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Protected areas – spatial metadata

Data structure


Field name Type Bytes Label Description
AreaID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 75 AreaID The unique identifier used in WetlandSummary
Name Text (UTF-8 encoded) 94 Name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, excluding the area type
FullName Text (UTF-8 encoded) 94 Full name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, including the area type
Wetlands Text (UTF-8 encoded) 116 Wetland summary information The URL of the WetlandSummary page of this area
KML Text (UTF-8 encoded) 148 KML The URL of a simplified KML file depicting this area
TotalArea Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Area (km²) The total area in km²
sysintcode Text (UTF-8 encoded) 10 sysintcode
plan Text (UTF-8 encoded) 180 plan
estatename Text (UTF-8 encoded) 86 estatename
nameabbrev Text (UTF-8 encoded) 53 nameabbrev
namecaps Text (UTF-8 encoded) 94 namecaps
esttype Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 esttype
dcdbtenure Text (UTF-8 encoded) 56 dcdbtenure
legislated Text (UTF-8 encoded) 28 legislated
iucncode Text (UTF-8 encoded) 3 iucncode
qpwsreg Text (UTF-8 encoded) 60 qpwsreg
encumberan Text (UTF-8 encoded) 47 encumberan
ijma Text (UTF-8 encoded) 4 ijma
curgazdate Date 8 curgazdate
origgazdat Date 8 origgazdat
modleg Text (UTF-8 encoded) 154 modleg
dcdbused Date 8 dcdbused


The protected areas layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:

  • Name is the value of the estatename field
  • Transformed coordinate system of Protected_areas.shp from GDA2020 to GDA94
  • Fixed 428 invalid geometries
  • Dissolved 2,349 source features into 1,043 protected areas
  • Removed sliver holes <= 3.0 m² resulting from imprecise boundaries between dissolved areas
  • Excluded source field lot because it has too many different values in its dissolved source features (text length 850 > 254)
  • Excluded source field lotplans because it has too many different values in its dissolved source features (text length 1791 > 254)
  • Excluded source field gazareaha because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features
  • Excluded source field glrnumber because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features
  • Excluded source field latitude because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features
  • Excluded source field longitude because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features
  • Excluded source field zone because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features

Source layer: Estate Lots 20240627


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Dist Info
Distor Cont
Contact—individual name
DES Open Data
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
Contact—position name
Senior Project Officer
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Data Id Info
Id Citation
Estate Lots 20240627
Alternate title
Protected areas and Forests of Queensland
Creation date
Publication date
Revision date
NCA & FA Queensland subordinate legislation
Edition date
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
DES, QPWS&P, PS, TS, MAN Spatial Services
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment and Science
Contact—position name
Manager Technical Services, Spatial Services, Park Services
details available on request
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment and Science
Contact—position name
Director, Technical Services, Park Services
details available on request
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Shaun Kolomeitz
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, QPWS&P
Contact—position name
Manager Spatial Services
details available on request
Other citation information
Updated from the Queensland legislated gazettal 2024-06-27. Geometries based on Queensland Digital Cadastral Database current at 2024-07-15
Additional human language abstract/description

This dataset is the spatial representation of reserves, protected for the conservation of nature while allowing for the involvement of indigenous people in the management of protected areas in which they have an interest under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom and areas managed for the production of forest resources.

Resource purpose/summary
Provides a graphical representation of each parcel of protected area and forest estate as managed by QPWS (Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service) for areas managed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (National Park of various types, Conservation Park and Resources Reserve), and areas managed under the Forestry Act 1959 (State Forest, Forest Reserve and Timber Reserve).
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Shaun Kolomeitz
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, QPWS&P
Contact—position name
Manager Spatial Services
details available on request
Theme Keys
Thesa Name
Common Search Terms
Publication date
state forest
cultural heritage
nature conservation
national park
protected area
aboriginal land
Theme Keys
Thesa Name
ANZLIC Search Words
Publication date
Land Cadastre
BOUNDARIES Administrative
Land Ownership
Search Keys
state forest
cultural heritage
nature conservation
national park
aboriginal land
protected area
Land Cadastre
BOUNDARIES Administrative
Land Ownership
Res Const
Security use limitations

Not to be used as a definitive absolute location of reserve boundaries. This dataset is derived from the Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB). The accuracy of the spatial representation is determined by the accuracy of records in the version of the DCDB from which this dataset was derived.

Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
© State of Queensland (Department of Environment, Science and Innovation) 2024
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
This material is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. The Department of Environment and Science requests attribution in the following manner: © State of Queensland (Department of Environment, Science and Innovation) 2024. Updated data available at
Res Const
Sec Consts
Explanation of restrictions or prerequisites
Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Data is available to all government agencies, community groups and individuals. Dataset is available via web delivery tools, for example, through QSpatial Catalogue.
Supplemental information about the data
This spatial dataset consists of terrestrial protected area reserves managed under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act and the Forestry Act. Areas managed under the Nature Conservation Act are categorised under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) management categories. This dataset is primarily based on the Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB). The dataset is updated as new protected areas are added to the system of reserves, reserves are expanded or the Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB) is spatially upgraded.
Dq Info
Data quality report, measure description
The dataset is updated as additions to the system of reserves, or changes to the extent of reserves within the protected area estate are notified or if there is a significant upgrade to the Digital Cadastral DataBase (DCDB) boundaries.
Data quality report, measure description
The current protected areas is composed of both base parcels and strata level parcels (secondary interest). Strata level parcels cover areas of indigenous joint management (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land, Aboriginal Land and Indigenous Joint Management Areas), where the base parcel type is normally freehold. The graphic package that generates the Digital Cadastre DataBase (DCDB) layer from which this layer is derived has a spatial tolerance of 2mm.
Data quality report, measure description
The shapes of the parcel records are copied directly from the Digital Cadastre DataBase (DCDB). Positional accuracy matches the accuracy of the Queensland Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB) as at the time of capture. Amendments to DCDB polygon and attribute information for reserves are based on official gazetted/notified plans.
Data quality report, measure description
Attributes derived from the Digital Cadastre DataBase (DCDB) records match the accuracy of that dataset (estimated attribute information is 98% correct). Quantitative attributes are : 1. sourced from the legislation and official plans (gazetted area) 2. derived spatially (MGA zone and longitude/latitude coordinates are calculated from the geometry).
Data quality report, measure description
Attributes derived from the Digital Cadastre DataBase (DCDB) records match the accuracy of that dataset (estimated attribute information is 98% correct). All other attributes are: 1. sourced from the regulations (for National Park, Conservation Park Resources Reserve and Forest Reserve - Nature Conservation (Protected Areas) Regulation 1994; for State Forest and Timber Reserve, the Register of Forest Estate and the Forestry (State Forests) Regulation 1987) 2. sourced from QPWS systems such as the Estate Register (e.g. the system integration code)
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
The dataset was created in March 2002, as a foundation source to supply an accurate representation of National Parks, Forest Reserves and State Forests based on the Queensland Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Initial DCDB polygon extraction was 11 November 2001. A major spatial matching update was carried out on 5th October 2012. Gazettal changes and attribute corrections are applied as a continual update to the DCDB. On 1 July 2016 due to the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No.2) 2016 the tenure National Park (Scientific) was reinstated and the tenure Regional Park reverted back to either Resources Reserve or Conservation Park. On 30th June 2023 the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas) (National Parks—Aboriginal Land) Amendment Regulation 2023 introduced a new tenure of national park, National Park (Aboriginal Land). Dataset continues to be updated with each change to the Queensland protected estate as defined by periodic legislated gazettals.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Protected areas – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation