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Wildlife of Green Island National Park

Total number of species: 208

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Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name Superseded NCA EPBC End. Wetland
animals mammals Balaenopteridae Megaptera novaeangliae humpback whale C QAI
animals mammals Dugongidae Dugong dugon dugong V QAI I
animals mammals Muridae Rattus rattus black rat II
animals mammals Pteropodidae Nyctimene robinsoni eastern tube-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus conspicillatus spectacled flying-fox E E QAI
animals birds Passeridae Passer domesticus house sparrow II
animals birds Dicaeidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird C QAI
animals birds Nectariniidae Cinnyris jugularis olive-backed sunbird C QAI
animals birds Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis common myna II
animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C QAI
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops citrinella ashy-bellied white-eye C QI
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye C QAI
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis vegetus silvereye (Cape York Peninsula) C Q
animals birds Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie-lark C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra cyanoleuca satin flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra rubecula leaden flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Symposiachrus trivirgatus spectacled monarch C QAI
animals birds Corvidae Corvus orru Torresian crow C QAI
animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Artamus leucorynchus white-breasted woodswallow C QA
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Edolisoma tenuirostre common cicadabird C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Lalage leucomela varied triller C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Myzomela obscura dusky honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote C QA
animals birds Pittidae Pitta versicolor noisy pitta C QAI
animals birds Coraciidae Eurystomus orientalis dollarbird C QAI
animals birds Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus sanctus sacred kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal C QA
animals birds Cuculidae Eudynamys orientalis eastern koel C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Scythrops novaehollandiae channel-billed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus scaly-breasted lorikeet C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet C QA
animals birds Laridae Anous minutus black noddy C QAI
animals birds Laridae Anous stolidus brown noddy SL QA
animals birds Laridae Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae silver gull C QAI
animals birds Laridae Onychoprion anaethetus bridled tern SL QAI
animals birds Laridae Onychoprion fuscatus sooty tern C QAI
animals birds Laridae Sterna dougallii roseate tern SL QAI
animals birds Laridae Sterna hirundo common tern SL QAI
animals birds Laridae Sterna sumatrana black-naped tern SL QAI
animals birds Laridae Sternula albifrons little tern SL QAI I
animals birds Laridae Thalasseus bengalensis lesser crested tern C QAI I
animals birds Laridae Thalasseus bergii crested tern SL QAI
animals birds Scolopacidae Actitis hypoleucos common sandpiper SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Arenaria interpres ruddy turnstone V V QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris ruficollis red-necked stint SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Limosa lapponica baueri Western Alaskan bar-tailed godwit E E QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Numenius madagascariensis eastern curlew CR CE QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Numenius phaeopus whimbrel SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Tringa brevipes grey-tailed tattler SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Tringa incana wandering tattler SL QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Pluvialis fulva Pacific golden plover SL QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Pluvialis squatarola grey plover V V QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles miles masked lapwing (northern subspecies) C QAI
animals birds Haematopodidae Haematopus fuliginosus sooty oystercatcher C QA I
animals birds Haematopodidae Haematopus longirostris Australian pied oystercatcher C QAI I
animals birds Burhinidae Esacus magnirostris beach stone-curlew V QAI I
animals birds Rallidae Gallirallus philippensis buff-banded rail C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle C QAI
animals birds Pandionidae Pandion haliaetus cristatus eastern osprey SL QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea alba modesta eastern great egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea intermedia intermediate egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta garzetta little egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta sacra eastern reef egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Nycticorax caledonicus nankeen night-heron C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo great cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax sulcirostris little black cormorant C QA I
animals birds Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian darter C QAI I
animals birds Sulidae Sula leucogaster brown booby SL QAI
animals birds Sulidae Sula sula red-footed booby SL QAI
animals birds Fregatidae Fregata minor great frigatebird SL QAI
animals birds Procellariidae Ardenna grisea sooty shearwater V V QAI
animals birds Procellariidae Ardenna pacifica wedge-tailed shearwater V QAI
animals birds Procellariidae Macronectes halli northern giant-petrel V V VU
animals birds Caprimulgidae Caprimulgus macrurus large-tailed nightjar C QAI
animals birds Eurostopodidae Eurostopodus mystacalis white-throated nightjar C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Chalcophaps longirostris Pacific emerald dove C QA
animals birds Columbidae Ducula bicolor pied imperial-pigeon C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus regina rose-crowned fruit-dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus superbus superb fruit-dove C QAI
animals birds Phaethontidae Phaethon lepturus white-tailed tropicbird SL QAI
animals birds Megapodiidae Megapodius reinwardt orange-footed scrubfowl C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia crypta C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia sp. C QAI
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Gehyra dubia dubious dtella C QA
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Hemidactylus frenatus house gecko II
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Lepidodactylus lugubris mourning gecko C QI
animals reptiles Cheloniidae Chelonia mydas green turtle V V QAI
animals reptiles Cheloniidae Eretmochelys imbricata hawksbill turtle E V QAI
animals reptiles Crocodylidae Crocodylus porosus estuarine crocodile V QAI I
animals amphibians Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad II
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria caerulea common green treefrog C QAI
animals cartilaginous fishes Rhinopteridae Rhinoptera neglecta Aaustralian cownose ray U I
animals cartilaginous fishes Aetobatidae Aetobatus ocellatus whitespotted eagle ray QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Dasyatidae Himantura sp. whiprays QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Dasyatidae Neotrygon trigonoides New Caledonian maskray QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Dasyatidae Pastinachus ater cowtail stingray QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Dasyatidae Taeniura lymma bluespotted fantail ray QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Dasyatidae Urogymnus granulatus mangrove whipray QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus melanopterus blacktip reef shark QAI I
animals cartilaginous fishes Carcharhinidae Negaprion acutidens lemon shark U I
animals cartilaginous fishes Ginglymostomatidae Nebrius ferrugineus tawny shark QAI I
animals insects Formicidae Camponotus vitreus QAI
animals insects Formicidae Paratrechina longicornis longhorn crazy ant II
animals insects Formicidae Pheidole megacephala African big-headed ant II
animals insects Formicidae Polyrhachis daemeli QA
animals insects Formicidae Tapinoma melanocephalum ghost ant II
animals insects Formicidae Tetramorium simillimum II
chromists brown algae Chordariaceae Nemacystus decipiens C Q
chromists brown algae Dictyotaceae Dictyopteris repens C Q
chromists brown algae Dictyotaceae Dictyota bartayresiana C QI
chromists brown algae Dictyotaceae Padina boryana C QAI
chromists brown algae Sargassaceae Sargassum U
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Buellia demutans C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Dirinaria aegialita C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Collemataceae Leptogium QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina confirmata C QAI
plants Florideophyceae Galaxauraceae Galaxaura rugosa C QAI
plants land plants Apocynaceae Ichnocarpus frutescens C QAI
plants land plants Arecaceae Arenga australasica V QA
plants land plants Arecaceae Cocos nucifera 'domesticated' IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Sphagneticola trilobata IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Tridax procumbens tridax daisy IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Wollastonia biflora var. biflora C QAI
plants land plants Boraginaceae Argusia argentea octopus bush C QAI
plants land plants Boraginaceae Cordia subcordata C QAI
plants land plants Calophyllaceae Calophyllum inophyllum beach calophyllum C QAI
plants land plants Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia C QAI
plants land plants Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia subsp. incana C QAI
plants land plants Combretaceae Terminalia arenicola beach almond C QA
plants land plants Combretaceae Terminalia catappa C QAI
plants land plants Commelinaceae Commelina ensifolia scurvy grass C QAI
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Ipomoea pes-caprae C QA
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis goatsfoot C QAI
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Ipomoea violacea C QAI
plants land plants Cymodoceaceae Cymodocea serrulata SL QAI I
plants land plants Cymodoceaceae Halodule uninervis SL QAI I
plants land plants Dracaenaceae Sansevieria trifasciata var. trifasciata IU
plants land plants Ebenaceae Diospyros compacta C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia cyathophora dwarf poinsettia IU
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tannensis subsp. tannensis C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Macaranga tanarius macaranga C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus nesophilus C QA
plants land plants Flagellariaceae Flagellaria indica whip vine C QAI
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada Cardwell cabbage C QAI
plants land plants Hernandiaceae Hernandia nymphaeifolia C QAI
plants land plants Hydrocharitaceae Halophila minor SL QI I
plants land plants Hydrocharitaceae Halophila ovalis SL QAI I
plants land plants Hydrocharitaceae Thalassia hemprichii SL QI I
plants land plants Lamiaceae Clerodendrum inerme coastal lolly bush C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Premna serratifolia C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Vitex trifolia var. trifolia C QAI
plants land plants Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis dodder laurel C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Archidendron grandiflorum lace flower tree C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Canavalia rosea coastal jack bean C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Crotalaria pallida var. obovata IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Delonix regia poinciana IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Erythrina variegata Indian coral tree C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Guilandina bonduc C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Leucaena leucocephala IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Millettia pinnata C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Sophora tomentosa subsp. australis C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Vigna marina dune bean C QAI
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Acrolejeunea aulacophora C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Abutilon albescens C QAI
plants land plants Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus cotton tree C QAI
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida acuta spinyhead sida IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Thespesia populnea C QAI
plants land plants Meliaceae Melia azedarach white cedar C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Maclura cochinchinensis cockspur thorn C QAI
plants land plants Myristicaceae Myristica insipida var. cimicifera C Q
plants land plants Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia mutabilis C QAI
plants land plants Oleaceae Chionanthus ramiflorus northern olive C QAI
plants land plants Onagraceae Ludwigia QAI
plants land plants Pandanaceae Pandanus U
plants land plants Pandanaceae Pandanus tectorius C QAI
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida IU
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora suberosa subsp. litoralis IU
plants land plants Petiveriaceae Rivina humilis IU
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus amarus IU
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus tenellus IU
plants land plants Poaceae Cenchrus echinatus Mossman River grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Dactyloctenium aegyptium coast button grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Digitaria U
plants land plants Poaceae Eleusine indica crowsfoot grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Lepturus repens stalky grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus virginicus sand couch C QAI I
plants land plants Poaceae Stenotaphrum micranthum C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Thuarea involuta tropical beachgrass C QAI
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Colubrina asiatica C QAI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Guettarda speciosa C QAI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Ixora timorensis C QAI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Morinda citrifolia C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Glycosmis trifoliata C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Ganophyllum falcatum C QAI
plants land plants Sapotaceae Mimusops elengi C QAI
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella obovata C QI
plants land plants Sparrmanniaceae Grewia oxyphylla C QAI
plants land plants Sparrmanniaceae Triumfetta procumbens C QAI
plants land plants Sterculiaceae Sterculia quadrifida peanut tree C QAI
plants land plants Taccaceae Tacca leontopetaloides C QAI
plants land plants Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Jamaica snakeweed IU
plants land plants Vitaceae Cayratia cardiophylla C QA

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DETSI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


Nature Conservation Act
NCA - Status under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
EX : Extinct
PE : Extinct in the wild
CR : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
NT : Near threatened
C : Least concern
SL : Special least concern
I : International
P : Prohibited
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
EPBC - Status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EX : Extinct
XW : Extinct in the wild
CE : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
CD : Conservation dependent
End. - Endemicity
Q : Queensland endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland
QA : Intranational - naturally occurs in Queensland and interstate
QAI : Not endemic to Australia - naturally occurs in Queensland, interstate and overseas
QI : Regional endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland and overseas
VA : Vagrant (Intranational) - normally occurs interstate
VI : Vagrant (International) - normally occurs overseas
VU : Vagrant (Unknown)
IA : Introduced (Intranational) - naturalised from interstate
II : Introduced (International) - naturalised from overseas
IU : Introduced - unknown origin
U : Unknown endemicity - native
Wetland Status
I : Wetland indicator species

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Wildlife of Green Island National Park, WetlandInfo website, accessed 28 March 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation