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Wildlife of Haughton Balancing Storage Aggregation DIWA nationally important wetland

Total number of species: 46

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Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name Superseded NCA EPBC End. Wetland
animals birds Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit C QAI
animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C QAI
animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon ariel fairy martin C QA
animals birds Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie-lark C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Laridae Chlidonias hybrida whiskered tern C QAI I
animals birds Jacanidae Irediparra gallinacea comb-crested jacana C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing C QAI
animals birds Recurvirostridae Himantopus leucocephalus pied stilt C QAI I
animals birds Accipitridae Circus approximans swamp harrier C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur sphenurus whistling kite C QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Plegadis falcinellus glossy ibis SL QAI
animals birds Pelecanidae Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian pelican C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo melanoleucos little pied cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian darter C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Aythya australis hardhead C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Cygnus atratus black swan C QA I
animals birds Anseranatidae Anseranas semipalmata magpie goose C QAI I
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Alternanthera ficoidea IU
plants land plants Araceae Lemna aequinoctialis common duckweed C QAI I
plants land plants Asteraceae Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey cudweed C QAI
plants land plants Boraginaceae Heliotropium ovalifolium C QAI
plants land plants Caryophyllaceae Polycarpaea spirostylis subsp. spirostylis C QA
plants land plants Combretaceae Terminalia sericocarpa damson C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus scariosus C QAI I
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya triplinervis var. triplinervis C QA
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Lomandra longifolia C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia leptostachya Townsville wattle C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Crotalaria retusa var. retusa IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Desmanthus leptophyllus IU
plants land plants Leguminosae Flemingia lineata C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Millettia pinnata C QAI
plants land plants Lentibulariaceae Utricularia stellaris SL QA I
plants land plants Myrtaceae Blakella leichhardtii C Q
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus drepanophylla C Q
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida IU
plants land plants Poaceae Alloteropsis cimicina C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Dactyloctenium radulans button grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Dichanthium fecundum curly bluegrass C QAI
plants land plants Poaceae Oryza meridionalis C QA I
plants land plants Poaceae Oxychloris scariosa winged chloris C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus actinocladus katoora grass C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus caroli fairy grass C QA
plants land plants Polygonaceae Persicaria decipiens slender knotweed C QAI I
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea glauca bushy's clothes peg C QI
plants land plants Rubiaceae Timonius timon var. timon C QAI

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DETSI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


Nature Conservation Act
NCA - Status under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
EX : Extinct
PE : Extinct in the wild
CR : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
NT : Near threatened
C : Least concern
SL : Special least concern
I : International
P : Prohibited
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
EPBC - Status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EX : Extinct
XW : Extinct in the wild
CE : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
CD : Conservation dependent
End. - Endemicity
Q : Queensland endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland
QA : Intranational - naturally occurs in Queensland and interstate
QAI : Not endemic to Australia - naturally occurs in Queensland, interstate and overseas
QI : Regional endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland and overseas
VA : Vagrant (Intranational) - normally occurs interstate
VI : Vagrant (International) - normally occurs overseas
VU : Vagrant (Unknown)
IA : Introduced (Intranational) - naturalised from interstate
II : Introduced (International) - naturalised from overseas
IU : Introduced - unknown origin
U : Unknown endemicity - native
Wetland Status
I : Wetland indicator species

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Wildlife of Haughton Balancing Storage Aggregation DIWA nationally important wetland, WetlandInfo website, accessed 29 March 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation