapus caudacutus white-throated needletail V V QAI
animals birds Aegothelidae Aegotheles cristatus Australian owlet-nightjar C QAI
animals birds Eurostopodidae Eurostopodus argus spotted nightjar C QA
animals birds Eurostopodidae Eurostopodus mystacalis white-throated nightjar C QAI
animals birds Podargidae Podargus strigoides tawny frogmouth C QA
animals birds Columbidae Columba livia rock dove II
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia cuneata diamond dove C QA
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia placida peaceful dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Ocyphaps lophotes crested pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Phaps chalcoptera common bronzewing C QA
animals birds Podicipedidae Poliocephalus poliocephalus hoary-headed grebe C QA I
animals birds Podicipedidae Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Australasian grebe C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Anas castanea chestnut teal C QA I
animals birds Anatidae Anas gracilis grey teal C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Aythya australis hardhead C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Biziura lobata musk duck C QA I
animals birds Anatidae Chenonetta jubata Australian wood duck C QA
animals birds Anatidae Cygnus atratus black swan C QA I
animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna arcuata wandering whistling-duck C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna eytoni plumed whistling-duck C QA
animals birds Anatidae Malacorhynchus membranaceus pink-eared duck C QA I
animals birds Anatidae Nettapus coromandelianus cotton pygmy-goose C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Spatula rhynchotis Australasian shoveler C QAI I
animals birds Phasianidae Coturnix pectoralis stubble quail C QA
animals birds Phasianidae Synoicus ypsilophorus brown quail C QAI
animals birds Megapodiidae Alectura lathami Australian brush-turkey C QA
animals birds Casuariidae Dromaius novaehollandiae emu C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Acanthophis antarcticus common death adder V QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Brachyurophis australis coral snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Cryptophis boschmai Carpentaria whip snake C Q
animals reptiles Elapidae Demansia psammophis yellow-faced whipsnake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Denisonia devisi De Vis' banded snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Furina diadema red-naped snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Furina dunmalli Dunmall's snake V V Q
animals reptiles Elapidae Hemiaspis damelii grey snake E E QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Hoplocephalus bitorquatus pale-headed snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudechis australis king brown snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudechis guttatus spotted black snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudechis porphyriacus red-bellied black snake C QA I
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudonaja textilis eastern brown snake C QAI
animals reptiles Elapidae Suta dwyeri Dwyer's snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Suta suta myall snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Vermicella annulata bandy-bandy C QA
animals reptiles Colubridae Dendrelaphis punctulatus green tree snake C QAI
animals reptiles Boidae Aspidites ramsayi woma NT QA
animals reptiles Typhlopidae Anilios ligatus robust blind snake C QA
animals reptiles Typhlopidae Anilios wiedii brown-snouted blind snake C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Anomalopus leuckartii two-clawed worm-skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Anomalopus verreauxii three-clawed worm-skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia pectoralis open-litter rainbow skink C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia pectoralis sensu lato Superseded C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Cryptoblepharus pannosus ragged snake-eyed skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher elegant snake-eyed skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Ctenotus ingrami unspotted yellow-sided ctenotus C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Ctenotus spaldingi straight-browed ctenotus C QAI
animals reptiles Scincidae Egernia rugosa yakka skink V V Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Egernia striolata tree skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Eremiascincus fasciolatus narrow-banded sand swimmer C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Eremiascincus richardsonii broad-banded sand swimmer C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Lerista fragilis eastern mulch slider C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Lerista punctatovittata eastern robust slider C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Lerista timida timid slider C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Lygisaurus foliorum tree-base litter-skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Menetia greyii common dwarf skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Morethia boulengeri south-eastern morethia skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Tiliqua rugosa shingle-back C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Tiliqua scincoides scincoides eastern bluetongue C QA
animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus gouldii sand monitor C QA
animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus panoptes yellow-spotted monitor C QA
animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus tristis black-tailed monitor C QA
animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus varius lace monitor C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Amphibolurus burnsi Burns's dragon C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Ctenophorus nuchalis central netted dragon C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Intellagama lesueurii eastern water dragon C QA I
animals reptiles Agamidae Lophognathus gilberti sensu lato Gilbert's dragon Superseded C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Pogona barbata bearded dragon C QA
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Delma plebeia common delma C QA
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Delma tincta excitable delma C QA
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Lialis burtonis Burton's legless lizard C QAI
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Paradelma orientalis brigalow scaly-foot C Q
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Pygopus schraderi eastern hooded scaly-foot C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Diplodactylus tessellatus tessellated gecko C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Diplodactylus vittatus wood gecko C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Lucasium steindachneri Steindachner's gecko C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Oedura elegans elegant velvet gecko C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Oedura monilis sensu lato ocellated velvet gecko Superseded C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Oedura tryoni southern spotted velvet gecko C QA
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Strophurus taenicauda golden-tailed gecko NT Q
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Strophurus williamsi soft-spined gecko C QA
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Gehyra dubia dubious dtella C QA
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Gehyra versicolor C QA
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Heteronotia binoei Bynoe's gecko C QA
animals reptiles Chelidae Chelodina expansa broad-shelled river turtle C QA I
animals reptiles Chelidae Chelodina longicollis eastern snake-necked turtle C QA I
animals reptiles Chelidae Emydura macquarii macquarii Murray turtle C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana alboguttata greenstripe frog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana brevipes superb collared frog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana novaehollandiae eastern snapping frog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana platycephala water holding frog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana verrucosa rough collared frog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria caerulea common green treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria fallax eastern sedgefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria latopalmata broad palmed rocketfrog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria peronii emerald spotted treefrog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rubella ruddy treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia parinsignifera beeping froglet C QA
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia signifera clicking froglet C QA I
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne major great brown broodfrog C QA
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Uperoleia rugosa chubby gungan C QA
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes fletcheri barking frog C QA
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes salmini salmon striped frog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes tasmaniensis spotted grassfrog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes terraereginae scarlet sided pobblebonk C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Neobatrachus sudellae meeowing frog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Notaden bennettii holy cross frog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Platyplectrum ornatum ornate burrowing frog C QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris sp. U I
animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Bidyanus bidyanus silver perch E E QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Leiopotherapon unicolor spangled perch QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Percichthyidae Maccullochella peelii Murray cod V QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Percichthyidae Macquaria ambigua golden perch QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis agassizii Agassiz's glassfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki mosquitofish II I
animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia fluviatilis Murray River rainbowfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Retropinnidae Retropinna semoni Australian smelt QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Neosilurus hyrtlii Hyrtl's catfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Tandanus tandanus freshwater catfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Cyprinidae Carassius auratus goldfish II I
animals ray-finned fishes Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio European carp II I
animals ray-finned fishes Clupeidae Nematalosa erebi bony bream QA I
animals insects Lycaenidae Jalmenus eubulus pale imperial hairstreak V QA
animals insects Nymphalidae Hypocysta pseudirius grey ringlet QA
animals insects Nymphalidae Junonia villida villida meadow argus QAI
animals insects Nymphalidae Vanessa kershawi Australian painted lady QAI
animals insects Pieridae Belenois java teutonia caper white QAI
animals insects Pieridae Delias argenthona argenthona scarlet jezebel QA
animals insects Pieridae Pieris rapae cabbage white II
animals insects Papilionidae Papilio aegeus aegeus orchard swallowtail (Australian subspecies) QA
animals insects Papilionidae Papilio anactus dainty swallowtail QA
animals insects Libellulidae Diplacodes bipunctata wandering percher QAI I
animals insects Corduliidae Hemicordulia tau tau emerald QAI I
animals insects Aeshnidae Anax papuensis Australian Emperor QAI I
animals insects Aeshnidae Austrogynacantha heterogena Australian duskhawker QAI I
animals insects Coenagrionidae Ischnura aurora aurora bluetail QAI I
animals insects Lestidae Austrolestes aridus inland ringtail QA I
animals insects Lestidae Austrolestes leda wandering ringtail QA I
animals malacostracans Parastacidae Cherax destructor common yabbie QA
bacteria blue-green algae Coleofasciculaceae Geitlerinema amphibium C QI
bacteria blue-green algae Leptolyngbyaceae Leibleinia epiphytica C Q
bacteria blue-green algae Merismopediaceae Aphanocapsa grevillei C QA
bacteria blue-green algae Merismopediaceae Merismopedia glauca C QA
bacteria blue-green algae Nostocaceae Anabaena ambigua C QA
bacteria blue-green algae Nostocaceae Anabaena spiroides C QA
bacteria blue-green algae Nostocaceae Cylindrospermum licheniforme C QAI
bacteria blue-green algae Nostocaceae Nostoc QAI
bacteria blue-green algae Oscillatoriaceae Phormidium retzii C QI
bacteria blue-green algae Pseudanabaenaceae Pseudanabaena mucicola C QA
bacteria blue-green algae Rivulariaceae Rivularia QAI
chromists Coscinodiscophyceae Aulacoseiraceae Aulacoseira granulata C Q
chromists Coscinodiscophyceae Melosiraceae Melosira varians C QI
chromists Mediophyceae Stephanodiscaceae Cyclotella meneghiniana C QI
chromists diatoms Achnanthidiaceae Achnanthidium minutissimum C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Hantzschia amphioxys C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia acicularis C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia amphibia C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia capitellata C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia dissipata C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia filiformis C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia frustulum C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia gracilis C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia inconspicua C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia intermedia C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia lacuum C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia liebetruthii C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia palea C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia paleacea C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia sigma C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia solita C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia supralitorea C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Nitzschia tropica C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Tryblionella calida C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Tryblionella hungarica C Q
chromists diatoms Bacillariaceae Tryblionella levidensis C Q
chromists diatoms Catenulaceae Amphora coffeaeformis C Q
chromists diatoms Catenulaceae Amphora veneta C Q
chromists diatoms Fragilariaceae Synedra acus C Q
chromists diatoms Fragilariaceae Synedra ulna C QI
chromists diatoms Gomphonemataceae Gomphonema acuminatum C Q
chromists diatoms Gomphonemataceae Gomphonema affine C Q
chromists diatoms Gomphonemataceae Gomphonema clavatum C Q
chromists diatoms Gomphonemataceae Gomphonema parvulum C QI
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Caloneis bacillum C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Hippodonta capitata C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula cryptocephala C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula cryptotenella C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula elginensis C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula lanceolata C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula molestiformis C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula schroeterii C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula veneta C Q
chromists diatoms Naviculaceae Navicula viridula C Q
chromists diatoms Rhopalodiaceae Epithemia adnata C Q
chromists diatoms Rhopalodiaceae Rhopalodia brebissonii C Q
chromists diatoms Rhopalodiaceae Rhopalodia musculus C Q
chromists diatoms Sellaphoraceae Eolimna minima C Q
chromists diatoms Sellaphoraceae Eolimna subminuscula C Q
chromists diatoms Sellaphoraceae Sellaphora pupula C Q
chromists diatoms Sellaphoraceae Sellaphora seminulum C Q
chromists diatoms Stauroneidaceae Craticula halophila C Q
chromists diatoms Stauroneidaceae Craticula molestiformis C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Agaricaceae Tulostoma U
fungi Agaricomycetes Geastraceae Geastrum fornicatum C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Pycnoporus coccineus C QA
fungi Pezizomycetes Ascobolaceae Saccobolus verrucisporus C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Acarosporaceae Acarospora citrina C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Collemataceae Enchylium coccophorum C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Xanthoparmelia rimalis C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Pertusariaceae Pertusaria xanthoplaca C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Teloschistaceae Caloplaca crenulatella C QA
plants green algae Chaetophoraceae Stigeoclonium tenue C QI
plants green algae Oedogoniaceae Oedogonium U
plants land plants Acanthaceae Brunoniella australis blue trumpet C QA
plants land plants Acanthaceae Hypoestes floribunda C QAI
plants land plants Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum variabile pastel flower C QAI
plants land plants Acanthaceae Rostellularia adscendens var. pogonanthera C QA
plants land plants Aizoaceae Tetragonia tetragonoides New Zealand spinach C QAI
plants land plants Aizoaceae Trianthema triquetrum red spinach C QAI
plants land plants Alismataceae Damasonium minus starfruit SL QA I
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Alternanthera denticulata var. micrantha C QA
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Amaranthus macrocarpus dwarf amaranth C QA
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Ptilotus polystachyus C QA
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Ptilotus psilorhachis C Q
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Ptilotus semilanatus C QA
plants land plants Apiaceae Actinotus gibbonsii dwarf flannel flower C QA
plants land plants Apiaceae Eryngium paludosum C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Carissa ovata currantbush C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Cynanchum viminale subsp. brunonianum C QAI
plants land plants Apocynaceae Orbea variegata IU
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia eucalyptophylla gargaloo C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Vincetoxicum forsteri E E QA
plants land plants Aponogetonaceae Aponogeton queenslandicus SL QA I
plants land plants Asphodelaceae Bulbine alata native leek C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Actinobole uliginosum flannel cudweed C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Ageratum houstonianum blue billygoat weed IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Brachyscome chrysoglossa C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Calendula arvensis field marigold IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Calotis cuneifolia burr daisy C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Calotis dentex white burr daisy C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Calotis lappulacea yellow burr daisy C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Calotis scapigera tufted burr daisy C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Cassinia laevis subsp. rosmarinifolia C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Centaurea melitensis Maltese cockspur IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Centipeda minima subsp. minima C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Chrysocephalum apiculatum yellow buttons C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Cirsium vulgare spear thistle IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Eclipta platyglossa subsp. platyglossa C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Euchiton sphaericus C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Gnephosis tenuissima C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Hypochaeris albiflora IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Isoetopsis graminifolia grass cushion C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Leiocarpa panaetioides C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Minuria integerrima smooth minuria C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Ozothamnus U
plants land plants Asteraceae Ozothamnus diosmifolius white dogwood C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Ozothamnus diotophyllus C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Podolepis longipedata tall copper-wire daisy C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Rhodanthe diffusa subsp. leucactina C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Rutidosis lanata NT Q
plants land plants Asteraceae Rutidosis murchisonii C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Schkuhria pinnata IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Senecio brigalowensis C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Senecio queenslandicus C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Senecio tenuiflorus C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Soliva anthemifolia dwarf jo jo weed IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus common sowthistle IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Sphaeromorphaea australis C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Vittadinia dissecta var. dissecta C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Vittadinia pustulata C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Vittadinia sulcata native daisy C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Xanthium spinosum Bathurst burr IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Xerochrysum bracteatum golden everlasting daisy C QAI
plants land plants Bignoniaceae Pandorea pandorana wonga vine C QAI
plants land plants Boraginaceae Cynoglossum australe C QA
plants land plants Boraginaceae Ehretia membranifolia weeping koda C QA
plants land plants Brassicaceae Erucastrum austroafricanum IU
plants land plants Brassicaceae Lemphoria eremigena C QA
plants land plants Brassicaceae Lepidium strongylophyllum C QA
plants land plants Byttneriaceae Commersonia pedleyi C Q
plants land plants Byttneriaceae Seringia collina C QA
plants land plants Cactaceae Cereus uruguayanus IU
plants land plants Cactaceae Cylindropuntia imbricata devil's rope cactus IU
plants land plants Cactaceae Harrisia martinii IU
plants land plants Cactaceae Opuntia aurantiaca tiger pear IU
plants land plants Cactaceae Opuntia stricta IU
plants land plants Cactaceae Opuntia tomentosa velvety tree pear IU
plants land plants Capparaceae Capparis anomala C QA
plants land plants Capparaceae Capparis lasiantha nipan C QA
plants land plants Capparaceae Capparis mitchellii C QA
plants land plants Caryophyllaceae Stellaria angustifolia subsp. angustifolia C QA
plants land plants Caryophyllaceae Stellaria multiflora subsp. collaris C QA
plants land plants Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina luehmannii bull oak C QA
plants land plants Casuarinaceae Casuarina cristata belah C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Denhamia cunninghamii C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Elaeodendron australe var. integrifolium C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Atriplex muelleri lagoon saltbush C QAI
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Atriplex semibaccata creeping saltbush C QAI
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium desertorum subsp. anidiophyllum C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Einadia nutans C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Enchylaena tomentosa C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Maireana decalvans black cottonbush C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Maireana microphylla C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia spinescens thorny saltbush C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Salsola australis C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena bicornis var. horrida C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena birchii galvanised burr C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena muricata C Q
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena muricata var. semiglabra C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena tetracuspis brigalow burr C Q
plants land plants Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa C XU
plants land plants Commelinaceae Commelina lanceolata C QA
plants land plants Commelinaceae Murdannia graminea murdannia C QA
plants land plants Crassulaceae Bryophyllum delagoense IU
plants land plants Crassulaceae Bryophyllum x houghtonii IU
plants land plants Cucurbitaceae Cucumis melo C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Carex inversa knob sedge C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus betchei C Q I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus dactylotes C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus difformis rice sedge C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus gymnocaulos spiny flatsedge C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus iria C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus isabellinus C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Eleocharis blakeana C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Eleocharis cylindrostachys C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Eleocharis plana ribbed spikerush C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis quinquangularis C QAI I
plants land plants Ericaceae Melichrus urceolatus honey gorse C QA
plants land plants Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon cinereum C QAI I
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Beyeria viscosa C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia dallachyana C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila C QA
plants land plants Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica C QAI
plants land plants Funariaceae Goniomitrium acuminatum C Q
plants land plants Gentianaceae Schenkia australis C QAI
plants land plants Geraniaceae Erodium crinitum blue crowfoot C QA
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Brunonia australis blue pincushion SL QA
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Dampiera adpressa C QA
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Goodenia glabra C QA
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Goodenia gracilis C QA
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Scaevola spinescens prickly fan flower C QA
plants land plants Haloragaceae Gonocarpus urceolatus C Q
plants land plants Haloragaceae Haloragis glauca forma glauca C QA
plants land plants Haloragaceae Myriophyllum gracile var. gracile C QA I
plants land plants Haloragaceae Myriophyllum jacobsii C Q I
plants land plants Haloragaceae Myriophyllum simulans C QA I
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Dianella longifolia var. longifolia C QA
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Dianella revoluta C QA
plants land plants Hydrocharitaceae Najas tenuifolia water nymph SL QAI I
plants land plants Hydrocharitaceae Ottelia ovalifolia subsp. ovalifolia SL QA
plants land plants Hypericaceae Hypericum gramineum C QAI
plants land plants Iridaceae Sisyrinchium rosulatum IU
plants land plants Juncaginaceae Cycnogeton dubius SL QAI I
plants land plants Juncaginaceae Triglochin U
plants land plants Lamiaceae Coleus australis C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Hemigenia cuneifolia C QA
plants land plants Lamiaceae Newcastelia interrupta newcastelia C QA
plants land plants Lamiaceae Prostanthera lithospermoides C Q
plants land plants Lamiaceae Prostanthera parvifolia C QA
plants land plants Lamiaceae Prostanthera ringens C QA
plants land plants Lamiaceae Prostanthera sp. (Baking Board V.Hando 135) C Q
plants land plants Lamiaceae Prostanthera sp. (Moonie Highway K.A.Williams 89011) C Q
plants land plants Lamiaceae Salvia reflexa IU
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Laxmannia gracilis slender wire lily C QA
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Lomandra beaniana C QA
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Lomandra ramosissima C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia aprepta Miles mulga C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia catenulata bendee C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia deanei C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia harpophylla brigalow C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia leiocalyx subsp. leiocalyx C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia melvillei C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia monticola C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia muelleriana C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia omalophylla C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia oswaldii miljee C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia pendula myall C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia sparsiflora C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia stenophylla belalie C QA I
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia tenuinervis C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Bossiaea concolor C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Daviesia acicularis C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Glycine tabacina glycine pea C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Kennedia procurrens purple running pea C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Lysiphyllum carronii ebony tree C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Medicago scutellata snail medic IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Medicago truncatula barrel medic IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Mirbelia pungens C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Petalostylis labicheoides C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna artemisioides subsp. artemisioides C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna artemisioides subsp. coriacea C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna artemisioides subsp. petiolaris C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna artemisioides subsp. zygophylla C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna barclayana C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna pleurocarpa C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Swainsona campylantha C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Swainsona swainsonioides downy swainsona C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Tephrosia sp. (Miriam Vale E.J.Thompson+ MIR33) C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Vachellia farnesiana IU
plants land plants Lentibulariaceae Utricularia stellaris SL QA I
plants land plants Linaceae Linum marginale native flax C QA
plants land plants Linderniaceae Lindernia procumbens C QI
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema cambagei C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema congener subsp. rotundifolia C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema linophylla subsp. orientalis C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema maidenii C Q
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema maidenii subsp. maidenii C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema miquelii C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema quandang var. bancroftii broad-leaved grey mistletoe C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema quandang var. quandang C QA
plants land plants Lythraceae Ammannia multiflora jerry-jerry C QAI
plants land plants Malvaceae Abutilon U
plants land plants Malvaceae Abutilon grandifolium IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Abutilon oxycarpum var. subsagittatum C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Hibiscus sturtii var. sturtii C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Malva preissiana C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Malvastrum americanum var. americanum IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Pavonia hastata pink pavonia IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida brachypoda C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida cardiophylla - Sida macropoda C Q
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida rohlenae subsp. rohlenae C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida trichopoda C QA
plants land plants Marsileaceae Marsilea drummondii common nardoo C QAI I
plants land plants Marsileaceae Marsilea hirsuta hairy nardoo C QAI I
plants land plants Menyanthaceae Nymphoides crenata wavy marshwort SL QA I
plants land plants Menyanthaceae Nymphoides indica water snowflake SL QAI I
plants land plants Molluginaceae Glinus lotoides hairy carpet weed C QAI
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Lysimachia arvensis IU
plants land plants Myrtaceae Calytrix longiflora pink fringe myrtle C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus bakeri Baker's mallee C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. acuta C QA I
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus coolabah coolabah C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus coolabah x Eucalyptus melanophloia C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus melanophloia C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus populnea C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus exserta Queensland peppermint C QAI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus largiflorens black box C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus melanophloia C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus melanophloia subsp. melanophloia C QAI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus populnea poplar box C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. tereticornis C QAI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus thozetiana C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus woollsiana C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca lanceolata C QAI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca pallescens C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca quercina C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca squamophloia C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca trichostachya C QA I
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca uncinata C QA
plants land plants Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia dominii C QAI
plants land plants Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea gigantea SL QA I
plants land plants Oleaceae Jasminum didymum subsp. lineare C QA
plants land plants Oleaceae Notelaea microcarpa C QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Cymbidium canaliculatum SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Pterostylis mitchellii SL QA
plants land plants Oxalidaceae Oxalis U
plants land plants Oxalidaceae Oxalis radicosa C QA
plants land plants Papaveraceae Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum IU
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora aurantia var. aurantia C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Breynia oblongifolia C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus similis C Q
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Synostemon ramosissimus C QA
plants land plants Picrodendraceae Petalostigma pubescens quinine tree C QAI
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Auranticarpa rhombifolia C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Bursaria incana C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum angustifolium C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum spinescens C QAI
plants land plants Plantaginaceae Plantago debilis shade plantain C QA
plants land plants Plantaginaceae Plantago turrifera C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Ancistrachne uncinulata hooky grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida calycina var. praealta C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida caput-medusae C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida echinata C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida jerichoensis var. jerichoensis C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida jerichoensis var. subspinulifera C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida leichhardtiana C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida queenslandica C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida queenslandica var. dissimilis C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Austrostipa verticillata slender bamboo grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Cenchrus ciliaris IU
plants land plants Poaceae Cenchrus setaceus IU
plants land plants Poaceae Chloris divaricata C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Chloris truncata C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Chloris ventricosa tall chloris C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Cymbopogon refractus barbed-wire grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Dactyloctenium radulans button grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Dichanthium sericeum subsp. sericeum C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Digitaria ammophila silky umbrella grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Digitaria diminuta C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Dinebra decipiens var. asthenes C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Dinebra decipiens var. peacockii C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Dinebra ligulata C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Dinebra panicea var. brachiata IU
plants land plants Poaceae Dinebra southwoodii C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Echinochloa colona awnless barnyard grass IU I
plants land plants Poaceae Enneapogon virens C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Enteropogon acicularis curly windmill grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis U
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis cilianensis IU
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis parviflora weeping lovegrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis sororia C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis trichophora IU
plants land plants Poaceae Eriachne mucronata forma (Alpha C.E.Hubbard 7882) C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Eriochloa crebra spring grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Eulalia aurea silky browntop C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Holcolemma dispar C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Leptochloa digitata C QA I
plants land plants Poaceae Panicum decompositum C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Panicum queenslandicum C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Panicum simile C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium caespitosum brigalow grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium constrictum C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium criniforme C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium gracile slender panic C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium jubiflorum warrego grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Rytidosperma tenuius C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Setaria paspalidioides C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Setaria sphacelata IU
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus caroli fairy grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus contiguus C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus scabridus C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Thellungia advena coolibah grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Themeda triandra kangaroo grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Thyridolepis xerophila C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Tragus australianus small burr grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Tripogon loliiformis five minute grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Urochloa foliosa C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Walwhalleya subxerophila C QA I
plants land plants Polygonaceae Rumex tenax C QA
plants land plants Pontederiaceae Monochoria cyanea Superseded XU I
plants land plants Portulacaceae Calandrinia eremaea C QA
plants land plants Portulacaceae Calandrinia pickeringii C QA
plants land plants Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea pigweed IU
plants land plants Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton sulcatus SL QA I
plants land plants Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton tricarinatus floating pondweed SL QA I
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea floribunda subsp. floribunda C QA
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea striata beefwood C QA
plants land plants Proteaceae Hakea lorea subsp. lorea C QA
plants land plants Proteaceae Hakea tephrosperma hooked needlewood C QA
plants land plants Ranunculaceae Ranunculus pentandrus var. platycarpus C QA
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Cryptandra armata C QA
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Cryptandra longistaminea C QA
plants land plants Ricciaceae Riccia lamellosa C QA
plants land plants Ricciaceae Riccia multifida var. multifida C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata forma subnitida C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psydrax oleifolia C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Citrus glauca C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Cyanothamnus occidentalis C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Geijera parviflora wilga C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Philotheca difformis subsp. difformis C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Zieria aspalathoides subsp. aspalathoides C QA
plants land plants Salviniaceae Azolla pinnata ferny azolla C QAI I
plants land plants Santalaceae Anthobolus leptomerioides C QA
plants land plants Santalaceae Exocarpos aphyllus leafless ballart C QA
plants land plants Santalaceae Exocarpos cupressiformis native cherry C QA
plants land plants Santalaceae Santalum lanceolatum SL QA
plants land plants Santalaceae Santalum lanceolatum var. venosum C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Alectryon diversifolius scrub boonaree C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Atalaya hemiglauca C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea biloba C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea boroniifolia C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea heteromorpha C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea peduncularis C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea stenophylla C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata C QAI
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Eremophila deserti C QA
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Eremophila glabra C QA
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Eremophila glabra subsp. glabra C QA
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Eremophila longifolia berrigan C QA
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Eremophila maculata subsp. maculata C QA
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Eremophila mitchellii C QA
plants land plants Scrophulariaceae Myoporum acuminatum coastal boobialla C QAI
plants land plants Solanaceae Physalis angulata IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum U
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum ellipticum potato bush C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum esuriale quena C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum ferocissimum C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum jucundum C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum mitchellianum C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum nemophilum C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum stenopterum E Q
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum tetrathecum C Q
plants land plants Stackhousiaceae Stackhousia muricata C QA
plants land plants Stackhousiaceae Stackhousia viminea slender stackhousia C QAI
plants land plants Stylidiaceae Stylidium eglandulosum SL QA
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Pimelea linifolia C QA
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Pimelea neoanglica poison pimelea C QA
plants land plants Verbenaceae Glandularia aristigera IU
plants land plants Violaceae Pigea monopetala C QA
plants land plants Zygophyllaceae Roepera apiculata C QA
plants land plants Zygophyllaceae Tribulus micrococcus yellow vine C QA
plants uncertain Incertae sedis Plantae Jaaginema angustissimum C QA

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DETSI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


Nature Conservation Act
NCA - Status under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
EX : Extinct
PE : Extinct in the wild
CR : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
NT : Near threatened
C : Least concern
SL : Special least concern
I : International
P : Prohibited
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
EPBC - Status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EX : Extinct
XW : Extinct in the wild
CE : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
CD : Conservation dependent
End. - Endemicity
Q : Queensland endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland
QA : Intranational - naturally occurs in Queensland and interstate
QAI : Not endemic to Australia - naturally occurs in Queensland, interstate and overseas
QI : Regional endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland and overseas
VA : Vagrant (Intranational) - normally occurs interstate
VI : Vagrant (International) - normally occurs overseas
VU : Vagrant (Unknown)
IA : Introduced (Intranational) - naturalised from interstate
II : Introduced (International) - naturalised from overseas
IU : Introduced - unknown origin
U : Unknown endemicity - native
Wetland Status
I : Wetland indicator species

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Wildlife of Meandarra 100K map tile, WetlandInfo website, accessed 15 January 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation