Goorganga wetland rehabilitationWebsite/ReportProject leadPartnershipsQueensland Wetlands Program
Whitsunday Regional Council WetlandCare Australia Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Queensland Government (DNRMW) Queensland Government (DPI&F) Canegrowers Proserpine Landholders IndustriesOther
ActivitiesOn-ground work, Planning
Case study typeQueensland Wetlands Program (QWP) management case study
Funding sourceAustralian Government
Funding amount(not documented)
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date(not documented)
End date(not documented)
SummaryThe Goorganga complex extends south from Proserpine in central coastal Queensland. It has a diversity of wetland ecosystems extending over an area of 16 850ha. The need for a coordinated approach to controlling feral pigs in the complex led to the creation of the Feral Pig Control Group. A control plan was developed to engage 13 landholders in a coordinated baiting program. Weed control trials were also undertaken to determine best methods for control.
BenefitsThe coordinated program reduced the impact of feral pigs on both biodiversity and production and has informed and involved landholders in the ecological management of Gorrganga complex.
LessonAt Goorganga, weed trials showed that the best way to control sicklepod, devil’s fig and urena burr was to use a combination of herbicide, fire and mechanical removal. Developing an appropriate fire regime is another key way of controlling riparian weeds.
Reference IDGoorganga wetland rehabilitation
Last updated: 16 May 2015 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2015) Goorganga wetland rehabilitation, WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/goorganga-wetland-rehabilitation-5ae1/ |