animals |
mammals |
Delphinidae |
Orcaella heinsohni |
Australian snubfin dolphin |
V |
QA |
I |
animals |
mammals |
Suidae |
Sus scrofa |
pig |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Leporidae |
Lepus europaeus |
European brown hare |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Felidae |
Felis catus |
cat |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Canidae |
Canis familiaris |
dog |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Canidae |
Canis familiaris (dingo) |
dingo |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Canidae |
Vulpes vulpes |
red fox |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Muridae |
Hydromys chrysogaster |
water rat |
C |
I |
animals |
mammals |
Muridae |
Mus musculus |
house mouse |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Muridae |
Rattus lutreolus |
swamp rat |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
mammals |
Muridae |
Rattus rattus |
black rat |
II |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Chalinolobus gouldii |
Gould's wattled bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Chalinolobus morio |
chocolate wattled bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Myotis macropus |
large-footed myotis |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Nyctophilus gouldi |
Gould's long-eared bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Scotorepens greyii |
little broad-nosed bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Scotorepens orion |
south-eastern broad-nosed bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Scotorepens sp. (Parnaby) |
central-eastern broad-nosed bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Vespertilionidae |
Vespadelus troughtoni |
eastern cave bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Miniopteridae |
Miniopterus australis |
little bent-wing bat |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Miniopteridae |
Miniopterus orianae oceanensis |
eastern bent-wing bat |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Molossidae |
Austronomus australis |
white-striped freetail bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Molossidae |
Mormopterus lumsdenae |
northern free-tailed bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Molossidae |
Mormopterus norfolkensis |
east coast freetail bat |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Molossidae |
Mormopterus sp. |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Emballonuridae |
Saccolaimus flaviventris |
yellow-bellied sheathtail bat |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Pteropodidae |
Pteropus alecto |
black flying-fox |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Pteropodidae |
Pteropus poliocephalus |
grey-headed flying-fox |
C |
V |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Pteropodidae |
Pteropus scapulatus |
little red flying-fox |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Pteropodidae |
Pteropus sp. |
flying-fox |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Macropodidae |
Macropus giganteus |
eastern grey kangaroo |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Macropodidae |
Macropus sp. |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Macropodidae |
Notamacropus dorsalis |
black-striped wallaby |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Macropodidae |
Notamacropus parryi |
whiptail wallaby |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Macropodidae |
Notamacropus rufogriseus |
red-necked wallaby |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Macropodidae |
Wallabia bicolor |
swamp wallaby |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Potoroidae |
Bettongia gaimardi gaimardi |
eastern bettong |
EX |
EX |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Phalangeridae |
Trichosurus caninus |
short-eared possum |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Phalangeridae |
Trichosurus vulpecula |
common brushtail possum |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Acrobatidae |
Acrobates pygmaeus |
feathertail glider |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Pseudocheiridae |
Petauroides volans volans |
southern greater glider |
E |
E |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Pseudocheiridae |
Pseudocheirus peregrinus |
common ringtail possum |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Petauridae |
Petaurus breviceps sensu lato |
sugar glider |
Superseded |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Petauridae |
Petaurus norfolcensis |
squirrel glider |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Petauridae |
Petaurus sp. |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Phascolarctidae |
Phascolarctos cinereus |
koala |
E |
E |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Peramelidae |
Isoodon macrourus |
northern brown bandicoot |
C |
animals |
mammals |
Dasyuridae |
Antechinus flavipes flavipes |
yellow-footed antechinus (south-east Queensland) |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Dasyuridae |
Phascogale tapoatafa tapoatafa |
brush-tailed phascogale |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Dasyuridae |
Planigale maculata |
common planigale |
C |
QA |
animals |
mammals |
Tachyglossidae |
Tachyglossus aculeatus |
short-beaked echidna |
SL |
animals |
mammals |
Ornithorhynchidae |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus |
platypus |
SL |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Motacillidae |
Anthus novaeseelandiae |
Australasian pipit |
C |
animals |
birds |
Passeridae |
Passer domesticus |
house sparrow |
II |
animals |
birds |
Estrildidae |
Lonchura castaneothorax |
chestnut-breasted mannikin |
C |
animals |
birds |
Estrildidae |
Lonchura punctulata |
nutmeg mannikin |
II |
animals |
birds |
Estrildidae |
Neochmia modesta |
plum-headed finch |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Estrildidae |
Neochmia temporalis |
red-browed finch |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Estrildidae |
Taeniopygia bichenovii |
double-barred finch |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Estrildidae |
Taeniopygia guttata |
zebra finch |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Dicaeidae |
Dicaeum hirundinaceum |
mistletoebird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Sturnidae |
Acridotheres tristis |
common myna |
II |
animals |
birds |
Sturnidae |
Sturnus vulgaris |
common starling |
II |
animals |
birds |
Hirundinidae |
Cheramoeca leucosterna |
white-backed swallow |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Hirundinidae |
Hirundo neoxena |
welcome swallow |
C |
animals |
birds |
Hirundinidae |
Petrochelidon ariel |
fairy martin |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Hirundinidae |
Petrochelidon nigricans |
tree martin |
C |
animals |
birds |
Zosteropidae |
Zosterops lateralis |
silvereye |
C |
animals |
birds |
Locustellidae |
Cincloramphus cruralis |
brown songlark |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Locustellidae |
Cincloramphus timoriensis |
tawny grassbird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Locustellidae |
Poodytes gramineus |
little grassbird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Acrocephalidae |
Acrocephalus australis |
Australian reed-warbler |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cisticolidae |
Cisticola exilis |
golden-headed cisticola |
C |
animals |
birds |
Petroicidae |
Eopsaltria australis |
eastern yellow robin |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Petroicidae |
Microeca fascinans |
jacky winter |
C |
animals |
birds |
Petroicidae |
Petroica boodang |
scarlet robin |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Petroicidae |
Petroica goodenovii |
red-capped robin |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Petroicidae |
Petroica rosea |
rose robin |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Corcoracidae |
Corcorax melanorhamphos |
white-winged chough |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Corcoracidae |
Struthidea cinerea |
apostlebird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Carterornis leucotis |
white-eared monarch |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Grallina cyanoleuca |
magpie-lark |
C |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Monarcha melanopsis |
black-faced monarch |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Myiagra cyanoleuca |
satin flycatcher |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Myiagra inquieta |
restless flycatcher |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Myiagra rubecula |
leaden flycatcher |
C |
animals |
birds |
Monarchidae |
Symposiachrus trivirgatus |
spectacled monarch |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Corvidae |
Corvus coronoides |
Australian raven |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Corvidae |
Corvus orru |
Torresian crow |
C |
animals |
birds |
Corvidae |
Corvus sp. |
C |
U |
animals |
birds |
Rhipiduridae |
Rhipidura albiscapa |
grey fantail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rhipiduridae |
Rhipidura leucophrys |
willie wagtail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rhipiduridae |
Rhipidura rufifrons |
rufous fantail |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Dicruridae |
Dicrurus bracteatus |
spangled drongo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Artamus cyanopterus |
dusky woodswallow |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Artamus leucorynchus |
white-breasted woodswallow |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Artamus minor |
little woodswallow |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Artamus superciliosus |
white-browed woodswallow |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Cracticus nigrogularis |
pied butcherbird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Cracticus sp. |
C |
U |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Cracticus torquatus |
grey butcherbird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Gymnorhina tibicen |
Australian magpie |
C |
animals |
birds |
Artamidae |
Strepera graculina |
pied currawong |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Oriolidae |
Oriolus sagittatus |
olive-backed oriole |
C |
animals |
birds |
Oriolidae |
Sphecotheres vieilloti |
Australasian figbird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Pachycephalidae |
Colluricincla harmonica |
grey shrike-thrush |
C |
animals |
birds |
Pachycephalidae |
Colluricincla megarhyncha |
little shrike-thrush |
C |
animals |
birds |
Pachycephalidae |
Pachycephala pectoralis |
golden whistler |
C |
animals |
birds |
Pachycephalidae |
Pachycephala rufiventris |
rufous whistler |
C |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Coracina lineata |
barred cuckoo-shrike |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Coracina maxima |
ground cuckoo-shrike |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Coracina novaehollandiae |
black-faced cuckoo-shrike |
C |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Coracina papuensis |
white-bellied cuckoo-shrike |
C |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Edolisoma tenuirostre |
common cicadabird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Lalage leucomela |
varied triller |
C |
animals |
birds |
Campephagidae |
Lalage tricolor |
white-winged triller |
C |
animals |
birds |
Neosittidae |
Daphoenositta chrysoptera |
varied sittella |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cinclosomatidae |
Cinclosoma punctatum |
spotted quail-thrush |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psophodidae |
Psophodes olivaceus |
eastern whipbird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Pomatostomidae |
Pomatostomus temporalis |
grey-crowned babbler |
C |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Acanthagenys rufogularis |
spiny-cheeked honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris |
eastern spinebill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Anthochaera carunculata |
red wattlebird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Anthochaera chrysoptera |
little wattlebird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Anthochaera phrygia |
regent honeyeater |
CR |
CE |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Caligavis chrysops |
yellow-faced honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Entomyzon cyanotis |
blue-faced honeyeater |
C |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Lichmera indistincta |
brown honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Manorina melanocephala |
noisy miner |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Meliphaga lewinii |
Lewin's honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Melithreptus albogularis |
white-throated honeyeater |
C |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Melithreptus brevirostris |
brown-headed honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Melithreptus gularis |
black-chinned honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Melithreptus lunatus |
white-naped honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Myzomela sanguinolenta |
scarlet honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Philemon citreogularis |
little friarbird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Philemon corniculatus |
noisy friarbird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Plectorhyncha lanceolata |
striped honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Ptilotula fusca |
fuscous honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Meliphagidae |
Ptilotula penicillata |
white-plumed honeyeater |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Pardalotidae |
Pardalotus punctatus |
spotted pardalote |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Pardalotidae |
Pardalotus striatus |
striated pardalote |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa |
yellow-rumped thornbill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Acanthiza lineata |
striated thornbill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Acanthiza nana |
yellow thornbill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Acanthiza pusilla |
brown thornbill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Acanthiza reguloides |
buff-rumped thornbill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Gerygone mouki |
brown gerygone |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Gerygone olivacea |
white-throated gerygone |
C |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Pyrrholaemus sagittatus |
speckled warbler |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Sericornis citreogularis |
yellow-throated scrubwren |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Sericornis frontalis |
white-browed scrubwren |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Sericornis magnirostra |
large-billed scrubwren |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Acanthizidae |
Smicrornis brevirostris |
weebill |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Maluridae |
Malurus cyaneus |
superb fairy-wren |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Maluridae |
Malurus lamberti |
variegated fairy-wren |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Maluridae |
Malurus melanocephalus |
red-backed fairy-wren |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Ptilonorhynchidae |
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus |
satin bowerbird |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Climacteridae |
Climacteris picumnus |
brown treecreeper |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Climacteridae |
Cormobates leucophaea |
white-throated treecreeper |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Climacteridae |
Cormobates leucophaea metastasis |
white-throated treecreeper (southern) |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Pittidae |
Pitta versicolor |
noisy pitta |
C |
animals |
birds |
Coraciidae |
Eurystomus orientalis |
dollarbird |
C |
animals |
birds |
Meropidae |
Merops ornatus |
rainbow bee-eater |
C |
animals |
birds |
Alcedinidae |
Ceyx azureus |
azure kingfisher |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Alcedinidae |
Dacelo leachii |
blue-winged kookaburra |
C |
animals |
birds |
Alcedinidae |
Dacelo novaeguineae |
laughing kookaburra |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Alcedinidae |
Todiramphus macleayii |
forest kingfisher |
C |
animals |
birds |
Alcedinidae |
Todiramphus pyrrhopygius |
red-backed kingfisher |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Alcedinidae |
Todiramphus sanctus |
sacred kingfisher |
C |
animals |
birds |
Tytonidae |
Tyto javanica |
eastern barn owl |
C |
animals |
birds |
Strigidae |
Ninox boobook |
southern boobook |
C |
animals |
birds |
Strigidae |
Ninox connivens |
barking owl |
C |
animals |
birds |
Strigidae |
Ninox strenua |
powerful owl |
V |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Cacomantis flabelliformis |
fan-tailed cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Cacomantis pallidus |
pallid cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Cacomantis variolosus |
brush cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Centropus phasianinus |
pheasant coucal |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Chalcites basalis |
Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Chalcites lucidus |
shining bronze-cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Chalcites minutillus barnardi |
Eastern little bronze-cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Cuculus optatus |
oriental cuckoo |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Eudynamys orientalis |
eastern koel |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cuculidae |
Scythrops novaehollandiae |
channel-billed cuckoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Alisterus scapularis |
Australian king-parrot |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Barnardius zonarius |
Australian ringneck |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Glossopsitta concinna |
musk lorikeet |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Melopsittacus undulatus |
budgerigar |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Neophema pulchella |
turquoise parrot |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Parvipsitta porphyrocephala |
purple-crowned lorikeet |
C |
VU |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Parvipsitta pusilla |
little lorikeet |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Platycercus adscitus |
pale-headed rosella |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Platycercus adscitus palliceps |
pale-headed rosella (southern form) |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Platycercus eximius |
eastern rosella |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Psephotellus pulcherrimus |
paradise parrot |
PE |
EX |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus |
scaly-breasted lorikeet |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Psittaculidae |
Trichoglossus moluccanus |
rainbow lorikeet |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Cacatua galerita |
sulphur-crested cockatoo |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Cacatua sanguinea |
little corella |
C |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Cacatua tenuirostris |
long-billed corella |
C |
IA |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Calyptorhynchus banksii |
red-tailed black-cockatoo |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami |
glossy black-cockatoo (eastern) |
V |
V |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Eolophus roseicapilla |
galah |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Nymphicus hollandicus |
cockatiel |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Cacatuidae |
Zanda funerea |
yellow-tailed black-cockatoo |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Laridae |
Chlidonias hybrida |
whiskered tern |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Laridae |
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae |
silver gull |
C |
animals |
birds |
Turnicidae |
Turnix maculosus |
red-backed button-quail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Turnicidae |
Turnix melanogaster |
black-breasted button-quail |
V |
V |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Turnicidae |
Turnix varius |
painted button-quail |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Scolopacidae |
Actitis hypoleucos |
common sandpiper |
SL |
I |
animals |
birds |
Scolopacidae |
Calidris acuminata |
sharp-tailed sandpiper |
V |
V |
I |
animals |
birds |
Scolopacidae |
Calidris melanotos |
pectoral sandpiper |
SL |
I |
animals |
birds |
Scolopacidae |
Gallinago hardwickii |
Latham's snipe |
V |
V |
I |
animals |
birds |
Scolopacidae |
Limosa limosa |
black-tailed godwit |
E |
E |
I |
animals |
birds |
Scolopacidae |
Tringa stagnatilis |
marsh sandpiper |
SL |
I |
animals |
birds |
Rostratulidae |
Rostratula australis |
Australian painted-snipe |
E |
E |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Jacanidae |
Irediparra gallinacea |
comb-crested jacana |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Charadriidae |
Elseyornis melanops |
black-fronted dotterel |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Charadriidae |
Erythrogonys cinctus |
red-kneed dotterel |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Charadriidae |
Vanellus miles |
masked lapwing |
C |
animals |
birds |
Charadriidae |
Vanellus miles novaehollandiae |
masked lapwing (southern subspecies) |
C |
animals |
birds |
Recurvirostridae |
Himantopus leucocephalus |
pied stilt |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Burhinidae |
Burhinus grallarius |
bush stone-curlew |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Amaurornis moluccana |
pale-vented bush-hen |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Fulica atra |
Eurasian coot |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Gallinula tenebrosa |
dusky moorhen |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Gallirallus philippensis |
buff-banded rail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Lewinia pectoralis |
Lewin's rail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Porphyrio melanotus |
purple swamphen |
C |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Porzana fluminea |
Australian spotted crake |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Zapornia pusilla |
Baillon's crake |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Rallidae |
Zapornia tabuensis |
spotless crake |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Falconidae |
Falco berigora |
brown falcon |
C |
animals |
birds |
Falconidae |
Falco cenchroides |
nankeen kestrel |
C |
animals |
birds |
Falconidae |
Falco longipennis |
Australian hobby |
C |
animals |
birds |
Falconidae |
Falco peregrinus macropus |
Australian peregrine falcon |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Accipiter cirrocephalus |
collared sparrowhawk |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Accipiter fasciatus |
brown goshawk |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Accipiter novaehollandiae |
grey goshawk |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Aquila audax |
wedge-tailed eagle |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Aviceda subcristata |
Pacific baza |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Circus approximans |
swamp harrier |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Elanus axillaris |
black-shouldered kite |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Haliaeetus leucogaster |
white-bellied sea-eagle |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Haliastur indus |
brahminy kite |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Haliastur sphenurus |
whistling kite |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Hieraaetus morphnoides |
little eagle |
C |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Lophoictinia isura |
square-tailed kite |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Accipitridae |
Milvus migrans |
black kite |
C |
animals |
birds |
Pandionidae |
Pandion haliaetus cristatus |
eastern osprey |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Threskiornithidae |
Platalea flavipes |
yellow-billed spoonbill |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Threskiornithidae |
Platalea regia |
royal spoonbill |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Threskiornithidae |
Plegadis falcinellus |
glossy ibis |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Threskiornithidae |
Threskiornis molucca |
Australian white ibis |
C |
animals |
birds |
Threskiornithidae |
Threskiornis spinicollis |
straw-necked ibis |
C |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Ardea alba modesta |
eastern great egret |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Ardea intermedia |
intermediate egret |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Ardea pacifica |
white-necked heron |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Botaurus poiciloptilus |
Australasian bittern |
E |
E |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Bubulcus ibis |
cattle egret |
C |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Butorides striata |
striated heron |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Egretta garzetta |
little egret |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Egretta novaehollandiae |
white-faced heron |
C |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Egretta sacra |
eastern reef egret |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ardeidae |
Nycticorax caledonicus |
nankeen night-heron |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Ciconiidae |
Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus |
black-necked stork |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Pelecanidae |
Pelecanus conspicillatus |
Australian pelican |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Phalacrocoracidae |
Microcarbo melanoleucos |
little pied cormorant |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Phalacrocoracidae |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
great cormorant |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Phalacrocoracidae |
Phalacrocorax sulcirostris |
little black cormorant |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Phalacrocoracidae |
Phalacrocorax varius |
pied cormorant |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anhingidae |
Anhinga novaehollandiae |
Australasian darter |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Apodidae |
Apus pacificus |
fork-tailed swift |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Apodidae |
Hirundapus caudacutus |
white-throated needletail |
V |
V |
animals |
birds |
Aegothelidae |
Aegotheles cristatus |
Australian owlet-nightjar |
C |
animals |
birds |
Eurostopodidae |
Eurostopodus mystacalis |
white-throated nightjar |
C |
animals |
birds |
Podargidae |
Podargus strigoides |
tawny frogmouth |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Chalcophaps longirostris |
Pacific emerald dove |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Columba leucomela |
white-headed pigeon |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Columba livia |
rock dove |
II |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Geopelia cuneata |
diamond dove |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Geopelia humeralis |
bar-shouldered dove |
C |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Geopelia placida |
peaceful dove |
C |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Geophaps scripta scripta |
squatter pigeon (southern subspecies) |
V |
V |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Leucosarcia melanoleuca |
wonga pigeon |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Lopholaimus antarcticus |
topknot pigeon |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Macropygia phasianella |
brown cuckoo-dove |
C |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Ocyphaps lophotes |
crested pigeon |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Phaps chalcoptera |
common bronzewing |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Ptilinopus regina |
rose-crowned fruit-dove |
C |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Ptilinopus superbus |
superb fruit-dove |
C |
animals |
birds |
Columbidae |
Spilopelia chinensis |
spotted dove |
II |
animals |
birds |
Podicipedidae |
Podiceps cristatus |
great crested grebe |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Podicipedidae |
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae |
Australasian grebe |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Phaethontidae |
Phaethon lepturus |
white-tailed tropicbird |
SL |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Anas castanea |
chestnut teal |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Anas gracilis |
grey teal |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Anas platyrhynchos |
northern mallard |
II |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Anas superciliosa |
Pacific black duck |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Aythya australis |
hardhead |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Chenonetta jubata |
Australian wood duck |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Cygnus atratus |
black swan |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Dendrocygna arcuata |
wandering whistling-duck |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Dendrocygna eytoni |
plumed whistling-duck |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Malacorhynchus membranaceus |
pink-eared duck |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Nettapus coromandelianus |
cotton pygmy-goose |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Spatula rhynchotis |
Australasian shoveler |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anatidae |
Tadorna tadornoides |
Australian shelduck |
C |
VU |
I |
animals |
birds |
Anseranatidae |
Anseranas semipalmata |
magpie goose |
C |
I |
animals |
birds |
Phasianidae |
Coturnix pectoralis |
stubble quail |
C |
QA |
animals |
birds |
Phasianidae |
Synoicus chinensis |
king quail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Phasianidae |
Synoicus ypsilophorus |
brown quail |
C |
animals |
birds |
Megapodiidae |
Alectura lathami |
Australian brush-turkey |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Brachyurophis australis |
coral snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Cacophis harriettae |
white-crowned snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Cacophis krefftii |
dwarf crowned snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Cacophis squamulosus |
golden crowned snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Cryptophis nigrescens |
eastern small-eyed snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Demansia psammophis |
yellow-faced whipsnake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Demansia vestigiata |
lesser black whipsnake |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Furina diadema |
red-naped snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Hemiaspis signata |
black-bellied swamp snake |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Pseudechis porphyriacus |
red-bellied black snake |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Elapidae |
Pseudonaja textilis |
eastern brown snake |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Colubridae |
Boiga irregularis |
brown tree snake |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Colubridae |
Dendrelaphis punctulatus |
green tree snake |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Colubridae |
Tropidonophis mairii |
freshwater snake |
C |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Boidae |
Antaresia maculosa |
spotted python |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Boidae |
Morelia spilota |
carpet python |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Typhlopidae |
Anilios wiedii |
brown-snouted blind snake |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Anomalopus verreauxii |
three-clawed worm-skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Bellatorias frerei |
major skink |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Calyptotis scutirostrum |
scute-snouted calyptotis |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Carlia munda |
shaded-litter rainbow-skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Carlia pectoralis |
open-litter rainbow skink |
C |
Q |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Carlia pectoralis sensu lato |
Superseded |
C |
Q |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Carlia schmeltzii |
robust rainbow-skink |
C |
Q |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Carlia vivax |
tussock rainbow-skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Concinnia martini |
dark bar-sided skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher |
elegant snake-eyed skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Ctenotus spaldingi |
straight-browed ctenotus |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Ctenotus taeniolatus |
copper-tailed skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Eremiascincus richardsonii |
broad-banded sand swimmer |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Eroticoscincus graciloides |
elf skink |
C |
Q |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Karma murrayi |
Murray's skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Lampropholis amicula |
friendly sunskink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Lampropholis delicata |
dark-flecked garden sunskink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Lampropholis guichenoti |
pale-flecked garden sunskink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Lampropholis sp. |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Lygisaurus foliorum |
tree-base litter-skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Morethia taeniopleura |
fire-tailed skink |
C |
Q |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Saiphos equalis |
three-toed skink |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Scincidae |
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides |
eastern bluetongue |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Varanidae |
Varanus varius |
lace monitor |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Agamidae |
Diporiphora australis |
tommy roundhead |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Agamidae |
Intellagama lesueurii |
eastern water dragon |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Agamidae |
Pogona barbata |
bearded dragon |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Pygopodidae |
Delma plebeia |
common delma |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Pygopodidae |
Delma torquata |
collared delma |
V |
V |
Q |
animals |
reptiles |
Pygopodidae |
Lialis burtonis |
Burton's legless lizard |
C |
animals |
reptiles |
Pygopodidae |
Pygopus lepidopodus |
common scaly-foot |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Diplodactylidae |
Amalosia robusta |
robust velvet gecko |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Diplodactylidae |
Diplodactylus vittatus |
wood gecko |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Diplodactylidae |
Oedura tryoni |
southern spotted velvet gecko |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Gekkonidae |
Gehyra dubia |
dubious dtella |
C |
QA |
animals |
reptiles |
Gekkonidae |
Hemidactylus frenatus |
house gecko |
II |
animals |
reptiles |
Chelidae |
Chelodina expansa |
broad-shelled river turtle |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Chelidae |
Chelodina longicollis |
eastern snake-necked turtle |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Chelidae |
Emydura macquarii krefftii |
Krefft's river turtle |
C |
Q |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Chelidae |
Emydura macquarii macquarii |
Murray turtle |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
reptiles |
Chelidae |
Wollumbinia latisternum |
saw-shelled turtle |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Bufonidae |
Rhinella marina |
cane toad |
II |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria balatus |
slender bleating treefrog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria brevipalmata |
green thighed frog |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria caerulea |
common green treefrog |
C |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria fallax |
eastern sedgefrog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria gracilenta |
graceful treefrog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria latopalmata |
broad palmed rocketfrog |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria nasuta |
striped rocketfrog |
C |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria peronii |
emerald spotted treefrog |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria rubella |
ruddy treefrog |
C |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria tyleri |
southern laughing treefrog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Hylidae |
Litoria wilcoxii |
eastern stony creek frog |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Crinia parinsignifera |
beeping froglet |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Crinia signifera |
clicking froglet |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Mixophyes fasciolatus |
great barred frog |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Pseudophryne coriacea |
red backed broodfrog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Pseudophryne major |
great brown broodfrog |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Pseudophryne raveni |
copper backed broodfrog |
C |
Q |
animals |
amphibians |
Myobatrachidae |
Uperoleia fusca |
dusky gungan |
C |
QA |
animals |
amphibians |
Limnodynastidae |
Adelotus brevis |
tusked frog |
V |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Limnodynastidae |
Limnodynastes peronii |
striped marshfrog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Limnodynastidae |
Limnodynastes terraereginae |
scarlet sided pobblebonk |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
amphibians |
Limnodynastidae |
Platyplectrum ornatum |
ornate burrowing frog |
C |
QA |
I |
animals |
lobe-finned fishes |
Ceratodontidae |
Neoceratodus forsteri |
Australian lungfish |
V |
V |
Q |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Scatophagidae |
Scatophagus argus |
spotted scat |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Scatophagidae |
Selenotoca multifasciata |
striped scat |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Gobiidae |
Redigobius bikolanus |
speckled goby |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Gobiomorphus australis |
striped gudgeon |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Hypseleotris compressa |
empire gudgeon |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Hypseleotris galii |
firetail gudgeon |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Hypseleotris klunzingeri |
western carp gudgeon |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Hypseleotris sp. |
U |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Mogurnda adspersa |
southern purplespotted gudgeon |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Philypnodon grandiceps |
flathead gudgeon |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Eleotridae |
Philypnodon macrostomus |
dwarf flathead gudgeon |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Cichlidae |
Oreochromis mossambica |
Mozambique mouthbrooder |
II |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Mugilidae |
Mugil cephalus |
sea mullet |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Mugilidae |
Trachystoma petardi |
pinkeye mullet |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Monodactylidae |
Monodactylus argenteus |
diamondfish |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Sparidae |
Acanthopagrus australis |
yellowfin bream |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Apogonidae |
Glossamia aprion |
mouth almighty |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Kuhliidae |
Kuhlia rupestris |
jungle perch |
QI |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Terapontidae |
Leiopotherapon unicolor |
spangled perch |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Percichthyidae |
Macquaria novemaculeata |
Australian bass |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Ambassidae |
Ambassis agassizii |
Agassiz's glassfish |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Ambassidae |
Ambassis marianus |
estuary glassfish |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Scorpaenidae |
Notesthes robusta |
bullrout |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Hemiramphidae |
Arrhamphus sclerolepis |
snubnose garfish |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Poeciliidae |
Gambusia holbrooki |
mosquitofish |
II |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Poeciliidae |
Poecilia reticulata |
guppy |
II |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Poeciliidae |
Xiphophorus maculatus |
platy |
II |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Atherinidae |
Craterocephalus marjoriae |
silverstreak hardyhead |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Atherinidae |
Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum |
flyspecked hardyhead |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Pseudomugilidae |
Pseudomugil signifer |
Pacific blue eye |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Melanotaeniidae |
Melanotaenia duboulayi |
crimsonspotted rainbowfish |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Melanotaeniidae |
Rhadinocentrus ornatus |
ornate rainbowfish |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Retropinnidae |
Retropinna semoni |
Australian smelt |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Plotosidae |
Porochilus rendahli |
Rendahl's catfish |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Plotosidae |
Tandanus tandanus |
freshwater catfish |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Ariidae |
Neoarius graeffei |
blue catfish |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Cyprinidae |
Carassius auratus |
goldfish |
II |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Clupeidae |
Nematalosa erebi |
bony bream |
QA |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Anguillidae |
Anguilla australis |
southern shortfin eel |
I |
animals |
ray-finned fishes |
Anguillidae |
Anguilla reinhardtii |
longfin eel |
I |
animals |
insects |
Lycaenidae |
Candalides hyacinthinus hyacinthinus |
varied dusky-blue |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Lycaenidae |
Catopyrops florinda |
U |
animals |
insects |
Lycaenidae |
Lampides boeticus |
long-tailed pea-blue |
animals |
insects |
Lycaenidae |
Prosotas dubiosa dubiosa |
purple line-blue |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Lycaenidae |
Psychonotis caelius taygetus |
small green-banded blue |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Lycaenidae |
Zizina otis labradus |
common grass-blue (Australian subspecies) |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Acraea andromacha andromacha |
glasswing |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Charaxes sempronius sempronius |
tailed emperor |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Danaus petilia |
lesser wanderer |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Danaus plexippus |
monarch |
II |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Danaus sp. |
U |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Euploea corinna |
common crow |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Heteronympha merope merope |
common brown |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Hypocysta adiante adiante |
orange ringlet |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Hypolimnas bolina nerina |
varied eggfly |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Hypolimnas misippus |
danaid eggfly |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Junonia villida villida |
meadow argus |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Melanitis leda bankia |
evening brown |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Mynes geoffroyi guerini |
jezebel nymph |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Phaedyma shepherdi shepherdi |
white-banded plane (southern subspecies) |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Tirumala hamata hamata |
blue tiger |
animals |
insects |
Nymphalidae |
Vanessa kershawi |
Australian painted lady |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Belenois java teutonia |
caper white |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Catopsilia gorgophone gorgophone |
yellow migrant |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Catopsilia pomona |
lemon migrant |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Catopsilia pyranthe crokera |
white migrant |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Cepora perimale scyllara |
caper gull (Australian subspecies) |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Delias argenthona argenthona |
scarlet jezebel |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Delias nigrina |
black jezebel |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Delias nysa nysa |
yellow-spotted jezebel (Australian subspecies) |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Eurema hecabe |
large grass-yellow |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Eurema smilax |
small grass-yellow |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Pieridae |
Pieris rapae |
cabbage white |
II |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Cressida cressida cressida |
clearwing swallowtail |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Graphium choredon |
blue triangle |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Graphium eurypylus lycaon |
pale triangle |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Papilio aegeus |
U |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Papilio aegeus aegeus |
orchard swallowtail (Australian subspecies) |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Papilio anactus |
dainty swallowtail |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Papilionidae |
Papilio demoleus sthenelus |
chequered swallowtail |
animals |
insects |
Hesperiidae |
Ocybadistes walkeri sothis |
green grass-dart |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Hesperiidae |
Suniana sunias rectivitta |
wide-brand grass-dart |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Hesperiidae |
Toxidia peron |
dingy grass-skipper |
QA |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Brachydiplax denticauda |
palemouth |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Crocothemis nigrifrons |
black-headed skimmer |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Diplacodes bipunctata |
wandering percher |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Diplacodes haematodes |
scarlet percher |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Diplacodes melanopsis |
black-faced percher |
QA |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Diplacodes trivialis |
chalky percher |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Hydrobasileus brevistylus |
water prince |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Macrodiplax cora |
wandering pennant |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Orthetrum caledonicum |
blue skimmer |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Orthetrum sabina |
slender skimmer |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Orthetrum villosovittatum |
fiery skimmer |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Pantala flavescens |
wandering glider |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Rhodothemis lieftincki |
red arrow |
QA |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Rhyothemis graphiptera |
graphic flutterer |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Rhyothemis phyllis |
yellow-striped flutterer |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Rhyothemis phyllis chloe |
yellow-striped flutterer |
I |
animals |
insects |
Libellulidae |
Tramea loewii |
common glider |
I |
animals |
insects |
Corduliidae |
Hemicordulia australiae |
Australian emerald |
I |
animals |
insects |
Corduliidae |
Hemicordulia continentalis |
fat-bellied emerald |
QA |
I |
animals |
insects |
Lindeniidae |
Ictinogomphus australis |
Australian tiger |
QA |
I |
animals |
insects |
Aeshnidae |
Adversaeschna brevistyla |
blue-spotted hawker |
I |
animals |
insects |
Aeshnidae |
Anax papuensis |
Australian Emperor |
I |
animals |
insects |
Coenagrionidae |
Austroagrion watsoni |
eastern billabongfly |
I |
animals |
insects |
Coenagrionidae |
Austrocnemis splendida |
splendid longlegs |
QA |
I |
animals |
insects |
Coenagrionidae |
Ischnura heterosticta heterosticta |
common bluetail |
I |
animals |
insects |
Coenagrionidae |
Pseudagrion microcephalum |
blue riverdamsel |
I |
animals |
insects |
Lestidae |
Austrolestes leda |
wandering ringtail |
QA |
I |
animals |
malacostracans |
Palaemonidae |
Macrobrachium sp. |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Aphanothecaceae |
Aphanothece elabens |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Aphanothecaceae |
Aphanothece stagnina |
C |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Microcoleaceae |
Microcoleus vaginatus |
C |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Microcoleaceae |
Porphyrosiphon notarisii |
C |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Nostocaceae |
Anabaena pseudoscillatoria |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Nostocaceae |
Cylindrospermum stagnale |
C |
Q |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Nostocaceae |
Nostoc |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Nostochopsidaceae |
Nostochopsis lobatus |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Oscillatoriaceae |
Lyngbya aestuarii |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Oscillatoriaceae |
Lyngbya wollei |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Oscillatoriaceae |
Oscillatoria lutea |
C |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Oscillatoriaceae |
Phormidium retzii |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Rivulariaceae |
Calothrix parietina |
C |
QI |
bacteria |
blue-green algae |
Scytonemataceae |
Scytonema crispum |
C |
QI |
chromists |
yellow-green algae |
Botrydiaceae |
Botrydium |
U |
chromists |
yellow-green algae |
Vaucheriaceae |
Vaucheria bursata |
C |
QI |
chromists |
yellow-green algae |
Vaucheriaceae |
Vaucheria frigida |
C |
Q |
chromists |
yellow-green algae |
Vaucheriaceae |
Vaucheria ornithocephala |
C |
QI |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Agaricaceae |
Agaricus |
U |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Agaricaceae |
Bovista pusilla |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Agaricaceae |
Calvatia candida |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Agaricaceae |
Chlorophyllum molybdites |
green-spored parasol |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Agaricaceae |
Cyathus stercoreus |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Agaricaceae |
Cyathus striatus |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Amanitaceae |
Amanita |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Amanitaceae |
Limacella |
U |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Geastraceae |
Geastrum triplex |
C |
Q |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Gloeophyllaceae |
Gloeophyllum striatum |
C |
Q |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Inocybaceae |
Inocybe |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Phallaceae |
Colus pusillus |
C |
Q |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Phallaceae |
Phallus rubicundus |
C |
Q |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Polyporaceae |
Trichaptum byssogenum |
C |
Q |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Russulaceae |
Russula |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Strophariaceae |
Psilocybe cubensis |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Strophariaceae |
Psilocybe merdaria |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Suillaceae |
Suillus granulatus |
C |
QA |
fungi |
Agaricomycetes |
Tricholomataceae |
Omphalina |
U |
fungi |
lecanoromycetes |
Cladoniaceae |
Cladia muelleri |
C |
QA |
fungi |
lecanoromycetes |
Cladoniaceae |
Cladonia floerkeana |
C |
fungi |
lecanoromycetes |
Physciaceae |
Heterodermia obscurata |
C |
fungi |
lecanoromycetes |
Ramalinaceae |
Ramalina celastri subsp. celastri |
C |
QA |
fungi |
lecanoromycetes |
Ramalinaceae |
Ramalina inflata subsp. perpusilla |
C |
fungi |
lecanoromycetes |
Teloschistaceae |
Caloplaca cinnabarina |
C |
fungi |
sordariomycetes |
Obryzaceae |
Obryzum scabrosum |
C |
Q |
plants |
Charophyceae |
Characeae |
Nitella |
U |
plants |
Compsopogonophyceae |
Compsopogonaceae |
Compsopogon coeruleus |
C |
Q |
plants |
Florideophyceae |
Acrochaetiaceae |
Audouinella |
U |
plants |
Florideophyceae |
Delesseriaceae |
Caloglossa leprieurii var. angustata |
C |
Q |
plants |
Florideophyceae |
Delesseriaceae |
Caloglossa ogasawaraensis |
C |
Q |
plants |
Klebsormidiophyceae |
Klebsormidiaceae |
Klebsormidium rivulare |
C |
Q |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Cladophoraceae |
Cladophora |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Cladophoraceae |
Cladophora glomerata |
C |
QI |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Cladophoraceae |
Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum |
C |
QI |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Pithophoraceae |
Basicladia |
XU |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Pithophoraceae |
Pithophora oedogonia var. oedogonia |
C |
QI |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Trentepohliaceae |
Cephaleuros parasiticus |
C |
Q |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Trentepohliaceae |
Trentepohlia bosseae var. brevicellulis |
C |
QA |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Trentepohliaceae |
Trentepohlia rigidula |
C |
plants |
Ulvophyceae |
Ulotrichaceae |
Ulothrix variabilis |
C |
QI |
plants |
green algae |
Fritschiellaceae |
Fritschiella tuberosa |
C |
Q |
plants |
green algae |
Hydrodictyaceae |
Hydrodictyon reticulatum |
C |
QI |
plants |
green algae |
Protosiphonaceae |
Protosiphon botryoides |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Brunoniella australis |
blue trumpet |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Justicia betonica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Pseuderanthemum variabile |
pastel flower |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Rostellularia obtusa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Ruellia simplex |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Stephanophysum longifolium |
Superseded |
XU |
plants |
land plants |
Acanthaceae |
Thunbergia alata |
black-eyed Susan |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Aizoaceae |
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Alismataceae |
Sagittaria platyphylla |
sagittaria |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Alliaceae |
Nothoscordum borbonicum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Amaranthaceae |
Alternanthera denticulata |
lesser joyweed |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Amaranthaceae |
Alternanthera nana |
hairy joyweed |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Amaranthaceae |
Alternanthera sessilis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus viridis |
green amaranth |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Amaryllidaceae |
Crinum pedunculatum |
river lily |
SL |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Amaryllidaceae |
Zephyranthes carinata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Anacardiaceae |
Schinus terebinthifolius |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Anthericaceae |
Chlorophytum comosum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apiaceae |
Ammi majus |
bishop's weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apiaceae |
Cyclospermum leptophyllum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apiaceae |
Daucus carota |
wild carrot |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apiaceae |
Lilaeopsis brisbanica |
E |
Q |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Apiaceae |
Platysace ericoides |
heath platysace |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Araujia sericifera |
white moth vine |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Carissa ovata |
currantbush |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Cascabela thevetia |
yellow oleander |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Catharanthus roseus |
pink periwinkle |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Leichhardtia coronata |
V |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Parsonsia brisbanensis |
broad-leaved monkey vine |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Parsonsia paulforsteri |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Apocynaceae |
Parsonsia straminea |
monkey rope |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Araceae |
Colocasia esculenta |
taro |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Araceae |
Monstera deliciosa |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Araceae |
Philodendron |
U |
plants |
land plants |
Araceae |
Pistia stratiotes |
water lettuce |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Araliaceae |
Hydrocotyle laxiflora |
stinking pennywort |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Araliaceae |
Polyscias elegans |
celery wood |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Araucariaceae |
Araucaria bidwillii |
bunya pine |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Araucariaceae |
Araucaria cunninghamii |
hoop pine |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Arecaceae |
Syagrus romanzoffiana |
Queen palm |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Aristolochiaceae |
Aristolochia meridionalis subsp. meridionalis |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Asparagaceae |
Asparagus aethiopicus |
ground asparagus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asparagaceae |
Asparagus africanus |
ornamental asparagus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asparagaceae |
Asparagus virgatus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asphodelaceae |
Aloe maculata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Aspleniaceae |
Asplenium attenuatum var. attenuatum |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Ageratina adenophora |
crofton weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Ageratum conyzoides subsp. conyzoides |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Ageratum houstonianum |
blue billygoat weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia |
annual ragweed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Arctotheca calendula |
Cape weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Bidens pilosa |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Brachyscome basaltica |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Calotis dentex |
white burr daisy |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Calotis lappulacea |
yellow burr daisy |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Calyptocarpus vialis |
creeping cinderella weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Camptacra barbata |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Cassinia straminea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Centaurea jacea |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Cichorium intybus |
chicory |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Cirsium vulgare |
spear thistle |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Cotula australis |
common cotula |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Crassocephalum crepidioides |
thickhead |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Dimorphotheca ecklonis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Eclipta prostrata |
white eclipta |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Erigeron canadensis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Gamochaeta pensylvanica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Gazania rigens |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Hypochaeris albiflora |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Hypochaeris radicata |
catsear |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Lactuca serriola forma serriola |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Leiocarpa brevicompta |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Olearia nernstii |
Ipswich daisy |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Ozothamnus diosmifolius |
white dogwood |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Senecio madagascariensis |
fireweed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Solenogyne bellioides |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Solidago altissima subsp. altissima |
goldenrod |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Sonchus oleraceus |
common sowthistle |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Sphagneticola trilobata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Tagetes minuta |
stinking roger |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Thymophylla tenuiloba |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Tithonia diversifolia |
Japanese sunflower |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Tridax procumbens |
tridax daisy |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Verbesina encelioides var. encelioides |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Vittadinia pustulata |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Asteraceae |
Xanthium spinosum |
Bathurst burr |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Basellaceae |
Anredera cordifolia |
Madeira vine |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Berberidaceae |
Nandina domestica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Bignoniaceae |
Campsis radicans |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Bignoniaceae |
Dolichandra unguis-cati |
cat's claw creeper |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Bignoniaceae |
Jacaranda mimosifolia |
jacaranda |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Bignoniaceae |
Pandorea floribunda |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Bignoniaceae |
Pyrostegia venusta |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Bignoniaceae |
Tecoma stans var. stans |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Blechnaceae |
Blechnum medium |
SL |
QI |
plants |
land plants |
Blechnaceae |
Blechnum neohollandicum |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Boraginaceae |
Cordia myxa |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Boraginaceae |
Echium plantagineum |
Paterson's curse |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Brassicaceae |
Brassica rapa |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Brassicaceae |
Capsella bursa-pastoris |
shepherd's purse |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Brassicaceae |
Cardamine hirsuta |
common bittercress |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Brassicaceae |
Raphanus raphanistrum |
wild radish |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Brassicaceae |
Rorippa palustris |
marsh cress |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Brassicaceae |
Sinapis arvensis |
charlock |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Bromeliaceae |
Tillandsia usneoides |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Cactaceae |
Harrisia martinii |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Cactaceae |
Opuntia aurantiaca |
tiger pear |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Cactaceae |
Opuntia tomentosa |
velvety tree pear |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Campanulaceae |
Lobelia browniana |
SL |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Campanulaceae |
Wahlenbergia capillaris |
SL |
plants |
land plants |
Campanulaceae |
Wahlenbergia gracilis |
sprawling bluebell |
SL |
plants |
land plants |
Campanulaceae |
Wahlenbergia littoricola |
SL |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Cannabaceae |
Celtis sinensis |
Chinese elm |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Cannabaceae |
Trema tomentosa var. aspera |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Cannaceae |
Canna indica |
Indian shot |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cerastium glomeratum |
mouse ear chickweed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Caryophyllaceae |
Sagina procumbens |
spreading pearlwort |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Caryophyllaceae |
Stellaria media |
chickweed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Casuarinaceae |
Allocasuarina littoralis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Casuarinaceae |
Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Casuarinaceae |
Casuarina glauca |
swamp she-oak |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Celastraceae |
Celastrus subspicata |
large-leaved staffvine |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Celastraceae |
Denhamia cunninghamii |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Celastraceae |
Denhamia silvestris |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Celastraceae |
Hippocratea barbata |
knotvine |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Ceratophyllaceae |
Ceratophyllum demersum |
hornwort |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Chenopodiaceae |
Einadia nutans subsp. linifolia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Chenopodiaceae |
Maireana microphylla |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Colchicaceae |
Iphigenia indica |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Combretaceae |
Combretum paniculatum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Commelinaceae |
Callisia fragrans |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Commelinaceae |
Callisia repens |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Commelinaceae |
Commelina benghalensis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Commelinaceae |
Commelina diffusa |
C |
XU |
plants |
land plants |
Convolvulaceae |
Distimake dissectus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea alba |
moon flower |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea cairica |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Crassulaceae |
Bryophyllum beauverdii |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Crassulaceae |
Bryophyllum daigremontianum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Crassulaceae |
Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Crassulaceae |
Bryophyllum pinnatum |
resurrection plant |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Crassulaceae |
Bryophyllum x houghtonii |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Crassulaceae |
Crassula sieberiana |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Cupressaceae |
Callitris baileyi |
Bailey's cypress |
NT |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Cupressaceae |
Callitris columellaris |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Cupressaceae |
Callitris glaucophylla |
white cypress pine |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Caustis blakei |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus bifax |
western nutgrass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus brevifolius |
Mullumbimby couch |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus involucratus |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus papyrus |
papyrus |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Cyperus polystachyos var. polystachyos |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Fimbristylis dichotoma |
common fringe-rush |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Fimbristylis microcarya |
C |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Cyperaceae |
Scleria mackaviensis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Dicksoniaceae |
Calochlaena dubia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Ditrichaceae |
Ditrichum difficile |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Dracaenaceae |
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Ebenaceae |
Diospyros australis |
black plum |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Ericaceae |
Acrotriche aggregata |
red cluster heath |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia cyathophora |
dwarf poinsettia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia dallachyana |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia hyssopifolia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia ophthalmica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia peplus |
petty spurge |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia umbellata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Mallotus philippensis |
red kamala |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Euphorbiaceae |
Ricinus communis |
castor oil bush |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Geraniaceae |
Geranium solanderi var. solanderi |
native geranium |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Goodeniaceae |
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Goodeniaceae |
Goodenia rotundifolia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Haloragaceae |
Myriophyllum striatum |
C |
Q |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Haloragaceae |
Myriophyllum verrucosum |
water milfoil |
C |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Hemerocallidaceae |
Dianella brevipedunculata |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Hemerocallidaceae |
Dianella longifolia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Hemerocallidaceae |
Dianella longifolia var. stenophylla |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Hernandiaceae |
Hernandia bivalvis |
cudgerie |
NT |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Egeria densa |
dense waterweed |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Najas tenuifolia |
water nymph |
SL |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Ottelia alismoides |
SL |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Hydrocharitaceae |
Vallisneria nana |
SL |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Hypoxidaceae |
Hypoxis pratensis var. tuberculata |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Iridaceae |
Sisyrinchium rosulatum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Juncaceae |
Juncus polyanthemus |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Juncaginaceae |
Cycnogeton microtuberosus |
SL |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Ajuga australis |
Australian bugle |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Anisomeles moschata |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Coleus amboinicus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Coleus australis |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Coleus habrophyllus |
E |
E |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Mentha satureioides |
native pennyroyal |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Plectranthus verticillatus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Stachys arvensis |
stagger weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Lamiaceae |
Westringia eremicola |
slender westringia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Lauraceae |
Cassytha filiformis |
dodder laurel |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Lauraceae |
Cinnamomum camphora |
camphor laurel |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya triplinervis var. pubens |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Lauraceae |
Cryptocarya triplinervis var. triplinervis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Eustrephus latifolius |
wombat berry |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Laxmannia gracilis |
slender wire lily |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra confertifolia subsp. pallida |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra filiformis subsp. filiformis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra hystrix |
C |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra laxa |
broad-leaved matrush |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra longifolia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Laxmanniaceae |
Lomandra spicata |
jungle matrush |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia amblygona |
fan-leaf wattle |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia complanata |
flatstem wattle |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia concurrens |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia falcata |
sickle wattle |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia fimbriata |
Brisbane golden wattle |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia glaucocarpa |
hickory wattle |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia hispidula |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia juncifolia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia macradenia |
zig-zag wattle |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia penninervis var. longiracemosa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia salicina |
doolan |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Acacia spectabilis |
pilliga wattle |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Albizia lebbeck |
Indian siris |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Bauhinia variegata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Biancaea decapetala |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Cassia fistula |
Indian laburnum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Chorizema parviflorum |
eastern flame pea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Cullen tenax |
emu-foot |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Daviesia ulicifolia subsp. stenophylla |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Daviesia villifera |
prickly daviesia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Desmodium rhytidophyllum |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Desmodium triflorum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Galactia tenuiflora var. lucida |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Glycine |
U |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Glycine microphylla |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Glycine sp. (Karana Downs L.H.Bird AQ473958) |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Glycine sp. (Marburg K.A.Williams 83006) |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Hovea lorata |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Hovea planifolia |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Hovea ramulosa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Indigofera baileyi |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Indigofera linifolia |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Indigofera spicata |
creeping indigo |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Isotropis filicaulis |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Jacksonia scoparia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. leucocephala |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Macroptilium atropurpureum |
siratro |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Macroptilium lathyroides |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Medicago polymorpha |
burr medic |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Melilotus indicus |
hexham scent |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Neonotonia wightii var. wightii |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Pultenaea euchila |
orange pultenaea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Pultenaea villosa |
hairy bush pea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Senna occidentalis |
coffee senna |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Senna pendula var. glabrata |
Easter cassia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Sesbania cannabina var. cannabina |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Stylosanthes humilis |
Townsville stylo |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Stylosanthes scabra |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Swainsona brachycarpa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Swainsona queenslandica |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Tephrosia glomeruliflora |
pink tephrosia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Tephrosia juncea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Tephrosia sp. (The Grampians L.H.Bird AQ565381) |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Tipuana tipu |
tipuana |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Trifolium dubium |
yellow sucking clover |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vachellia farnesiana |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vicia tetrasperma |
slender vetch |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vigna adenantha |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vigna luteola |
dalrymple vigna |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Leguminosae |
Vigna vexillata var. angustifolia |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Lejeuneaceae |
Lopholejeunea subfusca |
C |
QI |
plants |
land plants |
Loranthaceae |
Amyema miquelii |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Malvaceae |
Gossypium hirsutum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Malvaceae |
Hibiscus tridactylites |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Malvaceae |
Malvastrum coromandelianum subsp. coromandelianum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Malvaceae |
Pavonia hastata |
pink pavonia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Malvaceae |
Sida rhombifolia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Malvaceae |
Urena lobata |
urena weed |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Marsileaceae |
Marsilea hirsuta |
hairy nardoo |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Meliaceae |
Turraea pubescens |
native honeysuckle |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Menispermaceae |
Pleogyne australis |
wiry grape |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Moraceae |
Ficus |
U |
plants |
land plants |
Moraceae |
Morus alba |
white mulberry |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Myrsinaceae |
Lysimachia arvensis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Corymbia henryi |
large-leaved spotted gum |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Corymbia tessellaris |
Moreton Bay ash |
Superseded |
XU |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Corymbia torelliana |
cadaghi |
Superseded |
XU |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Decaspermum humile |
silky myrtle |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus acmenoides |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus crebra |
narrow-leaved red ironbark |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus dura |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. fibrosa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus major |
mountain grey gum |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus melanophloia subsp. melanophloia |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus moluccana |
gum-topped box |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus seeana |
narrow-leaved red gum |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Eucalyptus tereticornis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Gaudium lamellatum |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Lophostemon suaveolens |
swamp box |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Melaleuca irbyana |
E |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Melaleuca quinquenervia |
swamp paperbark |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Melaleuca viminalis |
C |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Psidium guajava |
guava |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Rhodamnia dumicola |
rib-fruited malletwood |
E |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Sannantha collina |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Tristaniopsis laurina |
C |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Myrtaceae |
Waterhousea floribunda |
weeping lilly pilly |
C |
QA |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Ochnaceae |
Ochna serrulata |
ochna |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Jasminum dianthifolium |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea |
U |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea lloydii |
Lloyd's native olive |
V |
V |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea longifolia |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea microcarpa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea ovata |
forest olive |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea punctata |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Notelaea x ipsviciensis |
Cooneana olive |
CR |
CE |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Oleaceae |
Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Onagraceae |
Ludwigia octovalvis |
willow primrose |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Onagraceae |
Ludwigia repens |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Onagraceae |
Oenothera indecora subsp. bonariensis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Onagraceae |
Oenothera stricta subsp. stricta |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Orchidaceae |
Chiloglottis diphylla |
SL |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Orchidaceae |
Epidendrum x obrienianum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Orchidaceae |
Sarcochilus dilatatus |
brown sarcochilus |
SL |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Papaveraceae |
Fumaria bastardii |
bastard fumitory |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Papaveraceae |
Fumaria muralis subsp. muralis |
wall fumitory |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Passifloraceae |
Passiflora foetida |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Passifloraceae |
Passiflora pallida |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Passifloraceae |
Passiflora suberosa subsp. litoralis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Passifloraceae |
Passiflora subpeltata |
white passion flower |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Petiveriaceae |
Rivina humilis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Phyllanthaceae |
Phyllanthus hirtellus |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Phyllanthaceae |
Phyllanthus microcladus |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Phyllanthaceae |
Phyllanthus virgatus |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Picrodendraceae |
Petalostigma pubescens |
quinine tree |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Pittosporaceae |
Bursaria spinosa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Pittosporaceae |
Pittosporum angustifolium |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Plantaginaceae |
Bacopa monnieri |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Plantaginaceae |
Plantago lanceolata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Plantaginaceae |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Alloteropsis semialata |
cockatoo grass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Anthosachne kingiana subsp. multiflora |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Aristida calycina var. calycina |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Aristida leichhardtiana |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Aristida queenslandica var. queenslandica |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Aristida vagans |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Austrostipa rudis subsp. nervosa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Bambusa vulgaris |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Calyptochloa gracillima subsp. ipsviciensis |
CR |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Cenchrus setaceus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Chloris divaricata var. divaricata |
slender chloris |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Chloris gayana |
rhodes grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Chrysopogon filipes |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Chrysopogon sylvaticus |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Cleistochloa subjuncea |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Cymbopogon refractus |
barbed-wire grass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Cynodon nlemfuensis var. nlemfuensis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Dichanthium annulatum |
sheda grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Dichanthium aristatum |
angleton grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Digitaria didactyla |
Queensland blue couch |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Digitaria ramularis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Dinebra decipiens var. decipiens |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Echinopogon caespitosus var. caespitosus |
hedgehog grass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Eleusine indica |
crowsfoot grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Entolasia stricta |
wiry panic |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Entolasia whiteana |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Eremochloa bimaculata |
poverty grass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Hyparrhenia rufa subsp. rufa |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Lachnagrostis filiformis |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Megathyrsus maximus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Megathyrsus maximus var. coloratus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Megathyrsus maximus var. pubiglumis |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Melinis minutiflora |
molasses grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Melinis repens |
red natal grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Oplismenus imbecillis |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Ottochloa gracillima |
pademelon grass |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Panicum simile |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Paspalidium distans |
shotgrass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Paspalum |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Paspalum urvillei |
vasey grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Saccharum officinarum |
sugarcane |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Sorghum halepense |
Johnson grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Sporobolus africanus |
Parramatta grass |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Themeda triandra |
kangaroo grass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Tripogon loliiformis |
five minute grass |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Urochloa decumbens |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Urochloa foliosa |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Urochloa mutica |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
Urochloa whiteana |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Poaceae |
x Cynochloris macivorii |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Polygalaceae |
Polygala virgata |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Acetosa vesicaria |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Antigonon leptopus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria attenuata |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria decipiens |
slender knotweed |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria lapathifolia |
pale knotweed |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Persicaria strigosa |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex brownii |
swamp dock |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex crispus |
curled dock |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Polygonaceae |
Rumex obtusifolius |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Polytrichaceae |
Dawsonia longiseta |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Portulacaceae |
Calandrinia pickeringii |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Potamogetonaceae |
Stuckenia pectinata |
SL |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Proteaceae |
Grevillea robusta |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Proteaceae |
Persoonia sericea |
silky geebung |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Pteridaceae |
Acrostichum speciosum |
mangrove fern |
SL |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Pteridaceae |
Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum |
SL |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Pteridaceae |
Cheilanthes distans |
bristly cloak fern |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Pteridaceae |
Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Pteridaceae |
Doryopteris concolor |
SL |
plants |
land plants |
Ptychomitriaceae |
Ptychomitrium australe |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus lappaceus |
common buttercup |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus sceleratus subsp. sceleratus |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Ranunculaceae |
Ranunculus sessiliflorus var. sessiliflorus |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Rhamnaceae |
Cryptandra longistaminea |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Rhamnaceae |
Pomaderris lanigera |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Rosaceae |
Eriobotrya japonica |
loquat |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Rosaceae |
Malus domestica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Rosaceae |
Prunus persica var. persica |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Rousseaceae |
Abrophyllum ornans |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Rubiaceae |
Galium aparine |
cleavers |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Rubiaceae |
Pomax umbellata |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Rubiaceae |
Richardia stellaris |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Rubiaceae |
Spermacoce multicaulis |
C |
Q |
plants |
land plants |
Rutaceae |
Bergera koenigii |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Rutaceae |
Rutaceae |
U |
plants |
land plants |
Salicaceae |
Salix babylonica |
weeping willow |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Salviniaceae |
Azolla pinnata |
ferny azolla |
C |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Salviniaceae |
Salvinia molesta |
salvinia |
IU |
I |
plants |
land plants |
Santalaceae |
Notothixos incanus |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Sapindaceae |
Alectryon tomentosus |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Sapindaceae |
Cardiospermum grandiflorum |
heart seed vine |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Sapindaceae |
Dodonaea triangularis |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Sapindaceae |
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. burmanniana |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Scrophulariaceae |
Buddleja madagascariensis |
buddleia |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Scrophulariaceae |
Eremophila debilis |
winter apple |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Sematophyllaceae |
Sematophyllum subhumile |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Cestrum parqui |
green cestrum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Nicotiana glauca |
tree tobacco |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Salpichroa origanifolia |
pampas lily of the valley |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Solanum americanum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Solanum chrysotrichum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Solanum lasiocarpum |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Solanum linnaeanum |
apple of Sodom |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Solanum mauritianum |
wild tobacco |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Solanaceae |
Solanum seaforthianum |
Brazilian nightshade |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Sparrmanniaceae |
Corchorus olitorius |
jute |
C |
plants |
land plants |
Stackhousiaceae |
Stackhousia muricata |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Thymelaeaceae |
Pimelea altior |
C |
QA |
plants |
land plants |
Tropaeolaceae |
Tropaeolum majus |
garden nasturtium |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Ulmaceae |
Celtis |
plants |
land plants |
Verbenaceae |
Duranta erecta |
duranta |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Verbenaceae |
Glandularia aristigera |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Verbenaceae |
Lantana camara |
lantana |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Verbenaceae |
Lantana montevidensis |
creeping lantana |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Viburnaceae |
Sambucus nigra |
IU |
plants |
land plants |
Vitaceae |
Causonis clematidea |
C |
QA |
plants |
uncertain |
Incertae sedis Plantae |
Schizothrix mexicana |
C |