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Wildlife of Glenlofty Nature Refuge

Total number of species: 163

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Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name Superseded NCA EPBC End. Wetland
animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus australis little bent-wing bat C QAI
animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus orianae oceanensis eastern bent-wing bat C QAI
animals mammals Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus koala E E QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Cladoniaceae Cladia aggregata C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Parmotrema demethylmicrophyllinicum C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Parmotrema parahypotropum C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Parmotrema praesorediosum C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Usnea trichodeoides C QAI
plants land plants Acanthaceae Hypoestes floribunda var. velutina C Q
plants land plants Acanthaceae Rostellularia adscendens C QA
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Deeringia amaranthoides redberry C QAI
plants land plants Annonaceae Melodorum leichhardtii C QAI
plants land plants Apocynaceae Alyxia spicata C QAI
plants land plants Apocynaceae Asclepias curassavica red-head cottonbush IU
plants land plants Apocynaceae Cynanchum pedunculatum C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Hoya australis subsp. australis C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia longipetiolata C QA
plants land plants Araceae Landoltia punctata C QAI
plants land plants Araliaceae Heptapleurum actinophyllum C QAI
plants land plants Araliaceae Hydrocotyle verticillata shield pennywort C QA I
plants land plants Aspleniaceae Asplenium paleaceum scaly asplenium C QI
plants land plants Asteraceae Adenostemma lavenia C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Eclipta prostrata white eclipta IU I
plants land plants Asteraceae Peripleura scabra C Q
plants land plants Asteraceae Pterocaulon ciliosum C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Xerochrysum bracteatum golden everlasting daisy C QAI
plants land plants Boraginaceae Cordia dichotoma C QAI
plants land plants Boraginaceae Heliotropium ovalifolium C QAI
plants land plants Brassicaceae Rorippa dietrichiana C Q
plants land plants Campanulaceae Lobelia quadrangularis SL QA
plants land plants Cannabaceae Celtis paniculata native celtis C QAI
plants land plants Cannabaceae Trema orientalis tree peach C QAI
plants land plants Capparaceae Capparis arborea brush caper berry C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Denhamia oleaster C Q
plants land plants Celastraceae Denhamia pittosporoides subsp. angustifolia C Q
plants land plants Celastraceae Elaeodendron melanocarpum C QAI
plants land plants Celastraceae Siphonodon australis ivorywood C QA
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Dysphania carinata C QA
plants land plants Cleomaceae Arivela viscosa C QAI
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Ipomoea saintronanensis E Q
plants land plants Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus fluviatilis C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus alopecuroides C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus difformis rice sedge C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus exaltatus tall flatsedge C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus flavidus C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus laevigatus C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus leiocaulon C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus melanospermus IU I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus odoratus C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus unioloides C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Eleocharis cylindrostachys C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis complanata C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis dichotoma common fringe-rush C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sieberiana C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fuirena umbellata C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenoplectiella mucronata C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani C QAI I
plants land plants Davalliaceae Davallia denticulata C QI
plants land plants Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea transversa native yam C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Alchornea ilicifolia native holly C QA
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Dianella caerulea var. vannata C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Coleus congestus C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Glossocarya calcicola C Q
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Eustrephus latifolius wombat berry C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Cajanus scarabaeoides var. scarabaeoides C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Canavalia papuana wild jack bean C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Hovea longipes brush hovea C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Sesbania cannabina C QAI
plants land plants Loganiaceae Strychnos psilosperma strychnine tree C QAI
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema villiflora subsp. villiflora C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Dendrophthoe homoplastica C Q
plants land plants Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon australiense C QI
plants land plants Malvaceae Abutilon auritum Chinese lantern C QI
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida hackettiana C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida magnifica C Q
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida sp. (Greenvale R.J.Fensham 1150) C QA
plants land plants Marsileaceae Marsilea hirsuta hairy nardoo C QAI I
plants land plants Meliaceae Toona ciliata red cedar C QAI
plants land plants Meliaceae Turraea pubescens native honeysuckle C QAI
plants land plants Menispermaceae Stephania japonica var. discolor C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus copiosa C QI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus henneana C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus rubiginosa forma rubiginosa C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus virens var. virens C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Maclura cochinchinensis cockspur thorn C QAI
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Myrsine variabilis C QA
plants land plants Nephrolepidaceae Nephrolepis hirsutula C QAI
plants land plants Oleaceae Olea paniculata C QAI
plants land plants Onagraceae Ludwigia octovalvis willow primrose C QAI I
plants land plants Onagraceae Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis C QAI I
plants land plants Orchidaceae Sarcochilus hillii SL Q
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora aurantia var. aurantia C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Bridelia leichhardtii C Q
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Flueggea virosa subsp. melanthesoides C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus novae-hollandiae C QAI
plants land plants Piperaceae Peperomia leptostachya C QAI
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Auranticarpa edentata E Q
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum spinescens C QAI
plants land plants Plantaginaceae Bacopa monnieri C QAI I
plants land plants Plumbaginaceae Plumbago zeylanica native plumbago C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Ancistrachne uncinulata hooky grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Aristida queenslandica var. dissimilis C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Cenchrus purpurascens C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Cymbopogon ambiguus lemon grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Cymbopogon queenslandicus C Q
plants land plants Poaceae Dichanthium fecundum curly bluegrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis parviflora weeping lovegrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Eriochloa procera slender cupgrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Ischaemum australe C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Leersia hexandra swamp rice grass C QAI I
plants land plants Poaceae Oplismenus aemulus creeping shade grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Oplismenus imbecillis C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Panicum laevinode pepper grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalum distichum water couch IU I
plants land plants Poaceae Phragmites australis common reed C QAI I
plants land plants Poaceae Urochloa mutica IU I
plants land plants Polygonaceae Persicaria decipiens slender knotweed C QAI I
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Drynaria rigidula SL QAI
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Drynaria sparsisora SL QI
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Microsorum punctatum SL QI
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Platycerium veitchii silver elkhorn SL Q
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Pyrrosia rupestris rock felt fern SL QAI
plants land plants Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton tricarinatus floating pondweed SL QA I
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea parallela C QA
plants land plants Psilotaceae Psilotum nudum skeleton fork fern SL QAI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum SL QA
plants land plants Pteridaceae Cheilanthes distans bristly cloak fern C QAI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Cheilanthes nudiuscula C QAI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Doryopteris concolor SL QAI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Pellaea QAI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Pellaea muelleri SL Q
plants land plants Pteridaceae Pellaea nana SL QA
plants land plants Pteridaceae Pteris tremula SL QAI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Pavetta australiensis var. australiensis C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psychotria daphnoides C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Acronychia laevis glossy acronychia C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Geijera salicifolia brush wilga C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum C QAI
plants land plants Salviniaceae Azolla pinnata ferny azolla C QAI I
plants land plants Santalaceae Viscum articulatum flat mistletoe C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Alectryon oleifolius C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Alectryon tomentosus C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Atalaya multiflora broad-leaved whitewood C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Atalaya salicifolia C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa subsp. burmanniana C QAI
plants land plants Simaroubaceae Brucea javanica C QAI
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum aviculare kangaroo apple C QAI
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum ellipticum potato bush C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum erianthum potato tree IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum opacum green berry nightshade C QAI
plants land plants Sparrmanniaceae Grewia latifolia dysentery plant C QI
plants land plants Sterculiaceae Brachychiton australis broad-leaved bottle tree SL Q
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Wikstroemia indica tie bush C QAI
plants land plants Typhaceae Typha domingensis C QAI I
plants land plants Urticaceae Dendrocnide photiniphylla shiny-leaved stinging tree C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Laportea interrupta C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Pipturus argenteus white nettle C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Pouzolzia hirta C QI
plants land plants Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana IU
plants land plants Vitaceae Apocissus oblonga C Q
plants land plants Vitaceae Cissus cardiophylla C Q
plants land plants Vitaceae Clematicissus opaca C QA
plants land plants Vitaceae Tetrastigma petraeum C Q

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DETSI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


Nature Conservation Act
NCA - Status under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
EX : Extinct
PE : Extinct in the wild
CR : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
NT : Near threatened
C : Least concern
SL : Special least concern
I : International
P : Prohibited
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
EPBC - Status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EX : Extinct
XW : Extinct in the wild
CE : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
CD : Conservation dependent
End. - Endemicity
Q : Queensland endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland
QA : Intranational - naturally occurs in Queensland and interstate
QAI : Not endemic to Australia - naturally occurs in Queensland, interstate and overseas
QI : Regional endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland and overseas
VA : Vagrant (Intranational) - normally occurs interstate
VI : Vagrant (International) - normally occurs overseas
VU : Vagrant (Unknown)
IA : Introduced (Intranational) - naturalised from interstate
II : Introduced (International) - naturalised from overseas
IU : Introduced - unknown origin
U : Unknown endemicity - native
Wetland Status
I : Wetland indicator species

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Wildlife of Glenlofty Nature Refuge, WetlandInfo website, accessed 29 March 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation