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Wildlife of Tully River - Murray River Floodplains DIWA nationally important wetland

Total number of species: 924

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Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name Superseded NCA EPBC End. Wetland
animals mammals Suidae Sus scrofa pig II
animals mammals Felidae Felis catus cat II
animals mammals Muridae Hydromys chrysogaster water rat C QAI I
animals mammals Muridae Melomys burtoni grassland melomys C QA
animals mammals Muridae Melomys cervinipes fawn-footed melomys C QA
animals mammals Muridae Mus musculus house mouse II
animals mammals Muridae Pseudomys gracilicaudatus eastern chestnut mouse C QA
animals mammals Muridae Rattus fuscipes bush rat C QA
animals mammals Muridae Rattus leucopus Cape York rat C QAI
animals mammals Muridae Rattus lutreolus swamp rat C QA I
animals mammals Muridae Rattus rattus black rat II
animals mammals Muridae Rattus sordidus canefield rat C QAI
animals mammals Muridae Rattus tunneyi pale field-rat C QA
animals mammals Muridae Uromys caudimaculatus giant white-tailed rat C QAI
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus morio chocolate wattled bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Myotis macropus large-footed myotis C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Nyctophilus bifax northern long-eared bat C QAI
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Vespadelus pumilus eastern forest bat C QA
animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus australis little bent-wing bat C QAI
animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus orianae oceanensis eastern bent-wing bat C QAI
animals mammals Molossidae Chaerephon jobensis northern freetail bat C QAI
animals mammals Molossidae Mormopterus lumsdenae northern free-tailed bat C QA
animals mammals Hipposideridae Hipposideros ater aruensis eastern dusky leaf-nosed bat C QAI
animals mammals Hipposideridae Hipposideros diadema reginae diadem leaf-nosed bat NT QAI
animals mammals Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus megaphyllus eastern horseshoe-bat C QAI
animals mammals Pteropodidae Macroglossus minimus northern blossom bat C QAI
animals mammals Pteropodidae Nyctimene robinsoni eastern tube-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus conspicillatus spectacled flying-fox E E QAI
animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus scapulatus little red flying-fox C QAI
animals mammals Pteropodidae Syconycteris australis eastern blossom bat C QAI
animals mammals Macropodidae Notamacropus agilis agile wallaby C QAI
animals mammals Macropodidae Thylogale stigmatica red-legged pademelon C QAI
animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum C QA
animals mammals Petauridae Dactylopsila trivirgata striped possum C QAI
animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus gracilis mahogany glider E E Q
animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus notatus Krefft's glider C QA
animals mammals Peramelidae Isoodon macrourus northern brown bandicoot C QAI
animals mammals Peramelidae Perameles pallescens northern long-nosed bandicoot C Q
animals mammals Dasyuridae Antechinus flavipes rubeculus yellow-footed antechinus (north-east Queensland) C Q
animals mammals Dasyuridae Dasyurus maculatus gracilis spotted-tailed quoll (northern subspecies) E E Q
animals mammals Dasyuridae Sminthopsis virginiae red-cheeked dunnart C QAI
animals mammals Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus aculeatus short-beaked echidna SL QAI
animals birds Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit C QAI
animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura castaneothorax chestnut-breasted mannikin C QAI
animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura punctulata nutmeg mannikin II
animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia phaeton phaeton crimson finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia temporalis red-browed finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia bichenovii double-barred finch C QA
animals birds Dicaeidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird C QAI
animals birds Nectariniidae Cinnyris jugularis olive-backed sunbird C QAI
animals birds Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis common myna II
animals birds Sturnidae Aplonis metallica metallic starling C QAI
animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C QAI
animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon ariel fairy martin C QA
animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon nigricans tree martin C QAI
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye C QAI
animals birds Locustellidae Cincloramphus timoriensis tawny grassbird C QAI
animals birds Acrocephalidae Acrocephalus australis Australian reed-warbler C QAI
animals birds Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis golden-headed cisticola C QAI
animals birds Petroicidae Eopsaltria australis eastern yellow robin C QA
animals birds Petroicidae Heteromyias cinereifrons grey-headed robin C Q
animals birds Petroicidae Microeca fascinans jacky winter C QAI
animals birds Petroicidae Microeca flavigaster lemon-bellied flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Petroicidae Peneoenanthe pulverulenta mangrove robin C QA
animals birds Petroicidae Tregellasia capito pale-yellow robin C QA
animals birds Paradisaeidae Ptiloris victoriae Victoria's riflebird C Q
animals birds Machaerirhynchidae Machaerirhynchus flaviventer yellow-breasted boatbill C QI
animals birds Monarchidae Arses kaupi pied monarch C Q
animals birds Monarchidae Carterornis leucotis white-eared monarch C QA
animals birds Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie-lark C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Monarcha melanopsis black-faced monarch SL QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra alecto shining flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra cyanoleuca satin flycatcher SL QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra rubecula leaden flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Symposiachrus trivirgatus spectacled monarch SL QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura albiscapa grey fantail C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys willie wagtail C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura rufifrons rufous fantail SL QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura rufiventris northern fantail C QAI
animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Artamus cinereus black-faced woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus leucorynchus white-breasted woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Artamus minor little woodswallow C QA
animals birds Artamidae Gymnorhina tibicen Australian magpie C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Melloria quoyi black butcherbird C QAI
animals birds Oriolidae Oriolus flavocinctus green oriole C QAI
animals birds Oriolidae Oriolus sagittatus olive-backed oriole C QAI
animals birds Oriolidae Sphecotheres vieilloti Australasian figbird C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla boweri Bower's shrike-thrush C Q
animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla harmonica grey shrike-thrush C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla megarhyncha little shrike-thrush C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala pectoralis golden whistler C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala rufiventris rufous whistler C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala simplex peninsulae grey whistler C Q
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina lineata barred cuckoo-shrike C QA
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina papuensis white-bellied cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Edolisoma tenuirostre common cicadabird C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Lalage leucomela varied triller C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Lalage tricolor white-winged triller C QAI
animals birds Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera varied sittella C QAI
animals birds Psophodidae Psophodes olivaceus eastern whipbird C QA
animals birds Orthonychidae Orthonyx spaldingii chowchilla C Q
animals birds Meliphagidae Bolemoreus frenatus bridled honeyeater C Q
animals birds Meliphagidae Cissomela pectoralis banded honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Gavicalis versicolor varied honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Lichmera indistincta brown honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina flavigula yellow-throated miner C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Meliphaga lewinii Lewin's honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Meliphaga notata yellow-spotted honeyeater C Q
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus albogularis white-throated honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus brevirostris brown-headed honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus gularis black-chinned honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus lunatus white-naped honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Microptilotis gracilis graceful honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Myzomela obscura dusky honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Myzomela sanguinolenta scarlet honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon argenticeps silver-crowned friarbird C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon buceroides helmeted friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon citreogularis little friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon corniculatus noisy friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Ramsayornis modestus brown-backed honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Stomiopera flava yellow honeyeater C Q
animals birds Meliphagidae Stomiopera unicolor white-gaped honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Xanthotis macleayanus Macleay's honeyeater C Q
animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone levigaster mangrove gerygone C QAI
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone magnirostris large-billed gerygone C QAI
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone mouki brown gerygone C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone olivacea white-throated gerygone C QAI
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone palpebrosa fairy gerygone C QAI
animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis frontalis white-browed scrubwren C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis magnirostra large-billed scrubwren C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Smicrornis brevirostris weebill C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus amabilis lovely fairy-wren C Q
animals birds Maluridae Malurus melanocephalus red-backed fairy-wren C QA
animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Ailuroedus maculosus spotted catbird C Q
animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea minor white-throated treecreeper (northern) C Q
animals birds Pittidae Pitta versicolor noisy pitta C QAI
animals birds Coraciidae Eurystomus orientalis dollarbird C QAI
animals birds Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Ceyx azureus azure kingfisher C QAI I
animals birds Alcedinidae Ceyx pusillus little kingfisher C QAI I
animals birds Alcedinidae Dacelo leachii blue-winged kookaburra C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Dacelo novaeguineae laughing kookaburra C QA
animals birds Alcedinidae Tanysiptera sylvia buff-breasted paradise-kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus sanctus sacred kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus sordidus Torresian kingfisher C QAI I
animals birds Tytonidae Tyto tenebricosa multipunctata lesser sooty owl C Q
animals birds Strigidae Ninox boobook southern boobook C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis flabelliformis fan-tailed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis variolosus brush cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal C QA
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites lucidus shining bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites minutillus little bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites minutillus russatus Gould's bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Cuculus optatus oriental cuckoo SL QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Eudynamys orientalis eastern koel C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Scythrops novaehollandiae channel-billed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Psittaculidae Alisterus scapularis Australian king-parrot C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Cyclopsitta diophthalma macleayana Macleay's fig-parrot V Q
animals birds Psittaculidae Platycercus adscitus pale-headed rosella C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus scaly-breasted lorikeet C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua galerita sulphur-crested cockatoo C QAI
animals birds Laridae Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae silver gull C QAI
animals birds Laridae Gelochelidon macrotarsa Australian tern SL QAI
animals birds Laridae Gygis alba white tern C VU
animals birds Laridae Sterna hirundo common tern SL QAI
animals birds Laridae Sternula albifrons little tern SL QAI I
animals birds Laridae Thalasseus bengalensis lesser crested tern C QAI I
animals birds Laridae Thalasseus bergii crested tern SL QAI
animals birds Turnicidae Turnix maculosus red-backed button-quail C QAI
animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris acuminata sharp-tailed sandpiper SL V QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris ruficollis red-necked stint SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris tenuirostris great knot CR V QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Limosa lapponica baueri Western Alaskan bar-tailed godwit V E QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Numenius madagascariensis eastern curlew E CE QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Numenius phaeopus whimbrel SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Tringa brevipes grey-tailed tattler SL QAI I
animals birds Scolopacidae Xenus cinereus terek sandpiper SL V QAI I
animals birds Jacanidae Irediparra gallinacea comb-crested jacana C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Charadrius leschenaultii greater sand plover V V QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Charadrius mongolus lesser sand plover E E QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Charadrius ruficapillus red-capped plover C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Charadrius sp. C U
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing C QAI
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles miles masked lapwing (northern subspecies) C QAI
animals birds Haematopodidae Haematopus longirostris Australian pied oystercatcher C QAI I
animals birds Burhinidae Burhinus grallarius bush stone-curlew C QAI
animals birds Burhinidae Esacus magnirostris beach stone-curlew V QAI I
animals birds Rallidae Amaurornis cinerea white-browed crake C QAI I
animals birds Rallidae Amaurornis moluccana pale-vented bush-hen C QAI
animals birds Gruidae Antigone rubicunda brolga C QAI I
animals birds Falconidae Falco berigora brown falcon C QAI
animals birds Falconidae Falco longipennis Australian hobby C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter cirrocephalus collared sparrowhawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter fasciatus brown goshawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Aviceda subcristata Pacific baza C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Circus approximans swamp harrier C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Circus assimilis spotted harrier C QA
animals birds Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur indus brahminy kite C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur sphenurus whistling kite C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Milvus migrans black kite C QAI
animals birds Pandionidae Pandion haliaetus cristatus eastern osprey SL QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis molucca Australian white ibis C QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis spinicollis straw-necked ibis C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea alba modesta eastern great egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea sumatrana great-billed heron C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis cattle egret C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta garzetta little egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta sacra eastern reef egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ixobrychus flavicollis black bittern C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Nycticorax caledonicus nankeen night-heron C QAI I
animals birds Ciconiidae Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus black-necked stork C QAI I
animals birds Pelecanidae Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian pelican C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo melanoleucos little pied cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo great cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax sulcirostris little black cormorant C QA I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax varius pied cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian darter C QAI I
animals birds Apodidae Aerodramus terraereginae Australian swiftlet C QA
animals birds Aegothelidae Aegotheles cristatus Australian owlet-nightjar C QAI
animals birds Caprimulgidae Caprimulgus macrurus large-tailed nightjar C QAI
animals birds Podargidae Podargus papuensis Papuan frogmouth C QAI
animals birds Podargidae Podargus strigoides tawny frogmouth C QA
animals birds Columbidae Chalcophaps longirostris Pacific emerald dove C QA
animals birds Columbidae Columba leucomela white-headed pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Ducula bicolor pied imperial-pigeon C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia cuneata diamond dove C QA
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia placida peaceful dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Geophaps scripta squatter pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Lopholaimus antarcticus topknot pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Phaps chalcoptera common bronzewing C QA
animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus magnificus wompoo fruit-dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus regina rose-crowned fruit-dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus superbus superb fruit-dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Spilopelia chinensis spotted dove II
animals birds Podicipedidae Podiceps cristatus great crested grebe C QAI I
animals birds Podicipedidae Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Australasian grebe C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Aythya australis hardhead C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna arcuata wandering whistling-duck C QAI I
animals birds Anseranatidae Anseranas semipalmata magpie goose C QAI I
animals birds Phasianidae Synoicus ypsilophorus brown quail C QAI
animals birds Megapodiidae Alectura lathami Australian brush-turkey C QA
animals birds Megapodiidae Megapodius reinwardt orange-footed scrubfowl C QA
animals birds Casuariidae Casuarius casuarius (southern population) southern cassowary (southern population) E E Q
animals reptiles Elapidae Cryptophis nigrescens eastern small-eyed snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Demansia psammophis yellow-faced whipsnake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Oxyuranus scutellatus coastal taipan C QAI
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudechis porphyriacus red-bellied black snake C QA I
animals reptiles Colubridae Boiga irregularis brown tree snake C QAI
animals reptiles Colubridae Dendrelaphis calligastra northern tree snake C QI I
animals reptiles Colubridae Stegonotus australis slaty-grey snake C Q I
animals reptiles Colubridae Tropidonophis mairii freshwater snake C QAI I
animals reptiles Boidae Antaresia maculosa spotted python C QA
animals reptiles Boidae Liasis fuscus water python C QAI
animals reptiles Boidae Morelia spilota carpet python C QA
animals reptiles Boidae Simalia kinghorni amethystine python (Australian form) C Q
animals reptiles Typhlopidae Anilios torresianus north-eastern blind snake C QI
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia pectoralis sensu lato Superseded C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia rubrigularis red-throated rainbow-skink C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Coeranoscincus frontalis limbless snake-tooth skink C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Lampropholis delicata dark-flecked garden sunskink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Lampropholis similis C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Saproscincus basiliscus basilisk shadeskink C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Tiliqua scincoides scincoides eastern bluetongue C QA
animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus varius lace monitor C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Intellagama lesueurii eastern water dragon C QA I
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Lialis burtonis Burton's legless lizard C QAI
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Hemidactylus frenatus house gecko II
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Heteronotia binoei Bynoe's gecko C QA
animals reptiles Chelidae Emydura macquarii krefftii Krefft's river turtle C Q I
animals reptiles Chelidae Wollumbinia latisternum saw-shelled turtle C QA I
animals reptiles Crocodylidae Crocodylus porosus estuarine crocodile V QAI I
animals amphibians Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad II
animals amphibians Ranidae Papurana daemeli Australian woodfrog C QAI I
animals amphibians Microhylidae Austrochaperina pluvialis white browed whistlefrog C Q
animals amphibians Microhylidae Cophixalus australis southern ornate nursery-frog C Q
animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana alboguttata greenstripe frog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria bicolor northern sedgefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria caerulea common green treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria dayi Australian lacelid V V Q I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria fallax eastern sedgefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria gracilenta graceful treefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria infrafrenata white lipped treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria jungguy northern stony creek frog C Q
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria lesueuri sensu lato stony creek frog Superseded C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria microbelos javelin frog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria nannotis waterfall frog E Q I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria nasuta striped rocketfrog C QAI I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rheocola common mistfrog E Q I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rothii eastern laughing treefrog C QI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rubella ruddy treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria serrata tapping green eyed frog V Q I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria xanthomera orange thighed treefrog C Q I
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Mixophyes schevilli sensu lato northern barred frog Superseded C Q
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes convexiusculus marbled frog C QAI I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes peronii striped marshfrog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Platyplectrum ornatum ornate burrowing frog C QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Gobiidae Awaous acritosus roman-nose goby QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Gobiidae Glossogobius illimis false celebes goby QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Gobiidae Redigobius chrysosoma spotfin goby QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Gobiidae Schismatogobius hoesei scaleless goby Q I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Eleotris melanosoma black spine-cheek gudgeon QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Giuris margaritacea snakehead gudgeon QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris compressa empire gudgeon QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris galii firetail gudgeon QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Mogurnda adspersa southern purplespotted gudgeon QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Oxyeleotris aruensis Aru gudgeon QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Oxyeleotris nullipora poreless gudgeon QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Cichlidae Tilapia mariae spotted tilapia II I
animals ray-finned fishes Apogonidae Glossamia aprion mouth almighty QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Kuhliidae Kuhlia rupestris jungle perch QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Hephaestus fuliginosus sooty grunter QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Hephaestus tulliensis khaki grunter Q I
animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis agassizii Agassiz's glassfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis agrammus sailfin glassfish QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis miops flagtail glassfish QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Denariusa australis pennyfish QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Scorpaenidae Notesthes robusta bullrout QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Synbranchidae Ophisternon gutturale swamp eel QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Poecilia reticulata guppy II I
animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Xiphophorus maculatus platy II I
animals ray-finned fishes Atherinidae Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum flyspecked hardyhead QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Pseudomugilidae Pseudomugil gertrudae spotted blue eye QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Pseudomugilidae Pseudomugil signifer Pacific blue eye QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia maccullochi McCulloch's rainbowfish QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia sp. QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia splendida splendida eastern rainbowfish Q I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Neosilurus ater black catfish QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Neosilurus hyrtlii Hyrtl's catfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Porochilus rendahli Rendahl's catfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Tandanus tropicanus Q I
animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla obscura Pacific shortfin eel QI I
animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla reinhardtii longfin eel QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Megalopidae Megalops cyprinoides oxeye herring QAI I
fungi Agaricomycetes Cantharellaceae Cantharellus U
fungi Agaricomycetes Ganodermataceae Ganoderma U
fungi Agaricomycetes Ganodermataceae Ganoderma chalceum C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Ganodermataceae Ganoderma steyaertanum C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe boothii C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Hymenochaetaceae Inonotus linteus C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Hymenochaetaceae Phellinus setulosus C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Marasmiaceae Marasmius U
fungi Agaricomycetes Marasmiaceae Marasmius rotalis C Q
fungi arthoniomycetes Roccellaceae Chiodecton U
fungi arthoniomycetes Roccellaceae Lecanactis spermatospora C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Dirinaria applanata C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Dirinaria picta C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Pyxine U
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Pyxine convexior C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Pyxine subcinerea C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Coccocarpiaceae Coccocarpia pellita C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Graphidaceae Ocellularia aurata C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Lecanoraceae Lecanora achroa C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Lecanoraceae Lecanora helva C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Pannariaceae Lepidocollema marianum C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Parmelia U
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Parmotrema cristiferum C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Usnea nidifica C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina confirmata C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina pacifica C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina subfraxinea var. norstictica C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina subfraxinea var. subfraxinea C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina tenella C QI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina tropica C QI
fungi lecanoromycetes Sphaerophoraceae Bunodophoron formosanum C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Tephromelataceae Tephromela atra C QAI
plants Trebouxiophyceae Botryococcaceae Botryococcus U
plants land plants Acanthaceae Hygrophila angustifolia C QAI I
plants land plants Acanthaceae Thunbergia fragrans IU
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Alternanthera ficoidea IU
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Alternanthera nana hairy joyweed C QA
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Celosia argentea IU
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Deeringia arborescens climbing deeringia C QAI
plants land plants Anacardiaceae Buchanania arborescens C QAI
plants land plants Anacardiaceae Rhus taitensis sumac C QAI
plants land plants Annonaceae Annona glabra pond apple IU
plants land plants Annonaceae Cananga odorata Ylang-ylang C QAI
plants land plants Annonaceae Melodorum leichhardtii C QAI
plants land plants Annonaceae Melodorum uhrii C Q
plants land plants Annonaceae Polyalthia submontana subsp. sessiliflora C Q
plants land plants Annonaceae Pseuduvaria villosa C Q
plants land plants Apiaceae Mackinlaya macrosciadea mackinlaya C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Gymnema pleiadenium C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Melodinus australis southern melodinus C QAI
plants land plants Apocynaceae Melodinus baccellianus C Q
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia straminea monkey rope C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia velutina hairy silkpod C QAI
plants land plants Apocynaceae Vincetoxicum U
plants land plants Apocynaceae Wrightia laevis C QI
plants land plants Aponogetonaceae Aponogeton bullosus E E QA I
plants land plants Aquifoliaceae Ilex arnhemensis subsp. ferdinandi C QI
plants land plants Araceae Colocasia esculenta taro IU
plants land plants Araceae Gymnostachys anceps settler's flax C QA
plants land plants Araceae Rhaphidophora australasica C QA
plants land plants Araceae Syngonium podophyllum IU
plants land plants Araliaceae Polyscias elegans celery wood C QAI
plants land plants Araliaceae Polyscias nodosa C QI
plants land plants Arecaceae Calamus caryotoides fish-tail lawyer cane C Q
plants land plants Arecaceae Calamus radicalis vicious hairy Mary C Q
plants land plants Arecaceae Oraniopsis appendiculata C Q
plants land plants Argophyllaceae Argophyllum lejourdanii C Q
plants land plants Aristolochiaceae Pararistolochia praevenosa NT QA
plants land plants Aspleniaceae Asplenium laserpitiifolium Johnstone River maidenhair C QI
plants land plants Asteraceae Chromolaena odorata Siam weed IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Chromolaena squalida IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Crassocephalum crepidioides thickhead IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Cyanthillium cinereum C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Eclipta prostrata white eclipta IU I
plants land plants Asteraceae Elephantopus mollis tobacco weed IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Eleutheranthera ruderalis IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Emilia sonchifolia var. sonchifolia IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Praxelis clematidea IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Sphagneticola trilobata IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Synedrellopsis grisebachii IU
plants land plants Atherospermataceae Daphnandra repandula C Q
plants land plants Athyriaceae Diplazium dameriae C Q
plants land plants Athyriaceae Diplazium dietrichianum C Q
plants land plants Athyriaceae Diplazium proliferum C QI
plants land plants Bignoniaceae Neosepicaea jucunda C Q
plants land plants Bignoniaceae Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica IU
plants land plants Blechnaceae Stenochlaena palustris climbing swamp fern SL QAI
plants land plants Bryaceae Rhodobryum graeffeanum C QAI
plants land plants Burseraceae Canarium acutifolium var. acutifolium V V QI
plants land plants Burseraceae Canarium australianum var. australianum C QAI
plants land plants Byblidaceae Byblis liniflora SL QA
plants land plants Byttneriaceae Commersonia bartramia brown kurrajong C QAI
plants land plants Byttneriaceae Melochia corchorifolia C QAI
plants land plants Calophyllaceae Calophyllum inophyllum beach calophyllum C QAI
plants land plants Calophyllaceae Calophyllum sil C QAI
plants land plants Calymperaceae Calymperes erosum C Q
plants land plants Calymperaceae Calymperes lonchophyllum C Q
plants land plants Calymperaceae Calymperes tahitense C QI
plants land plants Calymperaceae Syrrhopodon parasiticus C Q
plants land plants Cardiopteridaceae Citronella moorei churnwood C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Hedraianthera porphyropetala hedrianthera C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Hypsophila dielsiana C Q
plants land plants Commelinaceae Aneilema acuminatum C QAI
plants land plants Commelinaceae Floscopa scandens C QI
plants land plants Commelinaceae Murdannia U
plants land plants Commelinaceae Tradescantia spathacea IU
plants land plants Connaraceae Connarus conchocarpus subsp. conchocarpus C Q
plants land plants Connaraceae Rourea brachyandra C Q
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Camonea pilosa C QAI
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Decalobanthus peltatus C QI
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Distimake quinatus C QAI
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Distimake quinquefolius IU
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Ipomoea quamoclit star of Bethlehem IU
plants land plants Convolvulaceae Merremia hirta C QI
plants land plants Corynocarpaceae Corynocarpus cribbianus cribwood C QI
plants land plants Costaceae Cheilocostus potierae E QI
plants land plants Cucurbitaceae Diplocyclos palmatus subsp. palmatus C QAI
plants land plants Cucurbitaceae Luffa aegyptiaca C QAI
plants land plants Cucurbitaceae Momordica charantia balsam pear IU
plants land plants Cucurbitaceae Neoalsomitra clavigera C QI
plants land plants Cunoniaceae Davidsonia pruriens C QA
plants land plants Cunoniaceae Gillbeea adenopetala C Q
plants land plants Cyperaceae Actinoscirpus grossus C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Bulbostylis barbata C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Carex cryptostachys C QI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Carex horsfieldii C QI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Carex indica C QI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Chorizandra cymbaria C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus aromaticus IU
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus haspan subsp. juncoides C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus involucratus IU I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus iria C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus laxus C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus lucidus C QA I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus nutgrass IU
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus trinervis C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis acicularis C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis ferruginea C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis pauciflora C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fimbristylis tetragona C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Fuirena umbellata C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Hypolytrum nemorum C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Lepironia articulata C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Machaerina teretifolia C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Mapania macrocephala C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Rhynchospora corymbosa C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Rhynchospora heterochaeta C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Rhynchospora leae C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Rhynchospora rubra C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenoplectiella mucronata C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus subulatus C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenus calostachyus C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenus sparteus C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Scleria ciliaris C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Scleria levis C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Scleria rugosa C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Scleria scrobiculata C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Scleria sphacelata C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Scleria terrestris C QAI
plants land plants Dennstaedtiaceae Hypolepis tenuifolia C QI
plants land plants Dennstaedtiaceae Microlepia speluncae cave fern C QAI
plants land plants Dilleniaceae Tetracera nordtiana var. nordtiana C QI
plants land plants Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea alata greater yam IU
plants land plants Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea transversa native yam C QAI
plants land plants Droseraceae Drosera adelae NT Q I
plants land plants Droseraceae Drosera burmanni SL QAI I
plants land plants Droseraceae Drosera serpens SL QAI
plants land plants Dryopteridaceae Lastreopsis poecilophlebia SL Q
plants land plants Dryopteridaceae Lastreopsis wurunuran SL Q
plants land plants Ebenaceae Diospyros laurina C QI
plants land plants Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora C QI
plants land plants Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus largiflorens subsp. largiflorens C Q
plants land plants Entodontaceae Entodon plicatus C QI
plants land plants Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon australe C QAI I
plants land plants Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon fistulosum C QA I
plants land plants Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon willdenovianum C QAI I
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Aleurites rockinghamensis C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Claoxylon hillii C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Cleidion javanicum C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Codiaeum variegatum var. moluccanum C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Homalanthus novoguineensis C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Macaranga inamoena C Q
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Macaranga involucrata C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Macaranga involucrata var. mallotoides C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Macaranga polyadenia C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus ficifolius C Q
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus mollissimus C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus paniculatus C QI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus polyadenos C QI
plants land plants Eupomatiaceae Eupomatia barbata C Q
plants land plants Fissidentaceae Fissidens pellucidus C QA
plants land plants Frullaniaceae Frullania U
plants land plants Frullaniaceae Frullania cataractarum C Q
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Goodenia mystrophylla C QAI
plants land plants Goodeniaceae Scaevola enantophylla C Q
plants land plants Haemodoraceae Haemodorum coccineum C QAI
plants land plants Haloragaceae Gonocarpus acanthocarpus C QAI
plants land plants Hamamelidaceae Ostrearia australiana hard pink alder C Q
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Dianella bambusifolia C QI
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Dianella caerulea C QAI
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Tricoryne anceps subsp. pterocaulon C QAI
plants land plants Hymenophyllaceae Crepidomanes barnardianum SL Q
plants land plants Hymenophyllaceae Crepidomanes bipunctatum SL QI
plants land plants Hymenophyllaceae Crepidomanes saxifragoides SL QA
plants land plants Hymenophyllaceae Didymoglossum bimarginatum SL QI
plants land plants Hypnodendraceae Bescherellia elegantissima C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Basilicum polystachyon C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Callicarpa longifolia C QI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Clerodendrum tracyanum C QI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Faradaya splendida C QI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Glossocarya hemiderma C QI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Gmelina fasciculiflora C Q
plants land plants Lamiaceae Hyptis capitata IU
plants land plants Lamiaceae Mesosphaerum pectinatum IU
plants land plants Lamiaceae Mesosphaerum suaveolens IU
plants land plants Lamiaceae Vitex trifolia var. trifolia C QAI
plants land plants Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis dodder laurel C QAI
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya hypospodia north Queensland purple laurel C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya laevigata C QAI
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya onoprienkoana C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya triplinervis var. riparia C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Endiandra compressa C QA
plants land plants Lauraceae Endiandra hypotephra blue walnut C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Endiandra insignis C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Endiandra montana C QI
plants land plants Lauraceae Endiandra wolfei C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Litsea bindoniana C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Neolitsea dealbata white bolly gum C QAI
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Cordyline cannifolia SL QAI
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Cordyline manners-suttoniae SL Q
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Lomandra multiflora subsp. multiflora C QA
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Thysanotus tuberosus subsp. tuberosus C QA
plants land plants Lecythidaceae Barringtonia racemosa C QI I
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia aulacocarpa C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia calyculata C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia celsa C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia crassicarpa C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia flavescens toothed wattle C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia mangium C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia pubirhachis C QI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia simsii C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Adenanthera pavonina false red sandalwood C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Aeschynomene americana var. americana IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Aeschynomene villosa IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Archidendron ramiflorum C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Archidendron whitei C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Cajanus reticulatus var. reticulatus C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Calopogonium mucunoides IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Canavalia papuana wild jack bean C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Crotalaria goreensis gambia pea IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Crotalaria lanceolata subsp. lanceolata IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Crotalaria pallida var. obovata IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Desmodium tortuosum Florida beggar-weed IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Desmodium triflorum IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Dioclea hexandra E QI
plants land plants Leguminosae Entada phaseoloides matchbox bean C QI
plants land plants Leguminosae Hovea densivellosa C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Indigofera suffruticosa IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Mimosa pudica var. hispida IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Mimosa pudica var. unijuga IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Mucuna gigantea burny bean C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Pararchidendron pruinosum C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Pycnospora lutescens pycnospora C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna hirsuta IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Senna obtusifolia IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Tephrosia candida IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Vigna radiata var. sublobata C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Zornia muriculata subsp. muriculata C QAI
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Cheilolejeunea U
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Cheilolejeunea trifaria C QI
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Lejeunea U
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Lejeunea primordialis C Q
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Lopholejeunea U
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Lopholejeunea eulopha C Q
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Microlejeunea spinosa C Q
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Schiffneriolejeunea tumida var. hasskarliana C Q
plants land plants Lejeuneaceae Thysananthus australis C Q
plants land plants Lentibulariaceae Utricularia bifida SL QAI I
plants land plants Lentibulariaceae Utricularia chrysantha SL QAI I
plants land plants Leskeaceae Claopodium assurgens C Q
plants land plants Linaceae Hugonia jenkinsii C QI
plants land plants Linderniaceae Bonnaya antipoda C QI
plants land plants Linderniaceae Torenia anagallis C QI
plants land plants Linderniaceae Torenia crustacea C QAI
plants land plants Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea brachypoda C QA
plants land plants Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. ensifolia C QAI
plants land plants Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea media C QAI
plants land plants Loganiaceae Geniostoma rupestre var. australianum C QI
plants land plants Loganiaceae Mitrasacme stellata C Q
plants land plants Loranthaceae Dendrophthoe curvata C QI
plants land plants Loranthaceae Dendrophthoe vitellina long-flowered mistletoe C QA
plants land plants Loranthaceae Diplatia furcata C QA
plants land plants Lycopodiaceae Phlegmariurus harmsii SL QI
plants land plants Lycopodiaceae Phlegmariurus phlegmarioides V QAI
plants land plants Lygodiaceae Lygodium reticulatum C QI
plants land plants Lythraceae Cuphea carthagenensis IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Abelmoschus manihot subsp. manihot IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus cotton tree C QAI
plants land plants Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia IU
plants land plants Malvaceae Urena lobata urena weed IU
plants land plants Melastomataceae Medinilla balls-headleyi C Q
plants land plants Melastomataceae Melastoma cyanoides C QI
plants land plants Melastomataceae Tristemma mauritianum var. mauritianum IU
plants land plants Meliaceae Chisocheton longistipitatus C QI
plants land plants Meliaceae Didymocheton muelleri C QA
plants land plants Meliaceae Goniocheton arborescens C QI
plants land plants Menispermaceae Hypserpa laurina C QI
plants land plants Menispermaceae Parapachygone longifolia C Q
plants land plants Menyanthaceae Nymphoides exiliflora SL QAI I
plants land plants Menyanthaceae Ornduffia sp. (Laura C.Dalliston CC18) SL Q I
plants land plants Monimiaceae Austromatthaea elegans C Q
plants land plants Monimiaceae Levieria acuminata C QI
plants land plants Monimiaceae Steganthera australiana NT Q
plants land plants Monimiaceae Wilkiea angustifolia C Q
plants land plants Monimiaceae Wilkiea longipes C Q
plants land plants Monimiaceae Wilkiea pubescens C Q
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus albipila var. albipila C QI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus destruens C Q
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus drupacea C QI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus hispida var. hispida C QA
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus opposita C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus pantoniana C QI
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus virgata var. virgata C Q
plants land plants Moraceae Ficus watkinsiana green-leaved Moreton Bay fig C QA
plants land plants Myristicaceae Myristica globosa subsp. muelleri native nugmeg C Q
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Ardisia brevipedata C Q
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Embelia grayi C Q
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Tapeinosperma pallidum C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Corymbia clarksoniana C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Corymbia torelliana cadaghi C QI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Decaspermum humile silky myrtle C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus pellita large-fruited red mahogany C QI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Gossia myrsinocarpa C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Lophostemon suaveolens swamp box C QAI I
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca dealbata swamp tea-tree C QAI I
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca leucadendra broad-leaved tea-tree C QAI I
plants land plants Myrtaceae Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora C QAI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Psidium guajava guava IU
plants land plants Myrtaceae Rhodamnia blairiana C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Rhodamnia sessiliflora E Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa finger cherry C QI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Rhodomyrtus pervagata E Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Rhodomyrtus trineura subsp. trineura C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Syzygium angophoroides C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Syzygium australe scrub cherry C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Syzygium cormiflorum bumpy satinash C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Syzygium sayeri C QI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Syzygium tierneyanum river cherry C QAI
plants land plants Myrtaceae Syzygium wilsonii subsp. wilsonii C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Waterhousea hedraiophylla C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Xanthostemon chrysanthus black penda C Q
plants land plants Notoscyphaceae Notoscyphus lutescens C Q
plants land plants Octoblepharaceae Octoblepharum albidum C QAI
plants land plants Oleaceae Chionanthus ramiflorus northern olive C QAI
plants land plants Onagraceae Ludwigia octovalvis willow primrose C QAI I
plants land plants Ophioglossaceae Helminthostachys zeylanica flowering fern C QAI
plants land plants Orchidaceae Apostasia wallichii SL QI
plants land plants Orchidaceae Cadetia maideniana SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Cadetia taylori SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Corymborkis veratrifolia cinnamon orchid SL QI
plants land plants Orchidaceae Dipodium ensifolium leafy hyacinth orchid SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Dockrillia calamiformis SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Geodorum densiflorum pink nodding orchid SL QAI
plants land plants Orchidaceae Grastidium baileyi SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Oberonia crateriformis SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Plectorrhiza tridentata tangle orchid SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Pomatocalpa macphersonii SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Schoenorchis micrantha SL QI
plants land plants Orthotrichaceae Schlotheimia brownii C QA
plants land plants Pandanaceae Benstonea monticola C Q
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida IU
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora pallida IU
plants land plants Philydraceae Philydrum lanuginosum frogsmouth C QAI I
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Antidesma bunius currantwood C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Antidesma ghaesembilla C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Bischofia javanica C QI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Breynia cernua C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Bridelia insulana C QI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Cleistanthus discolor C Q
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Glochidion benthamianum C QI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Glochidion harveyanum var. harveyanum C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Glochidion harveyanum var. pubescens C Q
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus debilis IU
plants land plants Pilotrichaceae Callicostella papillata C QI
plants land plants Pilotrichaceae Callicostella papillata var. prabaktiana C QI
plants land plants Pinaceae Pinus caribaea Caribbean pine IU
plants land plants Piperaceae Piper caninum peppervine C QI
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Bursaria tenuifolia C Q
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum revolutum yellow pittosporum C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum tinifolium C Q
plants land plants Plagiochilaceae Plagiochila U
plants land plants Plantaginaceae Mecardonia procumbens IU
plants land plants Plantaginaceae Scoparia dulcis scoparia IU
plants land plants Poaceae Alloteropsis semialata cockatoo grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Centotheca lappacea C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Chrysopogon fallax C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Cyrtococcum accrescens C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Cyrtococcum patens C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Dactyloctenium aegyptium coast button grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Digitaria ciliaris summer grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Digitaria minima C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Dimeria chloridiformis C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Echinochloa colona awnless barnyard grass IU I
plants land plants Poaceae Echinochloa polystachya 'Amity' IU
plants land plants Poaceae Ectrosia leporina C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Entolasia marginata bordered panic C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis brownii Brown's lovegrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis pilosa soft lovegrass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Eragrostis unioloides IU
plants land plants Poaceae Eriachne pallescens var. pallescens C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Eriachne triseta C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Heteropogon triticeus giant speargrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Hymenachne acutigluma C QAI I
plants land plants Poaceae Hymenachne amplexicaulis 'Olive' IU I
plants land plants Poaceae Isachne confusa C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Isachne globosa swamp millet C QAI I
plants land plants Poaceae Ischaemum australe var. villosum C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Ischaemum tropicum C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Lophatherum gracile C QI
plants land plants Poaceae Megathyrsus maximus var. coloratus IU
plants land plants Poaceae Megathyrsus maximus var. maximus IU
plants land plants Poaceae Megathyrsus maximus var. maximus 'Hamil' IU
plants land plants Poaceae Oplismenus compositus C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Oplismenus mollis C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Panicum trichoides C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium distans shotgrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalum conjugatum sourgrass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalum plicatulum plicatulum IU
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalum scrobiculatum ditch millet C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalum urvillei vasey grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Sacciolepis indica Indian cupscale grass C QAI I
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus sessilis C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Steinchisma laxa IU
plants land plants Poaceae Themeda quadrivalvis grader grass IU
plants land plants Poaceae Themeda triandra kangaroo grass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Urochloa subquadripara IU
plants land plants Podocarpaceae Podocarpus grayae C QAI
plants land plants Podostemaceae Cladopus queenslandicus SL QI I
plants land plants Polygalaceae Polygala paniculata IU
plants land plants Polygonaceae Muehlenbeckia zippelii C QI
plants land plants Polygonaceae Persicaria barbata C QAI I
plants land plants Polygonaceae Persicaria decipiens slender knotweed C QAI I
plants land plants Polygonaceae Persicaria strigosa C QAI I
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Pyrrosia longifolia SL QI
plants land plants Pottiaceae Trichostomum U
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea U
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea baileyana C QAI
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea hilliana C QA
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea pteridifolia golden parrot tree C QAI
plants land plants Proteaceae Helicia nortoniana C Q
plants land plants Proteaceae Lasjia whelanii C Q
plants land plants Psilotaceae Psilotum complanatum flat fork fern SL QI
plants land plants Psilotaceae Psilotum nudum skeleton fork fern SL QAI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Antrophyum callifolium SL QI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Antrophyum plantagineum NT QI
plants land plants Pteridaceae Ceratopteris thalictroides SL QAI I
plants land plants Pteridaceae Cheilanthes tenuifolia rock fern C QAI
plants land plants Radulaceae Radula hicksiae C Q
plants land plants Radulaceae Radula loriana C Q
plants land plants Radulaceae Radula ocellata C Q
plants land plants Restionaceae Dapsilanthus elatior C QAI I
plants land plants Restionaceae Dapsilanthus ramosus C QAI I
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa soap tree C QAI
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Alphitonia petriei pink ash C QA
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Gouania australiana C Q
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Rhamnella vitiensis C QI
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Sageretia hamosa C Q
plants land plants Rhizophoraceae Ceriops pseudodecandra C QAI I
plants land plants Rhizophoraceae Ceriops tagal yellow mangrove C QAI I
plants land plants Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora mucronata C QAI I
plants land plants Rosaceae Rubus probus C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Aidia cowleyi C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Amaracarpus nematopodus C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Antirhea tenuiflora Superseded XU
plants land plants Rubiaceae Atractocarpus fitzalanii subsp. fitzalanii C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Atractocarpus hirtus C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Coelospermum paniculatum var. paniculatum C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Cyclophyllum multiflorum C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Exallage lapeyrousei C QAI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Exallage radicans C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Geophila repens C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Gynochthodes sessilis C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Lasianthus chlorocarpus C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Myrmecodia beccarii V V Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Neonauclea glabra C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psychotria coelospermum C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psychotria dallachiana C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psychotria sp. (Mt Lewis V.K.Moriarty 2445) C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psychotria sp. (Utchee Creek H.Flecker NQNC5313) C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psydrax tropica C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Scleromitrion subulatum C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Spermacoce U
plants land plants Rubiaceae Spermacoce latifolia IU
plants land plants Rubiaceae Spermacoce ocymifolia slender buttonweed IU
plants land plants Rubiaceae Spermacoce sp. (Lorim Point A.Morton AM1237) C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Tarenna dallachiana subsp. dallachiana C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Timonius timon var. timon C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Acronychia imperforata beach acronychia C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Brombya platynema C Q
plants land plants Rutaceae Flindersia bourjotiana C Q
plants land plants Rutaceae Flindersia schottiana bumpy ash C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Geijera salicifolia brush wilga C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Melicope bonwickii C QI
plants land plants Rutaceae Pitaviaster haplophyllus C Q
plants land plants Rutaceae Zanthoxylum nitidum C QI
plants land plants Salicaceae Casearia costulata C Q
plants land plants Salicaceae Casearia dallachii C QI
plants land plants Salicaceae Casearia sp. (Mission Beach B.P.Hyland 773) C Q
plants land plants Salicaceae Scolopia braunii flintwood C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Alectryon semicinereus C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Arytera divaricata coogera C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Arytera pauciflora C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Castanospora alphandii brown tamarind C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Cupaniopsis foveolata narrow-leaved tuckeroo C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Diploglottis alaticarpa C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Diploglottis diphyllostegia C QI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Guioa acutifolia northern guioa C QI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Harpullia frutescens C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Jagera pseudorhus var. pseudorhus C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Mischocarpus exangulatus C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Mischocarpus lachnocarpus C QI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Rhysotoechia flavescens C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Sarcopteryx martyana C Q
plants land plants Sapotaceae Niemeyera prunifera C Q
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella myrsinodendron C QI
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella pohlmaniana C QA
plants land plants Schizaeaceae Actinostachys digitata SL QAI
plants land plants Schizaeaceae Schizaea bifida forked comb fern SL QAI
plants land plants Schizaeaceae Schizaea dichotoma branched comb fern SL QAI
plants land plants Selaginellaceae Selaginella longipinna C Q
plants land plants Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile C QA
plants land plants Simaroubaceae Ailanthus integrifolia subsp. integrifolia C QI
plants land plants Smilacaceae Smilax aculeatissima C Q
plants land plants Smilacaceae Smilax blumei C QI
plants land plants Smilacaceae Smilax calophylla C Q
plants land plants Solanaceae Capsicum frutescens IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Physalis angulata IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum americanum IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum nigrum IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum torvum devil's fig IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum viridifolium C QAI
plants land plants Sparrmanniaceae Trichospermum pleiostigma C QI
plants land plants Sparrmanniaceae Triumfetta pilosa IU
plants land plants Stemonuraceae Gomphandra australiana C QI
plants land plants Stemonuraceae Irvingbaileya australis C Q
plants land plants Sterculiaceae Brachychiton acerifolius flame tree SL QA
plants land plants Stylidiaceae Stylidium alsinoides SL QI
plants land plants Stylidiaceae Stylidium eriorhizum SL Q
plants land plants Stylidiaceae Stylidium tenerum SL QAI I
plants land plants Symplocaceae Symplocos paucistaminea C Q
plants land plants Taccaceae Tacca leontopetaloides C QAI
plants land plants Tectariaceae Arthropteris palisotii C QI
plants land plants Theaceae Camellia sinensis IU
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Amblovenatum tildeniae CR Q
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Christella U
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Christella dentata creek fern SL QAI
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Christella hispidula SL QAI
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Christella parasitica SL QAI
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Christella queenslandica SL Q
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Grypothrix triphylla SL QI
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Macrothelypteris torresiana pale wood fern SL QI
plants land plants Thelypteridaceae Sphaerostephanos heterocarpos SL QI
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Phaleria clerodendron scented daphne C QA
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Phaleria octandra phaleria C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Debregeasia australis C QA
plants land plants Urticaceae Pipturus argenteus white nettle C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Pouzolzia zeylanica C QAI
plants land plants Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana IU
plants land plants Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta mutabilis pink snakeweed IU
plants land plants Vitaceae Apocissus sterculiifolia C QAI
plants land plants Vitaceae Cayratia saponaria C Q
plants land plants Vitaceae Cissus hastata C QI
plants land plants Vitaceae Clematicissus opaca C QA
plants land plants Vitaceae Tetrastigma nitens shining grape C QA
plants land plants Winteraceae Tasmannia membranea C Q
plants land plants Zamiaceae Bowenia spectabilis SL Q
plants land plants Zamiaceae Lepidozamia hopei Hope's cycad SL Q
plants land plants Zingiberaceae Meistera dallachyi C Q

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DESI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


Nature Conservation Act
NCA - Status under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
EX : Extinct
PE : Extinct in the wild
CR : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
NT : Near threatened
C : Least concern
SL : Special least concern
I : International
P : Prohibited
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
EPBC - Status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EX : Extinct
XW : Extinct in the wild
CE : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
CD : Conservation dependent
End. - Endemicity
Q : Queensland endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland
QA : Intranational - naturally occurs in Queensland and interstate
QAI : Not endemic to Australia - naturally occurs in Queensland, interstate and overseas
QI : Regional endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland and overseas
VA : Vagrant (Intranational) - normally occurs interstate
VI : Vagrant (International) - normally occurs overseas
VU : Vagrant (Unknown)
IA : Introduced (Intranational) - naturalised from interstate
II : Introduced (International) - naturalised from overseas
IU : Introduced - unknown origin
U : Unknown endemicity - native
Wetland Status
I : Wetland indicator species

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Wildlife of Tully River - Murray River Floodplains DIWA nationally important wetland, WetlandInfo website, accessed 21 November 2024. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of Environment, Science and Innovation