Kinka Wetlands Quarry RehabilitationWebsite/Report(not documented)
Project leadPartnerships(not documented)
ActivitiesOn-ground work, Education extension
Case study type(none)
Funding sourceRGD14—Regional Investment—Urban & Coastal Protection
Funding amount(not documented)
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date1 January 2015
End date30 June 2015
SummaryStrategic weed control was undertaken at Kinka Wetland, located between Yeppoon and Emu Park connecting freshwater to estuarine, and providing habitat for shorebirds and waders. Less invasive weeds were left to act as a cover crop until the native species planted in last semesters’ revegetation project, took hold. In-kind weed treatment by Council staff was sought to target weeds of national significance. They also treated species which posed a threat to neighbouring landholders.
After initial installation of erosion control cocologs and earth works at Kinka Wetland project site, it was decided that direct sowing of locally sourced native seed would assist in the recolonisation of the now stabilised bare areas. A seed bank of specific endemic plants found at Kinka is needed to continue this revegetation technique. Direct seeding activity was less effective this semester due to a lack of seed and heavy rainfall before and during Cyclone Marcia washing seed and topsoil aside. Time will only tell of this seedings’ success rate. An open day aimed at educating the wider community on the ecological values of the Kinka Wetlands was held to encourage community ownership from the encroaching suburban developments and to encourage passive recreation activities like birdwatching and bush walking rather than illegal dumping and motorbike riding. It also provided a forum to showcase the restoration work of the collaboration of community groups at Kinka, reducing sedimentation and improving habitat for shorebirds and waders as well as passage for fish between fresh and salt water. The guided walk, guest speakers, face painting, children’s interactive storytelling and shuttle bus service attracted families and many public who had not been to the wetland before. This project is part of a much larger plan to enhance the value of the area for locals and tourists. Funding also provided the opportunity to bring an internationally renowned expert to a regional community group to talk on higher level issues to an audience of professional, experienced and self-motivated participants in local bird surveying for ecosystem health benchmarking. Feedback from participants was grateful to have met Roger Jaensch who has been involved with local research on the Capricorn Yellow Chat, shorebirds and wetland waders. Topics discussed at the Shorebirds and Wader Workshop were around threats and the national and international management of the EAA flyway which shorebirds use to migrate vast distances and stopover on along the Capricorn Coast. Benefits
Key threatening processes addressed to date include:
LessonForming a working group of key stakeholders enabled a project to be developed and undertaken with volunteer labour and multiple in-kind sources.
Strengthening ties with major stakeholders is valuable into the future of the project with the goal of installing recreational infrastructure such as bird hides, viewing platforms, seating and bus parking by Council. Reference ID(none)
Last updated: 10 March 2016 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2016) Kinka Wetlands Quarry Rehabilitation, WetlandInfo website, accessed 26 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/kinka-wetlands-quarry-rehabilitation-a7e8/ |