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Aquatic Conservation Assessments (AquaBAMM) and others – spatial metadata

View definition

View areas of this type

Data structure


Field name Type Bytes Label Description
AreaID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 50 AreaID The unique identifier used in WetlandSummary
Name Text (UTF-8 encoded) 57 Name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, excluding the area type
FullName Text (UTF-8 encoded) 110 Full name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, including the area type
URL Text (UTF-8 encoded) 115 Detailed information A URL linking to detailed information about this area
KML Text (UTF-8 encoded) 142 KML The URL of a simplified KML file depicting this area
TotalArea Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Area (km²) The total area in km²


The Aquatic Conservation Assessments (AquaBAMM) and others layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:

  • Baffle to Fitzroy coastal region has been included in this layer even though it's not an ACA
  • Name is the value of either the BA_NAME or STUDY_AREA field depending on the source layer, with common nouns uncapitalised
  • Combined features and attributes from 2 source layers
  • Excluded source field ACA_VER because it has no values
  • Excluded source field REL_DATE because it has no values
  • Excluded source field BA_NAME because it has no values

Source layer: Aquatic Conservation Assessment - Queensland compilation v2.2 - Bounding Areas


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Dist Info
details available on request
Data Id Info
Id Citation
Aquatic Conservation Assessment - Queensland compilation v2.2 - Bounding Areas
Publication date
Revision date
Alternate title
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Queensland Herbarium and Biodiversity Science, Science
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Contact—position name
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Manager, Biodiversity Assessment, Queensland Herbarium and Biodiversity Science, Science
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Contact—position name
Resource purpose/summary
The Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment and Mapping Method (AquaBAMM) is a comprehensive methodology developed by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) for assessing the conservation values of wetlands in Queensland (Clayton, et al 2006).

The method identifies relative wetland conservation values within a specified study area (usually a catchment). The method uses available data including data resulting from expert opinion to produce an Aquatic Conservation Assessment (ACA) for the wetlands within a study area. The results provide a powerful decision support tool that is easily updated and able to be comprehensively interrogated.

Clayton, P.D., Fielder, D.F., Howell, S., Hill, C.J., (2006) Aquatic biodiversity assessment and mapping method (AquaBAMM): a conservation values assessment tool for wetlands with trial application in the Burnett River catchment. Brisbane: Environmental Protection Agency, Queensland Government.
Additional human language abstract/description

This data is a compilation of ACA bounding areas from all published Aquatic Conservation Assessments (ACA) within Queensland that utilise the Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment and Mapping Methodology (AquaBAMM). Studies compiled include:

Inglis, S.N. and Howell, S. (2009). Aquatic Conservation Assessments (ACA), using AquaBAMM, for the riverine wetlands of the Great Barrier Reef catchment. Published by the Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane.

Rollason, S.N. and Howell, S. (2012). Aquatic Conservation Assessments (ACA), using AquaBAMM, for the nonriverine wetlands of the Great Barrier Reef catchment, Version 1.3. Published by the Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane.

EHP. 2010. Aquatic Conservation Assessment for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of the Wide Bay-Burnett catchments using AquaBAMM Summary Report - Version 1.1. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government.

EHP. 2012. Aquatic Conservation Assessment Cape York Catchments v1.1. Riverine and non-riverine Summary Report: Brisbane: Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government.

EHP. 2015. An Aquatic Conservation Assessment for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of Southeast Queensland catchments. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government.

EHP. 2016. Aquatic Conservation Assessment using AquaBAMM for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of the Lake Eyre and Bulloo Basins: Summary Report—Version 1.1. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government.

EHP. 2018. Aquatic Conservation Assessment using AquaBAMM for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of the Eastern Gulf of Carpentaria: Summary Report—Version 1.1. Brisbane: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.

DES 2020. Aquatic Conservation Assessment using AquaBAMM for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of the Southern Gulf Catchments: Summary Report, Version 1.1. Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.

DES 2022. Aquatic Conservation Assessment using AquaBAMM for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of the Queensland Murray-Darling and Bulloo Basins: Summary Report, Version 2.1. Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.

DESI. 2024. Aquatic Conservation Assessment for the riverine and non-riverine wetlands of the Wide Bay-Burnett Great Barrier Reef Connecting Catchments using AquaBAMM Summary Report - Version 2.1. Brisbane: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland Government.

Theme Keys
Thesa Name
ANZLIC Search Words
Publication date
ECOLOGY Landscape Biodiversity
ECOLOGY Community
WATER Wetlands
WATER Surface
Theme Keys
Thesa Name
Common Search Terms
Creation date
Aquatic Conservation Assessment
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
Unless agreed to by the data custodian, this dataset is restricted for State Government use with no third party usage permitted.
Security use limitations
While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.
Res Const
Sec Consts
details available on request
Res Const
Security use limitations

This dataset is provided for information purposes only for internal state government use. In reports, maps and metadata for products derived from this coverage the following acknowledgement is required: © State of Queensland (Department of Environment, Science and Innovation), 2024

Supplemental information about the data
Please refer to the following website for background information on AquaBAMM and Aquatic Conservation Assessments (ACAs)
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Manager, Biodiversity Assessment, Queensland Herbarium and Biodiversity Science, Science
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Contact—position name
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Queensland Herbarium and Biodiversity Science, Science
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Contact—position name
Search Keys
ECOLOGY Community
WATER Wetlands
WATER Surface
Aquatic Conservation Assessment
ECOLOGY Landscape Biodiversity
Dq Info
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
Version 2.2 of the state-wide ACA dataset contains all completed and released ACAs including:
- Great Barrier Reef Catchments (version 1.3) from the Wet Tropics, Burdekin and Fitzroy regions,
- K'gari (Fraser) Island as part of the Wide Bay-Burnett Catchments (version 1.1),
- Cape York Catchments (version 1.1),
- South East Queensland (Version 1.1),
- Eastern Gulf of Carpentaria (Version 1.1),
- Southern Gulf Catchments (version 1.1),
- Lake Eyre and Bulloo Basins (Version 1.1) not including the Bulloo basin as it has been superseded,
- Queensland Murray-Darling and Bulloo Basins (version 2.1), and
- Wide Bay-Burnett Great Barrier Reef Connecting Catchments (version 2.1).
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request

Source layer: Assessment of Common Conservation Values - Intertidal and Subtidal Environs of the Baffle to Fitzroy Coast - Study Area


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Data Id Info
Id Citation
Assessment of Common Conservation Values - Intertidal and Subtidal Environs of the Baffle to Fitzroy Coast - Study Area
Publication date
Additional human language abstract/description
This data defines the study area extent used for the purpose of the Assessment of Common Conservation Values for the Intertidal and Subtidal Environs of the Baffle to Fitzroy Coast (Version 1.1).
Resource purpose/summary
This data defines the study area extent used for the purpose of the Assessment of Common Conservation Values for the Intertidal and Subtidal Environs of the Baffle to Fitzroy Coast (Version 1.1).
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Manager, Biodiversity Assessment
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment and Science
Contact—position name
Manager, Biodiversity Assessment
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Director, Queensland Herbarium
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment and Science
Contact—position name
Director, Queensland Herbarium
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Id Po C
Contact—individual name
Manager, Biodiversity Assessment
Contact—organization name
Department of Environment and Science
Contact—position name
Manager, Biodiversity Assessment
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Theme Keys
ECOLOGY Community
WATER Wetlands
WATER Surface
Thesa Name
ANZLIC Search Words
Theme Keys
Common Conservation Values Assessment
Thesa Name
Common Search Terms
Theme Keys
Thesa Name
ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Search Keys
ECOLOGY Community
WATER Wetlands
WATER Surface
Common Conservation Values Assessment
Central Queensland Coast
Res Const
Security use limitations
This dataset is provided for information purposes only. The Department of Environment and Science requests attribution in the following manner:© State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2020.
Res Const
Sec Consts
details available on request
Supplemental information about the data
Criteria assessed  under the "Assessment of Common Conservation Values - Intertidal and Subtidal Environs of the Baffle to Fitzroy Coast (Version 1.1)" included:

1. Habitat diversity – incorporates richness and the extent area of habitat types within a defined local area;
2. Taxon richness (fauna) – richness of taxa within a defined local area;
3. Threatened species richness (fauna) – richness of threatened taxa within a defined local area;
4. Priority species richness (fauna) – richness of priority taxa within a defined local area;
5. Ecosystems at risk – threatened ecological communities recognized at the National/State level or nominated by expert panel; and
6. Special areas of ecological importance identified by expert panel.

Unlike other ACAs conducted using the AquaBAMM, a simplified two-tiered approach (Measures -> Criteria) rather than Measures -> Indicators -> Criteria was used to calculate overall ratings for each criterion in the current study, primarily due to the direct translation of Measures to Criteria. Other ACAs incorporate multiple measures to calculate indicator scores, and multiple indicator scores to calculate an overall criteria rating. Similarly, differential weightings of measure and indicators as applied in other ACAs was not used in the current assessment.

Consistent with the recommendation by the expert panel, as well as findings from other studies (Alluvium Consulting 2011), an overall prioritisation score based upon differential weighting of measures and criteria was not calculated. It was deemed more appropriate to present the criteria as standalone elements to be reviewed independently and relevant to the question at hand. Whilst an overall prioritisation score was not incorporated, a compiled rating reflective of the maximum value of any criterion is provided in the output spatial data, simply to draw attention to areas assessed as being of potential importance under one or more criteria.

For detailed information on the method, results and limitations refer to the report ""Assessment of Common Conservation Values - Intertidal and Subtidal Environs of the Baffle to Fitzroy Coast - Version 1.1" (DES 2019)
Dq Info
Data quality report, measure description
Attribute validation and logic checks were performed and the data determined "as fit" for the purpose for which it was compiled.
Data quality report, measure description
A repair geometry, topological checks (overlapping polygons), and manual amendments were performed to clean the data to a standard determined "as fit" for the purpose for which it was compiled.
Data quality report, measure description
Consideration of the effects of mapped scale is necessary when interpreting data at a larger scale (e.g. 1:25,000). This dataset was derived from the "Intertidal and Subtidal Habitat Mapping for Central Queensland" developed under the Queensland Intertidal and Subtidal Ecosystem Classification Scheme. Map scales associated with these product may range from 25,000 to 500,000. The estimated horizontal accuracy of spatial units may accordingly range between 100 m through to 500 m in the majority of instances.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request
Dist Info
details available on request

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Aquatic Conservation Assessments (AquaBAMM) and others – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation