Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW)
Contact—position name
Senior Project Officer, Water Management Geographic Information Service (WMGIS), Spatial Services
details available on request
Contact—individual name
Mark Dowling
Cit Resp Party
Contact—organization name
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW)
Contact—position name
Senior Project Officer, Water Management Geographic Information Service (WMGIS), Spatial Services
details available on request
Contact—individual name
Mark Dowling
Cit Resp Party
Contact—organization name
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW)
Contact—position name
Water Management Geographic Information Service (WMGIS), Spatial Services
details available on request
Contact—individual name
Water Management Geographic Information Service (WMGIS), Spatial Services
Cit Resp Party
Contact—organization name
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW)
Contact—position name
Executive Director, Divisional Support, Water
details available on request
Contact—individual name
Executive Director
Water plan areas - Queensland
Other citation information
Wednesday 12/2/20 field added UNALLOC_SW_CYPHA (Unallocated SW_CYPHA (ML)). The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water, Cape York water plan, Cape York Peninsula Heritage Area (CYPHA), measured in megalitres (ML).
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Mark Dowling
Contact—organization name
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW)
Contact—position name
Senior Project Officer, Water Management Geographic Information Service (WMGIS), Spatial Services
Water management datasets support the management of Queensland’s water resources through the Water Act 2000. The main purposes of this Act is to provide a framework for the following - (a) The sustainable management of Queensland’s water resources and quarry material by establishing a system for – (i) the planning, allocation and use of water; and (ii) the allocation of quarry material and riverine protection; (b) the sustainable and secure water supply and demand management for the south-east Queensland region and other designated regions; (c) the management of impacts on underground water caused by the exercise of undergrounds water rights by the resource sector; (d) the effective operation of water authorities
Additional human language abstract/description
A water plan is a plan over a part of the State and advances the sustainable management of Queensland's water. This dataset displays the coverage of individual water plans.
Supplemental information about the data
If required, more information should be obtained from the department where an area of interest is near to or crossing a boundary.
Attributes: FEATURE (Feature Type) - Unique feature type that identifies the type of water feature. Water Plan Area: the extent covered by an individual water plan. TITLE (Title) - Name of the Water Plan as defined in legislation SUB_LEG (Subordinate Legislation) - The name of the subordinate legislation STATUS (Sub_Legislation Status) - The status of the subordinate legislation. Is the subordinate legislation Current (legislated) or Draft (proposed) SUPP_SW (Supplemented SW (ML)) - The volume of Supplemented Surface Water, measured in megalitres UNSUPP_SW (Unsupplemented SW (ML)) - The volume of Unsupplemented Surface Water, measured in megalitres UNALLOC_SW (Unallocated SW (ML)) - The volume of Unallocated Surface Water, measured in megalitres SUPP_GW (Supplemented GW (ML)) - The volume of Supplemented Groundwater, measured in megalitres UNSUPP_GW (Unsupplemented GW (ML)) - The volume of Unsupplemented Groundwater, measured in megalitres UNALLOC_GW (Unallocated GW (ML)) - The volume of Unallocated Groundwater, measured in megalitres GEN_RES (Unallocated SW_General Res (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water General Reserve, measured in megalitres STRAT_RES (Unallocated SW_Strategic Res (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water Strategic Reserve, measured in megalitres SUNWTR_RES (Unallocated SW_Sunwater Res (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water Sunwater Reserve, measured in megalitres STRAT_INFR (Unallocated SW_Strat Infra Res (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water Strategic Infrastructure Reserve, measured in megalitres TOWN_RES (Unallocated SW_Twn Community (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water Town Community Infrastructure Reserve, measured in megalitres INDIGENOUS Unallocated SW_Indigenous Res (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water Indigenous Reserve, measured in megalitres HFLOW_RES (Unallocated SW_High Flow Res (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water High Flow Reserve, measured in megalitres RES_N_SPEC (Unallocated SW_Res Not Specified (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water Reserve Not Specified, measured in megalitres UNALLOC_SW_CYPHA (Unallocated SW_CYPHA (ML)) - The volume of the Unallocated Surface Water, Cape York water plan, Cape York Peninsula Heritage Area (CYPHA), measured in megalitres EXT_DATE (Volume Extraction Date) - The date the water volume data is extracted from departmental records PRODUCT (Product) - Description of the water trading product CONTACT (Contact) - The body to contact to arrange for water trading UN_WTR_DESC (Unallocated Water Description) - A further description as to the unallocated water reservation UN_WTR_WEB (Unallocated Water Website) - A URL link to the Unallocated Water Website WMGIS_ID (WMGIS_ID) - Unique ID of the feature as managed by the Water Management GIS team OFFICE (Office) - Location and phone number of the department office responsible for managing the water feature WEBSITE (Sub_Legislation Website) - A URL link to the appropriate legislative website .
The majority of the data is complete with all data being subject to continual update.
Data quality report, measure description
Data should be free from overshoots, undershoot and duplicate lines.
Data quality report, measure description
Data has been collected and checked from many sources which have their own horizontal accuracy. The data therefore has a range of positional accuracies depending on the source of the feature. In the case of orthophotos and satellite imagery the accuracy is within +/- 5 metres of actual position, whereas features compiled from DCDB data is related to the accuracy of the DCDB at the time of capture, and the accuracy of features captured from existing printed topographic maps is within +/- 12.5 metres of actual position. In cases where data has been field verified the accuracy will be sub-metre. While the data can be used for a range of purposes, generally the expected average horizontal accuracy is within +/- 12.5 metres of true position.
Data quality report, measure description
Attribution is complete in many instances, however continual upgrading of attribution is continuing.
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
In developing a Water Plan, the process generally includes the following stages:
• technical assessments (environmental, economic, social, hydrologic and cultural data) • preliminary stakeholder consultation • preparation of a draft water plan • publication of draft plan and opportunity for public submissions • consideration of submissions • finalization and approval of water plan
Science underpins the development of water plans. These technical assessments include: • environmental assessments: ecological modelling using data collected on the flow requirements of ecosystems • hydrologic assessments: models which draw on over 100 years of recorded flow data • social, economic and cultural assessments: identification of water related social, economic and cultural values.
Consultation with a range of interested people including: • regional communities • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups • conservation groups • industry • local government.
The available water can be granted through water licenses and tradeable water allocations. A certain amount of water is reserved as unallocated water.
As part of the Water Plan development process, spatial datasets are created for use in the water plan, mapping and in public consultation. Water Services Officers across the state consult with Spatial Information Officers in the interpretation of the technical assessments and community consultation to compile these spatial datasets. In the first instance, a water plan area is the corresponding drainage basin with modifications as required to meet the needs of the plan. This may mean following cadastral boundaries rather than topological features. Mapping scale is generally 1:100,000 and enhanced in places with larger scale mapping (for example 1:25,000) and in places by visiting the location and ground truthing.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request
This page should be cited as:
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Water resource planning areas – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 24 March 2025. Available at: