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Fish habitat areas – spatial metadata

View definition

View areas of this type

Data structure


Field name Type Bytes Label Description
AreaID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 47 AreaID The unique identifier used in WetlandSummary
Name Text (UTF-8 encoded) 31 Name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, excluding the area type
FullName Text (UTF-8 encoded) 49 Full name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, including the area type
Wetlands Text (UTF-8 encoded) 103 Wetland summary information The URL of the WetlandSummary page of this area
KML Text (UTF-8 encoded) 139 KML The URL of a simplified KML file depicting this area
TotalArea Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Area (km²) The total area in km²
PLAN_NUM Text (UTF-8 encoded) 7 PLAN_NUM
RES_NAME Text (UTF-8 encoded) 31 RES_NAME
TYPE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 17 TYPE
TYPE_ABBR Text (UTF-8 encoded) 12 TYPE_ABBR
IUCN Text (UTF-8 encoded) 2 IUCN
STATE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 3 STATE
LOCALITY Text (UTF-8 encoded) 84 LOCALITY
MAP_REF Text (UTF-8 encoded) 4 MAP_REF
COMMENTS Text (UTF-8 encoded) 128 COMMENTS
ENVIRON Text (UTF-8 encoded) 1 ENVIRON
MNGMT_TYPE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 6 MNGMT_TYPE
BASE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 4 BASE
CURRENCY Text (UTF-8 encoded) 8 CURRENCY
X_COORD Double (8 byte floating point) 8 X_COORD
Y_COORD Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Y_COORD
NRS_PA Text (UTF-8 encoded) 1 NRS_PA
GAZ_AREA Double (8 byte floating point) 8 GAZ_AREA
BIO_REGN Text (UTF-8 encoded) 1 BIO_REGN


The fish habitat areas layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:

  • Name is the value of the RES_NAME field
  • Removed DECLARED_P field, a URL to an external PDF containing the map, because this information is provided through the WetlandInfo site
  • Fixed 6 invalid geometries
  • Dissolved 91 source features into 72 fish habitat areas

Source layer: Queensland Fish Habitat Areas - 2017


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Dist Info
details available on request
Data Id Info
Resource purpose/summary
This dataset provides a quick reference to OUTER Boundaries of Declared Fish Habitat Areas for State of Queensland (Fisheries Act-1994). The official plans are available on the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing  website. - Managing protected areas - Declared Fish Habitat Areas.
Updates are as required. Currency: 17 March 2017 - There are Revisions to 2 areas - Deception Bay (FHA-013 Rev.3) and Jumpinpin-Broadwater (FHA-021 Rev.2). As this follows closely behind the revision of September 2016 no other boundaries have been validated against current DCDB.
Additional human language abstract/description

The 72Fish Habitat Areas in this dataset are declared under Section 120 - Fisheries Act-1994 and Schedule 3-Queensland Fisheries Regulations 2008, effective 17March 2017. This is a composite of ALL Fish Habitat Area boundary areas gazetted/regazetted between 1998-2017. (The 'OUTER BOUNDARY' conforms where possible,to base data, prepared from the Digital Cadastral Data Base (DCDB) produced by the Dept of Natural Resources and Mines(DNRM), and representative of Real Property and Crown Land boundaries. For EXCLUSIONS within these FHA areas - refer to referenced gazettals. Latest Gazettals March 2017. Note: This dataset has NOT had the 'OUTER BOUNDARY' line validatedwith the current cadastre which may have occured in the last 6 months. The indicative boundaries have not been adjusted in accordance with DCDB shifts that are continuously refined by ground survey and survey control. Cadastre Currency is varying for the 72 areas and described in the attribute data (April 2015-Nov 2016)- To facilitate easy reference to plans use the hyperlink field now included within the attribute details. See Note in Use Limitations.

Id Citation
Queensland Fish Habitat Areas - 2017
Creation date
Publication date
Revision date
Update 2016
Edition date
Search Keys
Queensland Coast
Marine Habitat Protection
Res Const
Security use limitations

Outer boundaries as depicted within this dataset are representaive only of the boundaries shown on the Gazetted plans. The boundaries are for Adminatrative purposes only and NOT for USE as formal surveyed lines. While the plans and this dataset are formed on a base data using the Digital Cadastral Database (Qld) the locational accuracy of the boundaries are, as captured, at a point in time. The DCDB is a volitile source that is continually prone to spatial adjustment as new survey data is captured. Hence the Outer Boundary may NOT truly reflect current cadastre in position and/or parcel identification.

**Note** - There is an additional field "Declared_P" which provides a hyperlink option as a "URL" link to the Delared Fish Habitat Area plans as they are provided on the NPSR website. When activated, the gazettal plan will populate a Adobe Viewer window with a copy of the official FHA plan - these plans can then be zoomed for detail.

Id Po C
Contact—individual name
David W Sully
Contact—organization name
Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing
Contact—position name
Principal Technical Officer
details available on request
Theme Keys
Marine Habitat
Dq Info
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
As stated the Fish Habitat Boundary is an adminitrative boundary constructed along castral boundaries unless as depicted on the official Declared Plan. Linage is consistent with the DCDB at the point in time said boundary was last captured as detailed in the attribute table. The accuracy of the linage will vary due to the age and time of each individual plan in comparison to this current capture on a full State coverage.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Fish habitat areas – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 25 June 2024. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of Environment, Science and Innovation