A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA)Search fields
Description and method logicMethod purposeThe purpose of DIWA is to present summary ecological and management information on Australia's important wetlands to assist in all levels of decision making.
SummaryA Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) is an inventory of important wetland sites. It aims to prevent further loss of important wetland habitat through better understanding of wetland values and location. It was developed by the Australian Government and each of the State and Territory governments. It was first published in 1993 with updated editions in 1996 and 2001. The database and site maps are on line.
Method logicTo be included in DIWA, a wetland must meet at least one of six criteria: biogeographic representativeness, important ecological or hydrological functions, provision of animal habitat during times of vulnerability or adverse conditions, support for more than 1% of national population of any taxa, support for any threatened taxa or communities; and historical or cultural significance.
Criteria groupings of the methodCriteria are based on the Ramsar criteria with adjustments for national rather than international importance and Australian conditions.
Representativeness is based on biogeographic regions. Data requiredDatabase fields include site location, area, wetland type, criteria for inclusion, site description, physical features, hydrological features, ecological features, significance, notable flora, notable fauna, social and cultural values, land tenure, current land use, disturbances or threats, conservation measures, management authority, compiler and date.
Resources requiredExpertise requiredA team with expertise in wetland ecology, database management and GIS mapping is required to collate and collect new data and assess new sites.
Materials requiredGIS, database, field survey equipment
Method outputsOutputs
Criteria by category
Physical and chemicalEconomicSocio-culturalSignificanceFloraFaunaReviewRecommended userMethod to intended to be used by assessors with eological, flora, GIS and analysis experience.
Wetland managers, policy makers, regulators, NRM groups and landholders would find the output information useful. Strengths
Case studiesCharacteristics of Important Wetlands in QueenslandBlackman, JG, Perry, TW, Ford, GI, Craven, SA, Gardiner, SJ & De Lai, RJ (1999), Characteristics of Important Wetlands in Queensland, Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane.
Last updated: 7 February 2019 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2019) A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA), WetlandInfo website, accessed 1 February 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/assessment-search-tool/a-directory-of-important-wetlands-in-australia-diwa/ |